
Chapter 1226

Chapter 1226
At dawn the next day, the gates of the water city opened, led by a large passenger ship with the flag of Prince Qinghe on board, Zhang An held a sign and shouted: "The family of Prince Qinghe is leaving the city!"

The leading general cupped his hands and said: "The government has an order to cancel all privileges of going out of the city, and they must be inspected."

Zhang An said angrily: "There are female relatives on board, do you want to search too?"

"Just take a look, don't search!"

The leading general waved his hand, several soldiers jumped on the boat to check, probed their heads to look, and vaguely saw a few dark shadows of female relatives, they didn't dare to search, so they had to turn around and say: "There is nothing unusual!"

"Let's go!"

The chief general gave an order, and the passenger ship sailed out of the city.
At the same time as the passenger ship sailed out of the city, Yushi Zhongcheng Wang Huan led several of his men to gallop into the city on horseback, towards Qin Hui's Xiangguo Mansion.

It was bright day, and the Qinghe Prince's Mansion found that the master was gone, and he was shocked. The first housekeeper Liu Tao stomped his feet anxiously. He suddenly thought of someone, and hurriedly brought several servants to the second housekeeper Li Huan's room.

After knocking on the door for a long time, no one answered, the butler kicked the door open, only to see Li Huan lying on the ground with his hands tied behind his back, his mouth was gagged, and he was so anxious that he went 'Woo!Woo! ' Shouted.

Outside the Ziwei Hall, Qin Hui brought Yushi Zhongcheng Wang Huan to the imperial study room. After a while, the eunuch came out and led them into the imperial study room.

In the imperial study room, Yan Xin and Xu Xiantu, the commanders of the internal guards in front of the palace, were reporting something to the emperor. The emperor Zhao Gou said to Yan Xinling with a dark face: "Immediately follow the canal to chase them. I will catch up!"

"The humble minister obeys the order!"

Yan Xin saluted and left, Qin Hui felt a little strange, how could Xu Xiantu be with him?
The inner guard army in front of the palace was established following the example of the Western Army. It mainly catches the spies of the Jin Kingdom and the Western Army, and is also responsible for monitoring the ministers. All control.

But the control of the inner guard has nothing to do with Xu Xiantu, why is he here?The emperor will not hand over the internal guards to Xu Xiantu's jurisdiction!
Qin Hui was thinking wildly, at this time Xu Xiantu persuaded again: "Your Majesty, since you want Zhang Jun's family members to leave, then let them go. Detaining them will cause distrust between the monarch and his ministers, and will worsen the situation. After all, Holding [-] troops!"

Qin Hui suddenly understood that the people the officials wanted to chase must be Zhang Jun's family members. Could it be that his family members have escaped?

Qin Hui felt anxious and couldn't help interjecting to ask: "Your Majesty, have Zhang Jun's family members escaped?"

Zhao Gou glanced at him and said, "At dawn today, a large passenger ship belonging to Zhang Jun sailed out of the city. According to the city gate army's report, there were Zhang Jun's family members inside."

"But why did the city gate army let them go?" Qin Hui was really dissatisfied.

Xu Xiantu was a little annoyed by Qin Hui's attitude, and said coldly: "Mr. Qin, the court has never stipulated that the family members of ministers must be hostages, and the city gate army doesn't know who can leave and who can't understand. This is not their responsibility. .”

Qin Hui also realized that he was a little anxious, and his tone and attitude were disrespectful to the emperor. He quickly said: "Mr. Xu, please calm down. There is really urgent information to report to the emperor, which concerns Zhang Jun."

When Zhao Gou saw Wang Huan, he frowned and said, "Did Wang Yushi discover anything?"

Wang Huan took a step forward and said: "Reporting to Your Majesty, I have just returned from Dangtu County and just entered the city. I dare not delay to report to Mr. Qin. The situation is very serious, completely beyond our imagination."

"How serious is the situation?" Zhao Gou asked.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the garrison in Dangtu County is actually the Western Army."


Xu Xiantu was a little dissatisfied and said: "Dangtu's garrison is the Zhang Jun Shatian Army. Zhang Jun raises the military expenses himself, but it is definitely not the Western Army!"

Qin Hui immediately said urgently: "Xu Xianggong, please let Wang Zhongcheng finish speaking, the situation is urgent, Wang Zhongcheng has evidence!"

Zhao Gou gave Xu Xiantu a wink, telling him not to object for the time being. Xu Xiantu remained silent. Qin Hui saw it, but felt very uncomfortable. Xu Xiantu and the emperor could actually communicate with each other with eyes. This kind of tacit understanding between monarchs and ministers has never happened before. No wonder Xu Xiantu always failed to bring him down. I am afraid that in the heart of the emperor, Xu Xiantu is much more important than himself.

Qin Hui sighed in his heart, and said to Wang Huan: "Continue to report to His Majesty!"

"Your Majesty, I stayed in Dangtu for five days and visited a large number of merchants and ports. I know that the tens of thousands of Western troops who seized Donghai Island before disembarked and rested in Dangtu County. They all lived with the local garrison. , Your Majesty, if it is the imperial army, will you allow the Western Army to disembark and rest for a whole day?"

Anger began to appear in Zhao Gou's eyes, he gritted his teeth and asked, "And then?"

"Then I continued to look for evidence from the humble position. Later I heard that the county magistrate was actually a civil servant of the Western Army. It was recommended by Zhang Jun. This situation is just a rumor and there is no evidence. In Jingzhao, his wife and daughter came to visit relatives from Jingzhao and lived in the inn where Weichen lived. The innkeeper told Weichen that Wang Qing's wife was quite complaining. Mu official house, their family is still a three-mu official house, and the cotton is a few catties less than others in winter, and one sheep is less, Your Majesty, this is not conclusive evidence!"


Zhao Gou couldn't hold back the anger in his heart anymore, he gritted his teeth and said, "What a Zhang Jun, I have treated him so kindly and made him the county king. I have tolerated how much land he has embezzled and how much military salary he has embezzled. If he still dares to collude with Chen Qing and betray me, does he think I'm so easy to bully?"

Qin Hui looked at Xu Xiantu triumphantly. He saw that Xu Xiantu was a little embarrassed, which made him feel very happy. He didn't say a word, and it was up to Xu Xiantu to justify his conclusion, "How could the Shaking Army be the Western Army?" '

Xu Xiantu was indeed a little embarrassed. He was full of words just now, but he didn't expect Zhang Jun to collude with Chen Qing so brazenly. It has been several years since Dangtu County expanded its port!Has it always been Chen Qing's foundation?
What Wang Huan said could not be made up, it is indeed conclusive evidence.

Xu Xiantu sighed and said to Zhao Gou: "It is really hateful for Zhang Jun to fail His Majesty so much, but I still want to persuade Your Majesty to calm down. Although Zhang Jun's actions have lost his principles, he still only communicated with Chen Qing in secret, and brought Chen Qing up. He is far from surrendering to Chen Qing by providing convenience for profit. After all, Chen Qing is also a minister of the Song Dynasty. There is no legal problem with Zhang Jun's private dealings with him. If His Majesty wants to severely punish Zhang Jun in anger, I'm afraid Instead, it will force him to Chen Qing's side, and even more dire consequences will occur."

"What more terrible consequences?" Zhao Gou asked angrily.

Xu Xiantu hesitated, and said cautiously: "Does your majesty still remember the change of Hou Jing in history?"

The change of Hou Jing was a famous event in the Southern and Northern Dynasties, which led to the demise of the Liang Dynasty. Hou Jing was originally a warlord of the Eastern Wei Dynasty and ruled Henan. He was dissatisfied with the new emperor Gao Cheng of the Eastern Wei Dynasty and turned to the Liang Dynasty.

Because of Hou Jing's surrender, war broke out between the Liang Dynasty and the Eastern Wei Dynasty. As a result, the Liang army was defeated and the leader Xiao Yuanming was captured. Xiao Yuanming was a nobleman of the Liang Dynasty. Exchange Hou Jing for Xiao Yuanming.

Emperor Liang Wu foolishly agreed to hand over Hou Jing to the Eastern Wei Dynasty. Hou Jing suddenly became furious and led an army of [-] to attack the Liang Dynasty, killing the gentry in the south of the Yangtze River. The people of Jiankang, the capital city, were almost slaughtered, countless women were turned into military rations, and the Liang Dynasty perished.

Xu Xiantu's comparison of Zhao Gou to Emperor Wu of Liang was a bit inappropriate, but his meaning was very clear. Zhang Jun had an army of [-] troops. If Zhang Jun was pushed into a hurry, if he rebelled and went to the south of the Yangtze River, the Song Dynasty might be wiped out. disaster, or even perish.

Zhao Gou seemed to be woken up by a stick. He sat down slowly. After a long time, he waved his hands and said, "You all step back! I need to calm down and think about it."

Qin Hui wanted to comfort the emperor that Zhang Jun's army might not follow him to rebel, but Zhao Gou was not in the mood to listen to any explanation at this time, so he had to retreat angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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