
Chapter 1227 Compromise

Chapter 1227 Compromise
On the canal, a large passenger ship was slowly heading north. Zhang Anqi and a group of his men followed on horseback on the bank, turning their heads to look south from time to time.

His deputy was Dong Shun, a warrior leader, who followed Zhang An to Lin'an with a dozen warriors.

"Uncle An, in fact, we can rescue the old lady and his wife and son, why should we ask the Western Army for help?" Dong Shun asked really puzzled.

Zhang An glared at him, and seeing that everyone was looking at him, he said slowly: "The commander-in-chief is leaving a way out for himself, do you understand?"

Only then did everyone suddenly realize that they were no longer in doubt.

At this time, the sound of horseshoes came from behind, and a warrior shouted, "The pursuers are coming!"

Looking back, Zhang An saw hundreds of cavalry chasing after them, and Zhang An was waiting for them!He immediately ordered: "Retreat!"

He led his men and galloped on the horse, and gradually ran away. After a while, hundreds of cavalry rushed to the passenger ship, and Yan Xin shouted: "Dock! Dock!"

The large passenger ship slowly docked, Yan Xin shouted sharply: "Go and search!"

Dozens of soldiers jumped onto the boat to search, and after a while, the soldiers reported, "Qi Dutong, there is no one in the boat!"

Yan Xin was furious, jumped into the boat and grabbed the boatman by the neck, and asked viciously, "Where are the family members on the boat?"

The boatman was frightened and said tremblingly: "Not long after leaving the city, they went ashore. There are old people, young people, and female relatives. There are seven or eight people."

Yan Xin suddenly realized that he had already escaped with the golden cicada's trick, and he chased him for a long time, and he was fooled.

He kicked the boatman into the water hard and shouted, "Kill me too!"

There is a relatively deep alley near the third bridge, and the innermost one is a single courtyard covering an area of ​​two acres, which is very clean, backed by a small river, and has a small pier.

Zhang An deceived Yan Xin with a set of tricks that made it difficult to distinguish the truth from the truth, making the court think that Zhang Jun's family members had fled out of the city.

In fact, Zhang Jun's family members were still in the city, and Hu Yun placed them in this single courtyard. After a few days, after the limelight passed, Hu Yun sent someone to send them to Huaixi.

At this time, Zhang An hurried back again. Of course, he could not completely hand over the lord's family to the Western Army. He greeted the old lady and his wife.

Zhang Jun's family members knew Zhang An very well, and they immediately felt at ease. The old lady asked, "What happened to make us escape in the middle of the night?"

Zhang An hurriedly said: "Reporting to the old lady, someone slandered the officials, saying that the master is going to rebel. The officials listened to the slander and began to investigate the master. The master was afraid that they would put his family in prison, so he transferred everyone overnight."

The old lady sighed and said: "I told him long ago that too much military power is not a good thing. If he doesn't listen, now the consequences will come."

"Madam, don't worry, the master will let go, and everything will be fine."

"Zhang An, when are we leaving the city?" Mrs. Zhang asked next to her.

"Reporting to Madam, in a few days, when the limelight passes, we will go out of the city in a bullock cart, and then go north by boat outside the city."

Two days later, Emperor Zhao Gou ordered Zhang Jun to go to Beijing to report on his duties, but Zhang Jun declined on the grounds that bandits were rampant.

In desperation, Zhao Gou ordered Zhizhengtang to summon Hu Yun, the special envoy of King Yong, to discuss matters in Dangtu County.

Early in the morning, Hu Yun came to the Zhizheng Hall. At present, in addition to Qin Hui and Zhu Shengfei who are the right and left ministers, there are also two deputy ministers in the Zhizheng Hall. One is Wan Qixie who was promoted to be a political advisor last year, and the other was also promoted last year. Huang Guinian, a political adviser, and Xu Xiantu, a privy secretary, made a total of five prime ministers.

Qin Hui personally negotiated with Hu Yun. Qin Hui put a stack of evidence in front of Hu Yun, and said dissatisfiedly: "Dangtu is actually controlled by the Western Army, and Feng Qianming, the magistrate of Dangtu County, is also a civilian officer of the Western Army. The evidence is convincing, Special Envoy Hu cannot deny it! "

Hu Yun said with a faint smile: "Dangtu County was originally a small and desolate county. The Western Army invested a lot of property to transform it. Now it is gradually prosperous. The court does not thank us for our hard work, but instead blames us. It is chilling!"

Qin Hui said angrily: "Dangtu County is the land of the imperial court. You occupied the separatist regime without the imperial court's permission and even stationed troops. Do you want the imperial court to thank you?"

"Qin Xiangguo, the plaque on Jingzhaoyong's Palace says Great Song Yongwang's Mansion, and there is another sign next to it, 'Great Song Chuanshan Xuanfu Envoy'. We are also officials of the Song Dynasty, why can't we use the land of the Great Song Dynasty? ? If Qin Xiangguo doesn’t allow us to use Dangtu County, then we don’t have to carry the false name of Song Dynasty.”


Qin Hui was so stunned that he couldn't say a word.

Zhu Shengfei smoothed things over and said, "Special Envoy Hu misunderstood. Qin Xiangguo didn't mean that you would not be allowed to use it, but just asked you to discuss it with the court first. After all, Dangtu County is not Sichuan-Shaanxi, and it is not within the jurisdiction of the Sichuan-Shanxi Xuanfu Envoy. When you plant vegetables in other people's gardens, you also need to say hello to the owner, didn't Special Envoy Hu say?"

Hu Yun laughed and said, "I can understand what Zhu Xiangguo said. What's the attitude of the emperor? Is he allowing us to continue using it, or is he planning to drive us out of the dangtu?"

Qin Hui held back his breath and said, "The officials said that King Yong was able to rescue and release [-] soldiers, and he didn't make any excessive demands, so the officials allow you to continue to use Dangtu County as a place to stop for supplies, but there is a The condition is that troops are not allowed to be stationed, and they are not allowed to be used for military purposes. If you can agree to this, then you can continue to use it, that is to say, the [-] troops must be withdrawn."

Hu Yun also became serious, he pondered for a moment and said: "What I need to explain is that the [-] garrison is mainly to protect the safety of the warehouse and the fleet, and has no other purpose. If there is no army, our fleet and fleet will There is no security in transit warehouses, so a proper army has to be there, it's just that we can reduce the numbers."

"That can't exceed five hundred people at most!"

"Five hundred people are a little less, one thousand soldiers, and then you will be appointed as Tu magistrate."

The bottom line of the emperor Zhao Gou is [-] soldiers, and then he pays [-] guan in rent every year, without considering the appointment of officials.

Qin Hui thought for a while and said, "I'll go and ask the official for instructions. If the official agrees, then there is no problem."

"Okay! I'll wait for Mr. Qin's reply."

Qin Hui hurried to the imperial study and reported the result of the negotiation with Hu Yun to Emperor Zhao Gou.

Zhao Gou hasn't thought about what to do about Zhang Jun's problem?
But on the issue of Dangtu County, Zhao Gou's thinking was very clear. He couldn't afford to offend the Western Army for the time being, so Zhao Gou could only choose to compromise, allowing Chen Qing to be used for commercial purposes and large ships to dock for supplies, but he was never allowed to use it for military use.

Zhao Gou pondered for a moment, "[-] garrisons can be agreed, but not cavalry; secondly, the number of warships used by the army cannot exceed fifty, and the maximum can not exceed one thousand stone; thirdly, the magistrate of Dangtu County shall be appointed by us; fourthly, Sign a leasing agreement, the other party leases Dangtu Port, and only needs to pay the annual lease fee; fifth, what they lease is the port, and the county has nothing to do with them, and my requirements are just these five points."

"Wei Chen knows, let's discuss with the other party."

On behalf of King Yong, Hu Yun finally reached an agreement with the other party's Zhengshitang. This is also the power given to Hu Yun by Chen Qing. First, to keep Dangtu Port. Second, the garrison must not be less than [-] people. All other details are decided by Hu Yun.

In addition to not allowing the imperial court to station troops in Dangtu County, Hu Yun agreed to several other conditions. As an additional condition, Zhao Gou also agreed to exempt the passenger ships and merchant ships of Yongwang Pavilion from inspection, and they can enter and leave Lin'an City normally.

With this provision, Zhang Jun's family members can take Hu Yun's boat and leave Lin'an smoothly.

The two parties signed an agreement on the same day. The Western Army agreed to reduce the garrison to [-] people, and agreed to give up the county magistrate. The court agreed that the Western Army continued to use Dangtu County.

In fact, there has been no change. One thousand troops in Dangtu County is enough. If there are any special missions, just temporarily increase the troops.

As for the magistrate, whoever is the magistrate is the same thing, and they will all be won over by the Western Army.

The only change is that the Western Army has since legalized the use of Dangtu County, and no longer needs to give Zhang Jun [-] barrels of kerosene every year.

[There are still two chapters in a few years, and I will work hard for three chapters tomorrow. 】

(End of this chapter)

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