
Chapter 1228 Harvest

Chapter 1228 Harvest
Time flies to the hottest time of summer, which is the middle of July, and it has been almost three months since Chen Qing came back from Shandong Road.

This time the Shandong Road was seized, the war dividends were extremely rich, and the war dividends were distributed according to the prior agreement. The temple treasury of the Internal Affairs Hall was allocated [-] million yuan, which was enough to make up for the ten-year fiscal revenue and expenditure gap, and greatly eased financial tension.

Moreover, Shandong Road has a large population. Even if the land tax and household tax were exempted for two years, the annual income of more than two million yuan can be obtained from the salt and tea tax.

It was also for this reason that the Internal Affairs Hall approved Chen Qing's plan, and the Western Army expanded by another [-] troops, bringing their total strength to [-].

This morning, Chen Qing took all the counselors from the Internal Affairs Hall and dozens of officials to the outside of the West City. Outside the West City, there was an official field covering hundreds of acres, which was designated by Chen Qing as an experimental field for growing corn and pumpkins.

Today is the corn harvest day, and Chen Qing specially brought the officials to inspect it.

There are not many corns, only more than [-] mu are planted, mainly because the seeds are not enough, but there are a lot of pumpkin seeds, and [-] mu are planted.

"I told you before that corn and pumpkins are our trump cards to solve the famine. With these two things, our population will not be unable to support our population."

While speaking, Chen Qing led the crowd to the corn field, and saw the lush corn growing like a green gauze tent. Hundreds of soldiers were breaking corn cobs in the field, and they came out with piles of corn from time to time. There were dozens of large bamboo baskets filled with corn, obviously the number of bamboo baskets was not enough.

"Just to ask!"

Chen Qing stopped a soldier, and the soldier quickly stepped forward to salute, "See Your Highness!"

Chen Qing asked with a smile: "How many corns have grown on one stalk?"

"Reporting to Your Highness, most of them have two knots, but there are also one knots, and the number is very small."

"Are there any with three knots?"

"I don't know if others have a humble job, but I have never encountered a humble job."

"I see, let's go!"

The soldiers saluted and left. Chen Qing took a few corns and handed them to everyone, "Let's take a look! This is our important food in the future. It used to be called corn, but I call it corn. The yield of corn in dry fields is about [-] catties per mu."

The crowd suddenly exclaimed, one must know that the yield of rice is only six to seven hundred catties, and the annual yield of two-season rice is about [-] catties per mu. That is still fertile paddy fields in the south of the Yangtze River. It's only five hundred catties, and it's still two years and three crops. The corn can yield two thousand catties per mu, so why don't everyone marvel.

Jiang Yanxian excitedly said: "In this case, we need to hurry up and promote it!"

Chen Qing said with a smile: "I can't rush this. Next year, it will be expanded to about [-] mu, and the year after that will be [-] mu. It can be promoted in Guanzhong in the year after that. I estimate that it can be promoted in the entire northern region in five years. The hemp land is freed up to grow corn."

"Your Highness, what about the pumpkin?" Zhou Kuan asked.

"Pumpkins are planted in front of and behind houses. The biggest advantage is that they don't take up land. Let's take a look."

Everyone followed Chen Qing. At this moment, Zhou Kuan suddenly found dozens of soldiers sitting on the ground gnawing corn stalks. He was surprised: "Can this kind of stalks still be eaten?"

Chen Qing picked up a corn stalk and said with a smile: "This corn stalk is a bit like sugar cane, it is slightly sweet, it can be eaten, and it can also be used to squeeze sugar, but I suggest it be used as green fodder to feed cows, horses, mules and donkeys. A camel is a good thing."

Everyone came to the pumpkin field. The pumpkin field has hundreds of acres, just like growing watermelons. The ground is covered with climbing vines, all covered by leaves, but you can still see countless pumpkins, which are not yet mature and the size of a football. .

"Your Highness, is this also food?" Lu Qingshan asked curiously.

"In fact, it is the same as beans, it can be considered food, but it can also be used as food. Young pumpkins can be eaten as vegetables, and even pumpkin leaves can be used as vegetables. Old pumpkins can be used as porridge, steamed and eaten. It can indeed be used as food, and It is very sweet and glutinous, suitable for all ages, and can even be dried and collected to be eaten in times of famine."

"Excuse me, Your Highness, how many pumpkins are produced per mu?" an official asked.

Chen Qing smiled and shook his head, "I haven't calculated it, and I don't know, but the biggest advantage of pumpkins is that they don't take up land. As I said just now, they can be planted in front of or behind the house, or in the yard. They can climb on the roof. It can also be grown in the county town, every household has dozens of large pumpkins, and there will be food for breakfast, pumpkin porridge, pumpkin cakes, pumpkin cakes, everyone can imagine."

The eyes of all the officials showed anticipation. Compared with corn, they were obviously more interested in pumpkins. Chen Qing said with a smile: "During the Chinese New Year this year, it is estimated that each official can divide half a pumpkin, which will not affect the collection of seeds. Everyone go back and try it." Once you taste it, this is a species brought back from overseas, which is not available in Song Dynasty."

When Chen Qing returned to the mansion in the afternoon, he unexpectedly found that his whole family was also harvesting corn. Everyone was wearing short linen jackets, hats, leather shoes on their feet, and gloves on their hands, including the eldest son Chen Ji. The wives, concubines, and children are all busy, except for Zhao Yingluo, who is seven months pregnant and is helping out with her big belly.

The corn field is on the north shore of the lake, covering an area of ​​two acres, and it grows lush and green. Yao Mei came out with two young ladies holding the corn. Xue Er jumped up happily, "Daddy is back!"

The two little ladies also threw away the corn, and rushed towards their father with open arms. Chen Qing knelt down, hugged the two daughters, and said with a smile, "How much corn did you collect?"

"I took twelve, Bing'er took eleven, and I got one more than her." Xue'er looked smug.

"Not at all!"

Bing'er blushed and said: "I also took twelve, she counted wrong."

Chen Qing pointed to the corn on the ground, and said with a smile: "Both babies are very capable, and they are the best today. Daddy likes it. Hurry up and pick up the corn you left behind, and put it in the basket."

The two little ladies were delighted to receive the praise, and hurried to pick up the corn on the ground and ran to the basket.

At this time, Princess Lu Xiu came over, Yao Mei ran to inform her that the master was back, her face was covered with sweat, the weather was too hot.

"Why did you think of harvesting corn today?" Chen Qing asked with a smile as he handed the towel to his wife.

Embarrassed, Lu Xiu took the towel and wiped the sweat off her face, and said with a smile, "Didn't my husband say last night that corn is going to be harvested outside the city today? The two acres of corn in our family is already ripe, so let's harvest together today. Let's play together!"

"Two acres of land is still a lot!"

"Actually, it's the female guards and maids who charge more. We're just making up the numbers. By the way, I need my husband's help with something!"

Chen Qing smiled slightly and said, "What is it, tell me!"

Lu Xiu whispered: "My master wants to go back to his hometown, Jinan Prefecture!"

Chen Qing was taken aback, "She is so old, she wants to go back and settle down?"

"I don't want to settle down, but I just want to go back and visit, visit my parents' graves, and then come back."

Chen Qing said with a smile: "You are serious. I thought she was going back to her hometown to settle down. I just went home to have a look. If there is no problem, I will go back by boat. Immediately, the Supervision Department will send someone to Shandong Road, and I will take the Wanshi ship. Just take your father along with two maidservants, there will be an army to escort them, there will be no problem."

"Then I don't worry, I'm afraid that she will be hard on the road and won't be able to hold on."

At this time, Housekeeper Wen came over in a hurry and said, "Your Highness, there is news from the front that King Neiwei is asking to see him, and there is something important to do!"

Chen Qing nodded, "I'll go and have a look!"

He got into a buggy and went to the front yard again, walked into the living room, Wang Hao and Zhong Huan stepped forward to salute, "See Your Highness!"

Chen Qing waved his hand, "What's important?"

Wang Hao took a flat box and opened it, "Please look at this, Your Highness!"

Chen Qing stepped forward to take a closer look, and his expression changed drastically, "Where did this come from?"

(End of this chapter)

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