
Chapter 1229

Chapter 1229
In the flat wooden box in front of Chen Qing, there are two identical tickets. The so-called ticket is a fixed-amount money ticket issued by the counter. Each ticket has a secret seal, which is the password. The counter will not recognize the ticket. People, as long as the tickets face each other and the secret seal is correct, they can be exchanged for copper coins. There are five denominations of one hundred guan, five hundred guan, one thousand guan, five thousand guan, and ten thousand guan.

The ticket in front of Chen Qing is a [-]-column banknote. The problem is that their numbers are all the same, regardless of the paper quality, workmanship, and printing. It is a high-quality imitation.

Someone started counterfeiting ticket production, which is a big deal, Chen Qing quickly asked: "Where did you issue it? And where did you find it?"

"It was issued in Xiangyang, and it was discovered in Jingzhao. It was a Lin'an businessman who exchanged [-] guan in Xiangyang. Xiangyang gave him five bills. The other four were fine, but there was a problem with the fifth one." , another one like it has already been exchanged, and this afternoon, the No. [-] counter shop found this counter ticket and came to us immediately."

"Which one is true and which one is false?"

"It should be that the one that has been exchanged is fake, but the one that the businessman brought today is real. He has five consecutive numbers, and the identity of the businessman, family members, etc. are all clear, so it is unlikely to be fake."

"Aren't there all Indian secrets?"

"Indian secret is five numbers, that's right."

Chen Qing pondered for a moment. The case should be relatively simple. Either the businessman leaked it, or there was an insider in the cabinet. Although he lost [-] yuan, the matter itself was very bad.

"When did the exchange of money happen?"

"yesterday morning!"

Chen Qing immediately ordered: "This is the biggest case of this year. General Zhong is in charge of the investigation and organizes capable men to investigate the case, investigate the people behind the scenes, and recover [-] yuan. Tickets suspended!"

"Follow the order!"

After a pause, Chen Qing said again: "Notify the cabinet shop that the merchant's [-] guan money must be paid normally, but the inner guards will send someone to monitor him and not allow him to escape."

Wang Hao and Zhong Huan agreed and left in a hurry.

Chen Qing was a little annoyed. The issuance of tickets by the cabinet workshop was the basis for them to prepare to issue Jiaozi next year, but something happened at this critical moment. This case seemed isolated, but his intuition told him that someone had been watching the cabinet workshop for a long time.

Inside the carriage, Wang Hao asked Zhong Huan, "Where do you plan to start this case?"

"Beizhi considers to start from two aspects. The first is to investigate the leakage of the secret seal, and the second is to investigate the whereabouts of [-] yuan. Therefore, we plan to set up two teams. Qiu Qing is responsible for investigating the leakage of the secret seal, and Wang Zhi is responsible for investigating the whereabouts of [-] yuan The whereabouts of the money."

"Yes! But I suggest you prepare more soldiers. In the end, I'm afraid it will be a fierce battle."

"The meaning of control, maybe this was done by the Jin Dynasty or the Song Dynasty?"

Wang Hao said slowly: "It's very possible, maybe it was Zhang Jun's doing. After all, it was the bill issued by Xiangyang, and it is too close to Zhang Jun's territory."

Ticket making is a new thing launched this year. Once it is accepted, small-amount jiaozi will be launched. Issuing jiaozi has always been the focus of Chen Qing's consideration. The idea was proposed the year before last, but it was unanimously rejected by the internal affairs hall. It's very simple. After the troubled times of Jingkang, the millions of Guanjiaozi and Huizi issued in the Northern Song Dynasty were basically invalidated.

The people holding a large number of Jiaozi suffered serious losses. The people's face changed when they talked about paper, and no one accepted the currency made of paper.

Another problem is that during the Xuanhe period, the Xuanfu envoy of Sichuan Road also issued Jiaozi, and there are still more than one million Guans that have not been cashed. If the current Xuanfu envoy issues Jiaozi, then the Jiaozi issued before Do you recognize it?

Of course, the Neizhengtang did not want to wipe the ass of the former Xuanfu envoy, so it has always been firmly opposed to Chen Qing's issuance of Jiaozi.

Now there is a more serious problem, counterfeiting, the [-]-percent ticket has been imitated, and the five-percent and ten-percent Jiaozi will be flooded with fakes.

It can be said that the sudden incident of fraud has seriously affected Chen Qing's Jiaozi plan. If it is not handled properly, his Jiaozi plan will fail again.

Chen Qing attached great importance to this case, and his subordinates worked very hard.

In the early morning of the next day, Zhong Huan and his command envoy Qiu Qing found the businessman in question in the first cabinet. The businessman's name was Yu Hong, from Bianliang. One, it is also one of the best in Lin'an, and now the Yu family also wants to open a store in Jingzhao Land. This time, the Yu family also transferred the money to Xiangyang through Hu Yun's relationship, and then made [-] bills in the Xiangyang cabinet workshop. Come to Jingzhao to withdraw money.

This is very convenient, but something went wrong, which really made Yu Hong extremely frustrated, ah!He didn't sleep all night.

But the counter shop found him early in the morning and agreed to exchange it for him first. Yu Hong was overjoyed and rushed to the counter shop to go through the formalities.

Yu Hong had just withdrawn the money and deposited it in the counter, the [-] yuan had been turned into a counter ticket, and there was also a piece of jade pendant for withdrawing the money, which he could take away at any time, so Yu Hong finally felt relieved.

At this time, the shopkeeper of the cabinet took him into a living room, and saw two men in military uniforms sitting inside, a scribe in charge of recording beside them, and five or six soldiers standing behind them.

The shopkeeper of the cabinet introduced him: "This is General Zhong, the commander of the inner guard, and next to him is General Qiu, the commander of the inner guard!"

Hearing that he was a well-known internal guard general, Yu Hong's heart that had just been let go suddenly became nervous again, and he quickly saluted.

Chong Huan waved his hand very politely and said, "Master Yu, please sit down!"

Yu Hong sat down across from them nervously. Zhong Huan glanced at the scribe who was in charge of recording and saw that he was ready, so he said slowly, "Dongzhu Yu's ticket has been exchanged!"

"Already redeemed, just redeemed!"

"This was specially approved by the king of Yong. Normally, the approval will only be approved after the investigation of the case is completed, but the king of Yong is worried that Yu Dongzhu needs money urgently, so he specially approved it."

"Ah! Thank you so much His Royal Highness King Yong. I really need money urgently. I'm going to buy land in the west of the city this afternoon."

Zhong Huan nodded, "Although His Royal Highness King Yong has specially approved you to buy the land, we still have to do business. Please cooperate with us in investigating the case."

"I will definitely cooperate with all my strength!"

Chong Huan and Qiu Qing exchanged glances, and Qiu Qing began to ask: "The ticket was issued by Dongzhu Yu in Xiangyang Chuanshan Cabinet Workshop, isn't that right?"

"Yes! I handed over [-] guan to Chuanshaan Cabinet, and also [-] guan to the cabinet. They gave me five tickets."

"Then from the Xiangyang cabinet workshop to the Jingzhao cabinet workshop, did you show your ticket to anyone, or did you reveal the secret seal while drinking?"

Yu Hong shook his head hastily, "I never drink alcohol, and I know the truth of not revealing my wealth. I put these five tickets in a brocade bag, and my wife kept them close to me, and never took them out."

"Are you sure you've never shown it to anyone other than yourself and your wife?"

Yu Hong hesitated for a moment, and Qiu Qing immediately grasped his hesitation, "It seems that you have shown it to others, right?"

"It's not for outsiders to see. When I went through the formalities at the cabinet shop in Xiangyang, I went with my brother-in-law. When the shopkeeper of the cabinet shop was handed over to me, my brother-in-law was also there. He just took a look. He just returned it to me, and he didn't know the secret seal, I wrote it on paper and handed it to the counter shop, and I wrote five seven characters at that time."

"Why did you choose five seven characters?" Qiu Qing asked.

Yu Hong scratched his head and said, "Because my secret seal in Baoji Cabinet Workshop is also five seven characters, I am afraid that I will forget, so I am usually used to writing five sevens."

"Does your wife know the secret seal?"

"She knows, I told her."

"Then does your brother-in-law know?"

"This. You probably don't know!"


Qiu Qing sneered and said, "Are you sure your wife won't tell him?"

"I don't know, he left yesterday and asked to go back to Lin'an to look at the store. I was also a little worried, so I sent him back to Lin'an to take care of the goods."

Qiu Qing asked Yu Hong to leave first, and Zhong Huan immediately ordered: "His brother-in-law is the number one suspect, immediately go to Lantian Pass or Wuguan to intercept him."

(End of this chapter)

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