
Chapter 1230 Suspicion

Chapter 1230 Suspicion
Yu Hong's brother-in-law is an important clue, and the [-] guan money that was taken away is also an important clue, even more important.

The other investigation team of the inner guard is under the command of the commander Wang Zhi. He is responsible for finding the whereabouts of the ten thousand copper coins. The ten thousand coins are about [-] catties. At least two thousand-stone ships are needed to carry them, or twenty ox carts. Twenty ox carts were used to withdraw [-] yuan this time.

The clerk in charge of moving the money in the cabinet recalled that he was a middle-aged man who looked like a businessman, and the twenty ox carts were all the same, even the driver's clothes were the same color, black and red.

This immediately made Wang Zhi think of the mule and horse shop, only the carts rented out by the mule and horse shop are the same, and the driver's clothes are also the same.

Wang Zhi led his men down to the Liujun Mule and Horse Co., which is not far from the cabinet shop, only two miles away, and the drivers of the mule and horse shop happened to be dressed in black and red.

The steward of the Mule and Horse Company took out a notebook and flipped through two pages: "The day before yesterday I rented out a batch of ox carts, twenty of them, before dawn."

Wang Zhi was overjoyed, he had an idea so soon, he quickly asked: "Is there a coachman from that time in the shop?"

The steward waved to a coachman, "Daniu, come here!"

A well-built young man came over, saluted and said, "The manager is looking for me?"

The steward pointed at Wang Zhi, "This military master wants to ask you two questions."

Wang Zhi smiled and asked, "The morning before yesterday, did you go to the Sichuan-Shaanxi cabinet workshop with twenty bullock carts to withdraw money?"

"That's right!"

"Where did you send the money?"

"Send it to the Caohe River outside Nancheng. There are two big boats moored on the bank. Let's help carry the money onto the boat. The money is packed in boxes, which are very heavy!"

Wang Zhi's heart also became heavy, and it would be difficult to find out if it was transported on a ship. No wonder the other party dared to rent twenty ox carts to move money in a big way. clue.

"Did they say where the ships were going?"

Daniu shook his head, "They didn't say a word from the beginning to the end, just like a group of dumb people, including the businessman who took the money, didn't say a word, the boat went south, and we didn't know where we were going?"

Wang Zhi asked the steward again, "Who rented the carriage!"

The steward looked at the records and said: "A man named Wang Ping paid [-] cents to rent a car for half a day. I don't care where he lives. As long as he pays, he doesn't change the driver, and we don't ask about anything else."

"You should know where the accent is!"

"It's the accent of Jingzhao Mansion. She is young, in her twenties."

Wang Zhi was really disappointed in his heart, the other party was really watertight, and he couldn't find any clues in the link of transportation.

Lantian Pass, this is an important pass from Guanzhong to Shangzhou, and it is also the only way from Guanzhong to Xiangyang. At dawn, there are many merchants and passers-by waiting to pass the pass. On the top of the city, Qiu Qing pays attention to the passers-by below the city. , beside him was a young man, the man of the proprietor Yu Hong, who followed the inner guard and rode all the way to intercept Yu Hong's brother-in-law. The inner guard did not know him, but this man was familiar with him.

"No?" Qiu Qing asked.

The man shook his head, "He's actually very recognizable. He's very thin and tall, like a bamboo pole. He can be easily recognized from a distance. Moreover, he likes to wear brightly colored robes, which makes him more conspicuous."

Qiu Qing reckoned that he was still a step late. Since the other party was riding a horse, he must have passed the pass yesterday. He immediately ordered: "Go to Wuguan!"

He turned around and was about to leave when the waiter suddenly said, "Wait a minute!"

Qiu Qing turned around abruptly, and the assistant pointed to a man on horseback running in the distance and said, "That seems to be it!"

Qiu Qing hurriedly took a closer look, and saw the rider gradually approaching in the distance. It turned out to be a very thin and tall man, really like a bamboo pole, wearing a yellow and red robe, which looked very conspicuous.

Qiu Qing immediately gave an order to his opponent: "Catch this person as soon as you enter the customs!"

The tall, thin man on the horse is the brother-in-law of businessman Yu Hong, named Cao Guo. Income is higher than that of a senior manager.

Cao Guo has no ability, his eyes are high and his hands are low, and his role is not as good as that of a buddy, but his income is ten times that of a buddy. It really makes everyone dissatisfied, and no one likes him.

At this time, the gates of the city were opened, and merchants and roads began to pass through the customs in an orderly manner. There were no inspections and tax inspections at the pass, and the traffic was unimpeded, which was very convenient for merchants.

As soon as Cao Guo passed the pass, a large net was suddenly thrown over his head, covering him in an instant. Before he could yell out, the soldiers dragged him from his horse and knocked him to the ground.

The people around didn't know what happened, so they moved away in fright, "Who are you? Help! There are bandits!" Cao Guo shouted in fright.

The soldier slapped him twice, then gagged his mouth with a rag, covered his eyes, and took him to the barracks not far away, as well as his salute and two boxes.

At this time, a soldier said to Qiu Qing: "General Qi, there are actually two hundred taels of silver in this Cao Guo box, ten taels per ingot, a total of twenty ingots."

Qiu Qing nodded, "I'll interrogate him!"

He asked Yu Hong before, and Yu Hong gave him ten taels of silver as an interrogation. Where did the two hundred taels of silver come from now?The suspicion of this Cao Guo is even bigger.

Not long after, Cao Guo was pushed up, his hands were tied behind his back, and he was pressed to sit on a small stool. The blindfold was removed, and the rags from his mouth were also ripped off. The big man in the middle of the table sat a general in military uniform.

"We are internal guards, and we were ordered to investigate the case. Are you Cao Guo?"

When Cao Guo heard that it was the inner guard, he lowered his head in fright and said guiltily, "The villain is right!"

"A ticket made by your brother-in-law Yu Hong was forged, did you know about it?"

Cao Guo nodded, "I know, the villain was right there at the time."

As soon as Qiu Qing waved, the soldier handed over the leather box, Qiu Qing opened the leather box, and inside was twenty ingots and ten taels of silver.

"Who gave you the two hundred taels of silver, tell me!"

Cao Guo was so frightened that his whole body trembled, and he stammered: "This is... this is given to me by my brother-in-law."

"Hmph! Your brother-in-law told me that he only gave you a total of ten taels of silver as an interrogation. Your sister also said that he didn't give you a penny. So where did the money come from?"

"This is... This is the money I won from gambling in the casino."

Qiu Qing walked up to him, lightly pinched his shoulder, and Cao Guo screamed in pain.

"I haven't tried hard yet! It hurts like this. I'll give you one last chance. Who gave you the money?"

"My money is none of your business!"

Qiu Qing began to exert force with his fingers, and Cao Guo immediately felt the pain go to the marrow of his bones, screaming loudly, and suddenly there was a 'click', and his upper arm bone was crushed abruptly.


Cao Guo fell to the ground and curled up into a ball, screaming.

Qiu Qing stepped on Cao Guo's right ankle with a leather boot, and gradually increased the pressure. Cao Guo convulsed in pain and couldn't take it anymore, and shouted: "It was given to me by Mr. Ma."

Qiu Qing relaxed her feet a little, and said coldly: "Speak!"

Cao Guo burst into tears, "I'm sorry brother-in-law, I caused him harm, I told Mr. Ma his ticket number and secret seal!"

"Start from the beginning!"

(End of this chapter)

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