
Chapter 1231 Accident

Chapter 1231 Accident
Cao Guo was born in a merchant family and was the only son. He had two older sisters. He was spoiled and pampered since he was a child. The money in the family can make him live well. However, the Jingkang Rebellion destroyed his family's business, and his father also Died in Bianliang, his mother took him and fled to Lin'an, living on a few hundred taels of silver. Fortunately, his brother-in-law Yu Hong often helped them.

His mother couldn't control Cao Guo, he was idle and lazy all day long, his mother died of illness three years ago, and he followed his brother-in-law Yu Hong to do business, Yu Hong treated him well and gave him thirty guan a month, but the money was too much. He has developed a bad habit of eating, drinking, whoring and gambling.

Before coming to Jingzhao, Cao Guo had already owed a lot of debts and mortgaged his house to others. His house was worth several thousand guan, but he only owed [-] guan in debt. Of course Cao Guo quit. After paying off the debts and redeeming the house, he tried every means to make money along the way.

"It was already evening when we came to Xiangyang. My brother-in-law asked me to check the situation of the cabinet workshop. I found that the cabinet workshop was closed. I knew a man at the gate of the cabinet workshop. He told me that it was too bad to exchange money to the cabinet workshop. The taels of silver are only exchanged for five guan coins, if it is exchanged to him, he can give an extra guan of money, and the five hundred taels of silver will earn an extra [-] guan of money, I think this is an opportunity to make money."

"and then?"

"Then Yaren saw that I was a little tempted, so he took me to see Mr. Ma. It is said that he is in Xiangyang who specializes in the black market of silver exchange. I gave him the fifty taels of silver on my body, and Mr. Ma happily gave me three One hundred pennies, I made fifty pennies as soon as it changed hands.

Then I went back and told my brother-in-law that I exchanged fifty taels of silver at the cabinet shop, two hundred and fifty guan, and I knew that my brother-in-law had a thousand taels of silver with him, so I asked him to give it all to me, and I went to exchange it into Sichuan-Shaanxi money. But the brother-in-law quit, saying that it was too troublesome to carry money, and it was more convenient to carry silver. "

"But it has nothing to do with fifty thousand coins!"

"It didn't matter at the time. The [-] guan coins were shipped directly to the cabinet without passing through us. Later, it mattered."

"go on!"

"I went to find Mr. Ma again at night, and said there was no other way. My brother-in-law refused to exchange it, so I told him not to prepare any money. When Mr. Ma heard that my brother-in-law wanted to deposit [-] yuan, he told me that there was another way To make money, he asked me to find a way to get the number and seal of the ticket, and he gave me [-]% of the benefits.

At that time, I accompanied my brother-in-law to make tickets, so I memorized a set of numbers, and then I heard my sister complain about my brother-in-law, saying that his secret seal is always the same, so I knew it, his secret seal must be five sevens, I have withdrawn money for him at Baoji Cabinet, and he has always used five sevens as a secret seal. "

"So you told Mr. Ma!"

"Yes! He said that there is a loophole in this kind of ticket making. After we withdraw the money in Jingzhao, but Xiangyang has not heard of it, then he can withdraw the money again in Xiangyang."

Qiu Qing thought about it, and it was really a loophole. There was at least a two-day time difference between the information of the two parties. It is true that you can withdraw money in Jingzhao and Xiangyang, but this Ma Sanye did not withdraw money in Xiangyang, but came to Jingzhao first. , Take away [-] guan in Jingzhao, what is the reason for this?
"The two hundred taels of silver were given to you by the third master Ma?"

"Yes! He said that after the matter is completed, he will give me two thousand coins."

"Where did you get the silver? There is only one thousand coins in it." Qiu Qing found some clues in it.

"At the Dacheng Inn outside Jingzhaonan City, I found a man named Jiuye. I found him yesterday, and he gave me this suitcase, two hundred taels of silver. The other half went to Xiangyang to find Ma Sanye. He gave it to me in Xiangyang. .”

"So you just found an excuse to rush back to Lin'an, but you actually went to Xiangyang to ask for money, right?"

Cao Guo nodded, "That's right!"

Qiu Qing sneered and said, "But you never thought that sending you to Xiangyang is actually to kill you!"

Cao Guo's face turned pale, and he was stunned. After a long while, he murmured, "No way! How could he be so bold as Mr. Ma?"

Qiu Qing snorted, "These black market merchants are all licking blood at the edge of their knives to survive. Which one doesn't eat people and doesn't spit out bones? I'll give you back. If he is really generous, why doesn't he give you four hundred at once in Jingzhao?" Two silvers?"

Hitting the nail on the head, Cao Guo couldn't say a word anymore. He was not a fool, and he knew that he had stepped into the gate of hell with one foot.

Qiu Qing immediately took Cao Guo south to Xiangyang, and sent someone back to inform Zhong Huan to arrest Jiuye of Dacheng Inn immediately.

When Zhong Huan got the news, he didn't startle the snake immediately, but sent someone dressed as a businessman to stay at Dacheng Inn, but the shopkeeper of Dacheng Inn said it was full.

Zhong Huan reported to Wang Hao, Wang Hao felt a little strange, Jingzhao City would only be full of inns during the imperial examination, and the inns in the city were not full, let alone outside the city.

Both of them felt something was wrong, and rushed to report to Chen Qing.

"Do you think there is a problem with the inn?" Chen Qingxiao asked.

Wang Hao nodded, "It's very strange and unreasonable. We suspect that it is an intelligence point from the Kingdom of Jin or the imperial court!"

Chen Qing pondered for a while and asked, "Is there really a loophole in this kind of ticket making?"

"Yes! The key is to recognize the vote but not the person. If the two parties make an appointment, they can indeed withdraw money twice in the two places at the same time. Take advantage of the time difference, or make some improvements. For example, the secret seal not only has numbers, but also increases by half. A piece of jade pei."

Chen Qing shook his head, "In this case, the half piece of jade pei left behind will have to be sent to Jingzhaolai again. There is no point in making tickets, and it is no different from flying money in the past!"

"But without Yu Pei, there are still big loopholes."

Chen Qing was really helpless, he knew where the problem was?Without computer networking, without telephone, without telegram and fax, some things cannot be realized, and there must be a time difference in information, so there must be loopholes.

Chen Qing sighed, waved his hands and said: "Forget it, the ticket production will be suspended first! You go to arrest Dacheng Inn, don't miss anyone, be careful that they escape through the hole."

"We must not disappoint His Highness!"

The Dacheng Inn is located outside the south city gate, less than one mile away from the city gate. It is a large inn covering an area of ​​five acres. This is also the advantage of running an inn outside the city, covering a large area.

In the evening, [-] inner guard soldiers surrounded Dacheng from all directions, and the spy in charge of monitoring said to Zhong Huan, "Commander Qi, there are people in the inn, but none of them have come out all day, it's very strange!"

Zhong Huan immediately ordered: "Assault, those who demand to be caught alive, those who resist will be arrested with a big net!"

A strong soldier kicked open the gate, and hundreds of soldiers rushed in.

There were not many people inside, the shopkeeper, three clerks, and more than a dozen guests, not even a whole city was fully occupied. There is obviously a problem with how full it is.

Several guests inside the inn resisted, but it was useless. Five hundred inner guard soldiers were dispatched, but they were only arrested. Surroundings were also controlled to prevent escape through secret passages.

Chen Qing really guessed it right. Behind the inn is the Caohe River. Under a stone arch bridge in the Caohe River, two men got out of a big hole. They were immediately spotted by the surrounding soldiers. The soldiers rushed up, pushed them down, and tied them up with ropes. stand up.

Chong Huan looked at the dozen or so people and asked coldly, "Which of you is Master Jiu? Stand up!"


A man raised his hand, it was the one captured in the cave outside.

"Who are you?" Zhong Huan asked again.

The man of Master Jiu said proudly: "We are in the black market business, specializing in exchanging silver. His Royal Highness Yong has always acquiesced in our existence. Why should we be arrested?"

Chong Huan asked with a sneer, "If I'm not wrong, you are Wang Ping, and you are responsible for leasing the twenty ox carts."

The man's face changed, "I can't understand what the general is saying? What twenty bullock carts, I'm at a loss!"

"General, a carrier pigeon is flying!" The soldier pointed to the sky and shouted.

The man turned pale with fright, rushed into the yard, put his hand in his mouth and whistled. The carrier pigeon circled twice and flew away again.

Zhong Huan was furious, he was negligent for a while, but this man took advantage of him, he rushed forward and punched the man to the ground.

"Search for me, dig three feet to search!"

(End of this chapter)

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