
Chapter 1232 Viper

Chapter 1232 Viper
The inner guard soldiers quickly found the secret room, and the soldiers cheered, "Found it!"

The young man struggled desperately, unable to hide his anxiety, trying to rush to the room where he had found the entrance to the secret room. The inner guard guarding him got impatient and knocked him unconscious with a stick.

Open the entrance and go down, below is a large cellar, surrounded by bluestone pavement, because it is too close to the Caohe River, there is some water seepage in the gaps of the bluestone, and the air in the cellar is very humid.

The soldiers found the [-] coins that had been cheated out. Dozens of boxes with the logo of the counter shop were neatly stacked in the corner. This place is less than a hundred steps away from the place where the cash boxes were boarded. Shipped away, actually returned at night.

In addition to the money from the cabinet shop, there is also a lot of silver, about ten thousand taels, which are also placed in the box.

At this time, a large number of wooden boxes and straw bales on the opposite side of the wall attracted the attention of the soldiers. They stepped forward to check, and they all exclaimed for a moment. They were weapons. The soldiers took out the weapons. It's swords and armor.

In addition, there were ten large wooden boxes. The soldiers pried open the wooden box, and they were all stunned. There were ten iron fire mines in the wooden box. Seven of them had empty shells, but three of them were complete iron fire mines, which were small Iron hedgehog, the waterproof wooden shell on it is still there.

Zhong Huan looked grim. This situation is too serious. This is not a black market merchant exchanging silver. This is an intelligence agency and must be reported to King Yong immediately.

At this moment, a soldier pointed to the sky and shouted: "The pigeon is still there!"

Everyone looked up and saw the pigeons were still hovering about [-] feet in the sky. The soldiers raised their crossbows to shoot. Zhong Huan shouted: "Don't shoot, let me do it!"

He raised a military crossbow, aimed at the sky, found the flight pattern of the pigeon, and buckled the hanging knife, the crossbow arrow went 'swoosh! 'Shooting into the sky, it just blocked the flight path of the carrier pigeon. The carrier pigeon couldn't dodge in time, and was shot through the body by an arrow. It wailed and fell from the sky.

The soldiers had picked up the carrier pigeon a long time ago, and ran to give it to Zhong Huan. There was indeed a letter tube tied to the leg of the carrier pigeon. Zhong Huan took out the letter and unfolded it. His face changed slightly, and he immediately ordered: "Take ten big boxes with you." , go back to the official office immediately!"

Half an hour later, Chen Qing also rushed to the internal guard office. At the same time, the military department, firearms bureau and other official offices were also alarmed and rushed to the internal guard.

After Chen Qing read the pigeon letter, there was only one sentence on it, 'transport the heavy equipment to Shouchun quickly'.

This turned out to be Zhang Jun's autographed pigeon letter, which was beyond Chen Qing's expectation. Zhang Jun, who was so mediocre and incompetent, was so scheming and scheming to get Tie Huolei in his hands. If there is a ticket making incident, this batch of Tiehuolei is likely to be obtained by Zhang Jun.

Thinking of this, Chen Qing's back broke out in a cold sweat. It was really impossible to guard against it. He had taken such strict precautions, but there were still fish that slipped through the net.

What makes Chen Qing headache now is whether this batch of firearms is the first batch, or have some firearms already fallen into Zhang Jun's hands?If this problem is not clear, he will be restless.

At this time, Xie Ying, the manager of the Firearms Bureau, and Lu Wei, the Sima of the Military Department, came forward to report. Lu Wei bowed and said, "Your Highness, there is a serial number on the firearms box, which is easier to check. Let's check the records. These nine iron fire mines are large. It was issued to the Xihe Road garrison for training the year before last. At that time, a total of forty mines were issued to them. They returned six dumb mines, and the remaining thirty-four exploded. That is to say, the nine fire mines should have been used to explode. I didn't expect it to still be there."

Xie Ying also bowed and said: "His Royal Highness, Jingzhao's system is strict, and the implementation is in place. There is no loophole to exploit, but the only loophole is the iron fire mine that was sent out before. Are they all returned according to the regulations? But now It seems that there is obviously a problem."

Chen Qing nodded, and said to Lu Wei and Xie Ying: "Tomorrow, the Department of the Military Department and the Firearms Bureau will carry out a comprehensive investigation, and then prepare to set up a joint investigation team to go to various places to check whether any fish slipped through the net, and then only leave a blueprint for me. All the blueprints were destroyed, leaving only [-] iron bull fire mines, and all iron dogs and iron hedgehogs were also destroyed, not a single one was allowed to be kept."

"Your Highness, it is more practical to deal with the warship Iron Fire Thunder!"

Chen Qing shook his head, "There is enough fire oil, but the hidden danger of iron fire thunder is too great. Once it is successfully imitated by Jin Guo, we will be passive."

"Understood, I will start a thorough investigation tomorrow."

At this time, Chen Qing asked Wang Hao and Zhong Huan to come up again, and said to them: "The person behind the scenes is actually Zhang Jun, which is really beyond my expectation. You have to do two things next. First, you must follow the clues First, remove all the forces that Zhang Junan has planted in our territory, and wipe them out completely; secondly, we must interrogate the principal. I want to know whether there is only one batch of Tie Huo Lei, or whether Zhang Jun has already obtained it. This is very important. , Everything about this batch of iron fire mines must be investigated.”

The two bowed in agreement.

The next morning, Lu Qingshan was invited to the official room by Chen Qing.

"Your Highness is in a hurry to find a humble job?"

Chen Qing said with a smile: "I have been busy since I came back, and I don't have time to ask about your situation. I heard from the princess that the counselor also wants to buy a house?"

Lu Qingshan was a little embarrassed and said: "This must be what my wife told the princess. In fact, it is not buying a house, but a replacement. Don't I have [-] acres of land in the new land in the south of the city? But my family prefers the atmosphere in the east of the city. We I also fancy a house, which is an eight-acre mansion. The other party asked for [-] guan, and later talked about [-] guan. Then I wanted to sell part of the land in Nancheng to raise money. After the seller heard about it, he came to me and said that he didn’t need to pay him I think it is acceptable to exchange his eight-acre house for my ten-acre shop, but my family is unwilling to accept it, so the family has been arguing about it for a long time."

Chen Qing said with a smile: "The south of the city has the advantages of the south, and the east of the city has the advantages of the east. Some people like the south of the city, and some like the east of the city. It depends on personal preference. In fact, Counselor Lu can balance it out. You don't have to give him all the shop land. , keep one part of the land for shops, and use the rest to make up for it with residential land, so I think it will be acceptable to all parties."

Lu Qingshan smiled wryly and said: "It's hard to buy harmony with a thousand dollars. I decided not to buy the house in the east of the city, and then divided the [-] mu of land in the south of the city equally among my three sons. Counselor Jiang promised to find an official house in the east of the city for me." , and that solves it."

"All the family agree?" Chen Qingxiao asked.

"All agree that the three sons were born to the old wife, and His Highness also knows that I don't have a concubine, so I have a bowl of water, and everyone has no objections."

What Chen Qing admired most about Lu Qingshan was that Lu Qingshan did not take concubines, lived with his wife for forty years, and gave birth to three sons and a daughter. The daughter married the second son of the former Prime Minister Li Guang. It has something to do with Lu Qingshan.

Chen Qing didn't ask Lu Qingshan about his family's affairs, but just casually exchanged a few words of pleasantries, and Chen Qing immediately turned the topic to serious matters.

"Counselor Lu should be very familiar with Zhang Jun!"

Lu Qingshan nodded, "Of course I am familiar with him, I have worked with him for many years."

"What about him? I mean his ambition."

Lu Qingshan smiled slightly and said: "It is estimated that His Highness is also deceived by his appearance. He is very greedy, embezzles military pay, resells food, annexes land wantonly, and his rent is [-] shi a year. Even the emperor thinks that he He is imitating Xiao He, deliberately destroying his reputation to eliminate taboos, but in fact, he successfully deceived the emperor, he has great ambitions, almost all the rent and food he gets every year subsidizes the army, I have impeached him long ago, But the emperor didn't believe it, so Qin Hui spoke good words to him again."

Chen Qing sighed and said: "I just found out yesterday that he was plotting against my Tie Huolei and almost succeeded. I'm afraid this person is a wolf disguised as a dog who will treat me hard when I least pay attention." Take a bite."

"Your Highness is right. He is such a person. He pretends to be mediocre and incompetent, so that you can slowly dispel your guard, but he will definitely seize the opportunity at the critical moment. The reason why he is reused by the emperor is because he It was the first Qin Wang's army to respond to Liu Miao's change, and his reaction was extremely swift, and he was able to save him!"

Chen Qing pondered for a moment and asked: "If I want him, a poisonous snake, to bite the imperial court hard, is there any way?"

(End of this chapter)

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