
Chapter 1234 Leak Check

Chapter 1234 Leak Check
Early the next morning, Lu Qingshan submitted a detailed proposal to Chen Qing to stir up conflicts between the imperial court and Zhang Jun. It was very comprehensive, not only involving warships, but also involving the ownership of Yangzhou and the four states of Jingzhou North Road.

Chen Qing immediately convened the Internal Affairs Hall to secretly discuss Lu Qingshan's plan, and finally the Internal Affairs Hall unanimously passed it. The ultimate goal was to fully intensify the conflict between Zhang Jun and the court, force Zhang Jun to rebel, and then fully occupy the land north of the Yangtze River in the name of crusade against Zhang Jun. .

Chen Qing immediately sent Wei Ji, the deputy director of the army, as a special envoy to Shouchun to meet Zhang Jun.

At this time, Zhong Huan also led a dozen of his men to Chengji County, and actually stored nine iron fire mines in the county warehouse. It was absurd to hear such a thing, but it just happened.

The county magistrate of Chengji County is called Li Wei, and he is a Jinshi in the same discipline as Zhong Huan. His ranking is a few higher than that of Zhong Huan. Under normal circumstances, he should serve as a Beijing official again, and then be transferred from the Beijing official to serve as a county magistrate.

But outstanding officials will be promoted exceptionally, such as Chong Huan, who has now been promoted to a commander, a sixth-rank official, which is equivalent to the first rank of Zhizhou, and the same is true for Chao Qing, who has been promoted to a sixth-rank military supervisor.

Although Li Wei knew Zhong Huan, he was still a little nervous. It is not a good thing for the internal guard to investigate the case.

Chong Huan didn't have time to chat with him, so he directly ordered Wu Jinxiu, the governor of Cangcao, to be arrested. Li Wei turned pale with shock, and hurriedly asked Zhong Huan, "Why does he alarm the inner guards when he's a small governor?"

Chong Huan ordered people to bring Wu Jinxiu up. Wu Jinxiu was so frightened that he knelt on the ground, snotting and crying, "My whole family depends on me for support. General, please spare me! I don't know what crime I have committed!"

"Did you get the benefit of a hundred guan money recently?" Zhong Huan asked coldly.

God!Does the inner guard know about this kind of thing?Wu Jinxiu was so frightened that he almost peed his pants, lowered his head and admitted: "Not long ago, I sold some sundries from the warehouse, useless and old things, and bought them at a good price. Ten times."

"Bastard! How dare you steal money from the government!"

Li Wei cursed a lot, but he was also surprised, he wouldn't go to war for fifty pennies!

His heart was moved. I'm afraid it wasn't about the money, but about the things. He asked anxiously, "What did you sell from the warehouse?"

"Nine iron bumps, each weighing [-] to [-] catties, have been piled up in the sundry warehouse for two years. I wanted to clean them up, but someone happened to see them and bought them at a high price."

Zhong Huan asked, "Who saw it?"

"It was a businessman surnamed Zhang who was in the miscellaneous business. He said that pig iron was very precious and he wanted to collect some. There happened to be a pile of broken knives and guns in the warehouse. They were all broken or damaged. They had been piled up for several years. I was thinking about this. It’s not a normal weapon, so it shouldn’t be a big problem, so I took him to see it, but he didn’t pay attention to the sword and gun, but the nine iron lumps put together.”

"But the man with the scar on his left brow?"

"Yes! Yes! That's him."

That was Zhang Kuang, and Zhong Huan asked again: "Did he see the nine iron lumps alone? Did his subordinates see them?"

"It's just him alone, it's not good to have too many people casually entering the warehouse."

Zhong Huan nodded and asked again: "Are there any similar iron bumps in the warehouse?"

"There were two bigger ones, I forgot, and when I remembered, he was gone."

There were actually two bigger ones, Zhong Huan cursed secretly, and immediately said: "Take me to the warehouse to see, good performance, this time I can forgive you!"

This kind of low-level person doesn't know anything, and it's pointless to kill him. Instead, he will spread the matter.

"I'm going to open the door!"

Wu Jinxiu immediately ran to get the key as if he had received an amnesty.

Li Wei had guessed a little clue, that there might be something wrong with those nine iron lumps, so he found a free time and secretly asked Chong Huan, "What are those nine iron lumps?"

Zhong Huan looked to both sides, and said in a low voice, "It's Tie Huolei, the top secret in the army. That Dongzhu Zhang is also a spy sent by Zhang Jun, and we have already arrested him."


Li Wei was stunned, Zhong Huan said again: "We need to find out how Tie Huolei got into the county government warehouse."

"You can ask Wu Jinxiu about this matter. He has been in charge of the warehouse for several years. I was transferred from Qingshui County this year. I really don't know about it."

"You just keep it a secret, and the news must never spread."

"I have a plan!"

The two talked, and soon came to the warehouse. The gate of the county warehouse had been opened. There were three warehouses. They came to the third warehouse, the sundry warehouse. The warehouse was very large and filled with various sundries.

A lot of tattered weapons were piled up in the innermost corner, and Wu Jinxiu lifted a piece of tarpaulin in the corner, revealing two large wooden boxes.

Chong Huan sighed suddenly, and he knew from the serial number that these were two iron dog fire mines, each of which was a medium-sized iron fire mine weighing sixty catties.

Zhong Huan told everyone to back off, and ordered the soldiers to pry open the cover, revealing the black Huo Lei. The wooden shell on the Huo Lei's mouth had been smashed, and the matchlock was gone.

Chong Huan beckoned Wu Jingxiu to come forward and asked him, "Did you open it and read it carefully?"

Wu Jinxiu shook her head like a rattle, "This thing is dead heavy. I just looked through the cracks and poked it with an iron pick. I'm sure it's pig iron, and the lid wasn't opened."

"Then I want to know, this is military supplies, why is it in the warehouse of the county government?"

"This villain knows, it was the villain who handled it, probably last year! The Qinzhou garrison heard that they had gone to Lingzhou to participate in the defense. They left in a hurry and gave the county government a large amount of supplies from the military depot, including food, Tents, iron frames, and a lot of broken weapons, that’s all, and then return these big wooden boxes, the army left cleanly, or I should find someone to move them all to the county warehouse.”

Zhong Huan nodded, as he guessed, it must be the waste materials left over from the army's mobilization.

He said to Wu Jinxiu: "I will give you one last chance. If you tell the truth, I will spare you."

"It's time, I dare not tell half a lie!"

"Do you know what this is?"

Wu Jinxiu shook his head, "I don't understand the serial number on the wooden box. What does the hedgehog five eight eight mean, and the iron dog? I really don't understand it. I just know it's something for the army."

Seeing that he was not pretending, Zhong Huan asked again: "How many are there in total? It's very important. Have they been taken away by others?"

"There are eleven of them in total. I remember them very clearly in my account book. I guarantee that they have not been taken away by others. General, please read them here."

Wu Jinxiu showed the account book to Zhong Huan, which clearly stated, "There are eleven iron bumps in the warehouse, two big and nine small." '

"Fortunately, that proprietor Zhang was too excited and didn't look at the account book, otherwise the two big ones wouldn't be able to keep it, and I myself forgot about it."

Zhong Huan nodded and said to Li Wei: "Get me a carriage, I want to take two big boxes away!"

Special envoy Wei Ji met Zhang Jun in Suizhou. The reason why Zhang Jun came to Suizhou was that he came to greet the Tiehuolei that the spies got. As a professional soldier, how could he not know the power of Tiehuoleng? It can blow down the city wall, saving the heavy casualties of attacking the city wall.

The Western Army captured the Central Plains and captured Shandong Road. Almost all important cities were captured with iron fire and thunder.

In this way, how could Zhang Jun not look forward to getting Tie Huolei and owning Tie Huolei?
Whether or not the nine iron fire thunders can be unimportant, what is important is that he can imitate his iron fire thunder by studying these nine iron fire thunders. Mother's court bastards.

Zhang Jun's neck was sore, but a group of spies who had been sent back by the gift waited for him. His cousin was detained in Jingzhao by the Western Army.

All the iron fire mines they worked so hard to get were captured by the inner guards of the Western Army, and the bamboo baskets were all in vain.

Zhang Jun was so heartbroken that the duck in his mouth flew away. He immediately questioned carefully, and finally learned that it was counterfeit counterfeit bills that were traced by the inner guards, and they found out their lair in Jingzhao.

This erroneous result made Zhang Jun beat his chest with regret.

At this moment, he got a report that Yong Wang Chen Qing sent a special envoy Wei Ji to see him.

Although Zhang Jun was very annoyed and didn't want to see him, his reason told him that he couldn't see him at this critical juncture.

(End of this chapter)

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