
Chapter 1235 Negotiations

Chapter 1235 Negotiations
Zhang Jun met Wei Ji at the state government office. After reading Chen Qing's handwritten letter, Zhang Jun had a complicated expression on his face.

In Chen Qing's letter, he didn't mention the spies he sent and Tie Huolei at all, but asked him to send troops together to suppress the court's navy, because the court's navy threatened the safety of Donghai Island.

This invitation came a bit suddenly, Zhang Jun needed to think about it, he glanced at Wei Ji and asked, "Wei Canjun is so young and has a heavy responsibility, what is his official position?"

Wei Ji smiled slightly and said, "I have two positions. The official position is the Deputy Order of the Secretary Office of Prince Yong's Mansion, and the other official position is the deputy director of the army under the account of the general."

Zhang Jun understood that this is really Chen Qing's confidant, not that Chen Qing underestimated him, he nodded, "Let me consider King Yong's suggestion!"

Wei Ji smiled and said, "His Royal Highness King Yong still has something to convey to me."

"Wei Canjun, please tell me!"

"Your Highness said that the Iron Fire Thunder is a lethal weapon in the world. Once it is obtained by the Jurchen, the consequences will be unimaginable. In order to prevent it, His Highness King Yong has ordered that only a few dozens of Iron Fire Thunder be kept, and all other Iron Fire Thunders are destroyed. Wooden fire mines are the main ones, if the county king needs them, we can provide wooden barrel fire mines."

Cask Fire Thunder is useless!It's not as good as kerosene. Zhang Jun had no choice but to smile bitterly: "Thank you His Highness King Yong for your kindness, I will think about it later! Wei Canjun, please go to rest first, and I will answer you tomorrow."

Wei Ji went to rest, and Zhang Jun immediately ordered someone to invite his chief aide, Wang Jingxiu.

Not long after, Wang Jingxiu came to Zhang Jun's room and said with a smile, "I heard that King Yong sent a special envoy?"

Zhang Jun nodded, "I thought it was about the spies, but it turned out that they didn't even mention the spies!"

"Then why are they?"

Zhang Jun handed the letter to Wang Jingxiu, "This is Chen Qing's personal letter, sir, you will know it after reading it."

Wang Jingxiu opened the letter and read it again, puzzled: "I understand that Chen Qing wants to destroy the imperial navy. The imperial navy is indeed a great threat to Donghai Island, but why did Chen Qing invite us to do it together?"

"I'm thinking, is he trying to push me to the opposite side of the court? Force me to get closer to him."

Wang Jingxiu pondered for a moment and said: "There may be some reasons for this, but with Chen Qing's style of not being profitable, he must have other plans."

"Sir, do you think he has any plans?"

"If I'm not mistaken, it should be the land under our feet."

"Jinghu North Road?"

Wang Jingxiu nodded, "I told the prince last time, how could he stop at the Han River, he will definitely expand eastward and even occupy the Poyang Lake area, so destroying the court's warships is the key to his next move gone."

"Then why did he pull me to do it together?"

"The two prefectures, the two prefectures and the first army under our feet are managed by the prince. Maybe he wants to take this land from the prince, not from the imperial court."

"I don't understand what you mean, sir?"

Wang Jingxiu smiled and said: "Chen Qing also needs an excuse. The two prefectures, two prefectures and one army in this land can be agreed at the beginning, and the imperial court is not allowed to garrison troops. No matter what, the prince’s dispatch of troops is the court’s dispatch of troops.”

"Then what do I gain?"

"We need to talk to the other party. Since the other party invited the prince to send troops together, I guess Chen Qing wants to use the court's warships as a favor. He has no shortage of warships, but the prince does."

When it comes to warships, Zhang Jun is really tempted. His desire for the Wanshi ship is no less than that of Tie Huolei. If Tie Huolei can't get it, then getting the Wanshi ship can make up for his regret heart.

After thinking for a long time, Zhang Jun said, "Do you think we can cooperate, sir?"

Wang Jingxiu said lightly: "I think warships can be exchanged for Jinghu North Road, but I suggest that the prince should not send troops. Once the troops are sent, the court's anger will be concentrated on the prince, and the prince and the court will completely turn against each other. I feel that it is best for the prince not to do it." Chen Qing's shield."

Zhang Jun remained silent. Whether or not to send troops depends on his interests. If he can get more benefits, he will of course send troops. It will be a matter of time before he turns against the court, and he doesn't care much about it.

Early the next morning, Zhang Jun summoned Wei Ji again in the state government office, and the two sat down as guest and host. Zhang Jun said apologetically, "I'm sorry for the matter in Dangtu County. You don't need to consider the upper limit of the imperial court, if the imperial court sends troops , I will never stand idly by."

"Thank you for the kindness of the king of the county, I will definitely tell His Highness King Yong!"

At this time, the maid came in to serve tea, Zhang Jun took a sip of tea, and said slowly: "Without my assistance, I believe that your army can capture the imperial navy, but King Yong wants me to send troops together, and we have to divide them up." Give me some warships, does King Yong have other requests? Wei Canjun might as well just say it."

Wei Ji nodded and said: "His Royal Highness King Yong really has something to ask for. His Highness hopes to get Jingbei Road. Now there are still five state capitals, Suizhou, Yingzhou, De'an Mansion, Hanyang Mansion and Xinyang Army. His Highness hopes that the prince can get it." Send troops to occupy this state capital, and then we will ask the imperial court to withdraw its troops immediately, so that we can logically send troops to occupy the remaining five state capitals, and as compensation, we are collecting the imperial navy and will hand over part of the warships to the prince."

Zhang Jun narrowed his eyes and said, "How many warships can His Royal Highness King Yong give me?"

"If it is not convenient for the prince to send troops together, His Highness Prince Yong will give the prince half of the warships captured."

Zhang Jun said again: "What if I send troops? How much can I give if I have as many troops as you?"

"Give up to [-]% of the warships!"

"This [-]% also includes [-]% of the Wanshi warship!"

"I can agree on behalf of His Highness, His Highness has given me authorization!"

Zhang Jun was overjoyed, "Then it's a deal, I'll be in charge of cutting off the road from the barracks to the ship, and the ship will be handed over to you!"

"His Royal Highness King Yong has exactly this intention!"

Wei Ji said again: "One more thing is about Zhang Kuang. Your Highness invites him to stay in Jingzhao for a few years. The prince can send his family to Jingzhao together. We will treat him kindly."

"Why didn't you let him come back?"

"To tell you the truth, he knows too much about Tie Huolei. He shouldn't be so curious about Tie Huolei, so we can't let him back."

Zhang Jun pondered for a moment and said, "Alright, let him stay in Jingzhao! Be a guest in Jingzhao on my behalf."

After Wei Ji left, Wang Jingxiu found Zhang Jun again, and said anxiously, "Is the lord really going to send troops?"

Zhang Jun nodded, "It's been agreed. I'll help Chen Qing seize Jingbei Road first. The court navy will inevitably move westward, and then we will join forces to attack the navy."

Wang Jingxiu said anxiously: "But, my lord, this is tantamount to a complete turn against the court, it is equivalent to rebellion, my lord, think twice!"

Zhang Jun said with a faint smile: "How can a man look forward to the future and be afraid of his hands and feet? If I don't send troops, I can get half of the warships. Isn't that the same as turning against the court? I simply send troops to get more warships." , why not do it?"


Zhang Jun waved his hand and interrupted him, "I understand Mr.'s anxiety. This day will come sooner or later. Chen Qingneng will separate himself from one side and become the de facto emperor. Why do I, Zhang Jun, hold [-] soldiers, but have to rely on others? Wei Wei Uncle Guo wants me to bow my head and smile, and all the prime ministers and senior officials can ride on my head to show off their power. I have had enough of this kind of life. Since Chen Qing can separate the regime, then I, Zhang Jun, can also separate the regime. I thought about it all night last night. After I get the warship, I will seize Yangzhou Prefecture and Chuzhou, and the entire Jianghuai will become my land."

(End of this chapter)

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