
Chapter 1236 Enlightenment

Chapter 1236 Enlightenment

Ten days later, Zhang Jun received a signal from Chen Qing to attack. He publicly criticized the Western Army's disguise and changed into the state capitals east of Hanshui.

Zhang Jun immediately sent [-] troops to Suizhou, Yingzhou, Hanyang and De'an to drive out the disguised Western soldiers.

Chen Qing was furious, and immediately sent a pigeon letter to Hu Yun, asking him to negotiate with the imperial court, and the imperial army was limited to withdraw from Jinghu North Road within ten days, otherwise all the agreements signed would be invalidated, and the Western Army would have to send troops to the east of Hanshui.

Hu Yun received the pigeon letter and immediately wrote to the Zhengshitang, requesting that the imperial army withdraw from Suizhou and other five states within ten days, otherwise the Western Army will send troops. If fierce fighting breaks out, the imperial court will bear all the consequences.

Qin Hui turned pale with shock, and immediately called for an emergency military and political meeting.

The emergency military and political discussion was held next door to the imperial study, and the emperor Zhao Gou and five ministers participated in the discussion.

Zhao Gou was worried and said to Huang Guinian, Deputy Prime Minister, "Huang Aiqing went to Jinghu North Road for inspection two months ago. Tell me about the situation there. Why did Zhang Jun suddenly send troops to Jinghu Road?"

Huang Guinian bowed and said, "Don't look at what they all said glamorously, they are actually all for profit. If I'm not wrong, they broke out for the salt tax."

Qin Hui said: "What about the salt tax issue, please continue to talk about it, Deputy Prime Minister Huang!"

"Before, Zhang Jun was selling all the salt on North Jingbei Road, monopolizing the entire salt market, and the imperial court's salt had long since been squeezed out without a trace, but since last year, the Western Army has also sold salt on Jingbei North Road. , His salt is cheap and popular among the people. The disguised warrior Zhang Jun accused was actually a soldier selling salt in disguise.

When I went to Jingbei Road for inspection, the salt of the Western Army had already occupied [-]% of the market. It is estimated that Zhang Jun’s salt company is gone now. Of course Chen Qing was furious! "

Only then did everyone understand the cause and effect, and they were really fighting for their own interests. Zhao Gou slammed the table and said: "The agreement is clearly written in black and white. Neither side is allowed to station troops in the two prefectures and two states. I don't want Chen Qing to find an excuse to send troops. I will send it out." The letter was given to Zhang Jun, asking him to withdraw the army immediately, and the Political Affairs Hall also issued a resolution to Zhang Jun, asking him to withdraw the army immediately in the name of the court, Qin Xiangguo, you are the right minister, you take the lead in this matter."

Qin Hui quickly nodded and said: "I understand, but the time given by Chen Qing is too short, only ten days, and now there are only seven days left, even if there is an urgent delivery, I am afraid it will be too late. I suggest that your majesty send a pigeon letter first." Send it to Shouchun by way, and then send it to the manuscript at the same time."

Zhao Gou nodded, "I know!"

Zhao Gou was very anxious. In the morning, Zhao Gou sent his letter of dove letter, and at the same time sent guards to Shouchun to announce the decree. Zhang Jun immediately withdrew his troops from Jinghu North Road.

The guard delivered the letter very quickly, running around day and night, and arrived in Shouchun two days later, but learned that Zhang Jun was not in Shouchun, so I don't know where he is now?Maybe command the army in Suizhou.

Reluctantly, the guards rushed to Suizhou again. On the fifth day, two days before Chen Qing's deadline, the guards who delivered the decree met Zhang Jun in the Suizhou military camp and delivered the emperor's letter to him.

"Ask me to withdraw immediately unconditionally?"

Zhang Jun shook his head and said to the guards: "Go back and tell your majesty that Chen Qing has already stationed [-] troops in Xiangyang. Whether I come or not, he will completely annex Jingbei Road. He is just looking for an excuse. Even if I withdraw, his army will be the same." Will enter Suizhou, in the name of suppressing bandits, I heard that he is even ready for bandits, tell your majesty, my army wants to maintain the dignity of the Song Dynasty, even if it loses, let Chen Qing know that there are people in the Song Dynasty Dare to resist him!"

The guard tried to persuade him again and again, but Zhang Jun just didn't listen and didn't accept the written order.

In desperation, the guard had no choice but to leave Suizhou and return to Lin'an.

Two days later, at the same time that the court envoys arrived in Suizhou, one hundred thousand Western troops rushed into Suizhou and Hanyang Mansion. Zhang Jun's army fled fearfully, not daring to fight the Western troops.

In just two days, the [-] Western Army occupied De'an Mansion, Hanyang Mansion, Suizhou, Yingzhou and Xinyang Army, and expelled local officials who refused to surrender to the Western Army.

When the news reached Lin'an, Emperor Zhao Gou couldn't bear it. He also knew that Chen Qing was deliberately making an excuse. No matter whether Zhang Jun's army violated the agreement, he would annex the four states of Eastern Han. If he still swallowed his anger this time, the court's prestige and reputation Will be completely ruined, no matter what, he must take action.

Emperor Zhao Gou immediately ordered Han Shizhong to lead [-] sailors to Jiangzhou, waiting for an opportunity to recapture Jingbei Road, which was occupied by the Western Army.

In the imperial study room, Emperor Zhao Gou paced back and forth with his hands behind his back, feeling distracted for a while. Needless to say, Chen Qing is getting stronger and stronger, and now Zhang Jun is gradually getting out of control. If Chen Qing's army is still in Sichuan and Shaanxi, but Zhang Jun's The [-] troops are right above their heads!

What makes Zhao Gou feel aggrieved is that Zhang Jun no longer takes himself seriously, and he treats the handbook he sent as waste paper, but he still has to pay for Zhang Jun's [-] troops and [-] a month The consistent military salary is like being slapped with a smiling face.

Is it okay to cut off their military pay?Of course, it is possible, but Zhao Gou is a little afraid. He is afraid that once his military salary is cut off, Zhang Jun will rebel and go straight to the south of the Yangtze River.

But if he was allowed to spend a lot of money to maintain the current state of separatism, Zhao Gou would not be willing to do so, which would really annoy him.

At this time, the eunuch's servant said at the door: "Your Majesty, Mr. Xu is begging to see you!"

Zhao Gou nodded, "Acclaim him an audience!"

He couldn't solve the troubles in his heart, and Zhao Gou also wanted to hear the opinions of his confidant ministers.

After a while, Xu Xiantu hurried in, bowed and saluted, "See Your Majesty!"

"Xu Aiqing, is there something so urgent?"

"Your Majesty, I heard that His Majesty sent the navy to Jingxiang?"

"Listen to whoever said it, it's nonsense!"

Zhao Gou was dissatisfied and said: "I just sent the navy to Poyang Lake. One is to spy on Jingxiang, and the other is to guard the Jiangnan West Road to prevent Chen Qing from being greedy and annexing my Jiangnan West Road."

Xu Xiantu breathed a sigh of relief. He heard that the court navy was sent to Jingxiang, which really shocked him. The Western Army navy is so powerful, wouldn't it be an egg to hit a stone when he went to Jingxiang?
At this moment, Xu Xiantu saw that the Son of Heaven was preoccupied, so he asked cautiously, "Is Your Majesty worrying about the Jingbei Road?"

Zhao Gou sighed, "I'm so upset now, I don't know what's bothering me?"

"Actually, I understand His Majesty's mood. There is both the huge pressure from the Western Army and Zhang Jun's rebelliousness. Your Majesty doesn't know how to solve the two, so he feels a mess in his heart."

Zhao Gou frowned, "That's right, what solution does Xu Aiqing have?"

Xu Xiantu shook his head and said, "The main reason for your majesty's troubles is that they are not organized. You mix Chen Qing and Zhang Jun together, so you feel disorganized. I don't know where to start? In fact, your majesty put Chen Qing aside first. Although he is ambitious, But Sichuan and Shaanxi are still far away from us, and Jin Guo still occupies Hebei, which is his most important strategic goal, so Chen Qing will not threaten the court in the next two or three years.

On the contrary, Zhang Jun, who used to be so mediocre and incompetent, is now showing his ambition a little bit, and his true colors have been revealed. He is the most important thing we have to deal with, especially because he has coveted Yangzhou, so he slightly Chen was very worried that he would attack Yangzhou. "

(End of this chapter)

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