
Chapter 1237

Chapter 1237
Zhao Gou closed his eyes and tried, and temporarily put Chen Qing aside completely, as if Chen Qing was deploying troops to deal with Hebei.

It really worked, if he didn't think about Chen Qing, but only thought about Zhang Jun, his thoughts gradually cleared up.

"How does Ai Qing think about dealing with Zhang Jun?"

Xu Xiantu said calmly: "Your Majesty, Zhang Jun is not Chen Qing. First of all, Your Majesty cannot deal with him the same way he treated Chen Qing. Chen Qing's finances can be independent, but Zhang Jun is not. His financial lifeline is firmly pinched by us." , Unless he openly rebelled, he would not dare to turn against us.

Second, the minister believes that Zhang Jun is actually the second Liu Guangshi, and His Majesty wants to actively win over Zhang Jun's subordinates. If we tighten his finances a little bit, his army will have civil strife and even split.

Third, we must plan ahead and withdraw Jiangbei's army to Jiangnan immediately, that is, we should clench our fists and prepare to give Zhang Jun a fatal blow. As long as Zhang Jun is defeated, the morale of the army will immediately collapse, and he will fall apart and gather his troops. The army, organize a new Jianghuai army. "

Zhao Gou nodded again and again, Xu Xiantu's thinking was very clear, and his vision gradually became clearer. He pondered for a moment and asked: "Xiangguo suggested that the Jiangbei army should be withdrawn to the south of the Yangtze River. Does it create opportunities for Zhang Jun to annex Yangzhou?"

"Humble post is exactly what it means. Withdraw the army, and transport all the money and materials in Yangzhou back to the south of the Yangtze River. If he dares to swallow Yangzhou, he is a traitor. We will cut off his money and food justifiably. Jianghuai alone cannot support [-] troops. , he will either surrender to the imperial court, or come to the south of the Yangtze River, and our war against chaos will be done in one fell swoop."

Zhao Gou understood Xu Xiantu's thinking. He first trapped Zhang Jun in an unjust place, and then forced him to rebel. The court finally put down the rebellion. Once Zhang Jun fell into injustice and rebelled against the court, his [-] troops cannot be all Willing to rebel with him.

"Xu Xianggong's train of thought, I fully understand, let me think it over again!"

"Wei Chen retire!"

Han Shizhong's navy was stationed in Dehua County, Jiangzhou, which is today's Jiujiang. This was also an important naval base in the Song Dynasty, with a ready-made water village.

The water village is very large and the water surface is vast. More than [-] boats, large and small, are moored in the water village, and even [-]% of the water surface is not full. The military camp is on the shore. This is a standard land and water camp.

The barracks on the shore occupy an area of ​​hundreds of acres, but they are not large tents, but brick houses with hundreds of rows.

Shuaifang is located in the east. At this time, the Shuaifang is brightly lit. Han Shizhong is discussing with two lieutenants, Zhang Gongyu and Wang Gui, about the defense of the water fortress.

Mainly this afternoon, they discovered the sentry ships of the Western Army, there were more than [-] ships, observing them on the Yangtze River, Han Shizhong suddenly realized that they were very close to the Western Army Water Village, which was in Jiangxia, and they The distance is more than two hundred miles.

Of course they will not attack the Western Army Navy, but on the side of the couch, can it be easy for others to snore?The key is whether the Western Army Navy can tolerate them.

"Captain, we will be stationed in Huangzhou, Jiangbei, and the threat to them will be much smaller." Wang Gui suggested.


Han Shizhong vetoed it, "Jiangbei is Zhang Jun's territory, going to Jiangbei to station is tantamount to entering the mouth of a tiger."

Zhang Gongyu is a veteran with rich experience, he said slowly: "It's not a big problem during the day, if the Western Army sneaks up on us, it will be at night, I suggest you keep a few soldiers on board, and if you encounter an attack, you can also evacuate from the East Gate in time. "

There are two gates in the water village, one is the north gate, which leads directly to the Yangtze River, and the other is the southeast gate, which leads to Poyang Lake. Zhang Gongyu meant that if the western army came in through the north gate, they would retreat from the east gate to Go to Poyang Lake.

Han Shizhong nodded, "This suggestion is good, it's best to implement it tonight!"

It was late at night, and the time was gradually approaching the middle of the night. More than a hundred warships loaded with [-] soldiers of the Western Army appeared not far from the water village. Tonight was the time when Chen Qing and Zhang Jun agreed to seize the warships. Zhang Jun personally led the An army of [-] also appeared three miles west of the camp.

There are more than [-] warships in the water village, and he took [-]% of them, which means more than [-] ships, which is enough to build a relatively powerful navy.

"My lord, it's almost midnight!"

Zhang Jun nodded and waved his hand, "Let's go!"

An army of one hundred thousand marched mightily towards the naval camp. They were too large, about a mile away from the camp, when they were discovered by the sentinels, who immediately shot gunpowder arrows into the sky.

A bright red gunpowder arrow flew into the sky, and the bell immediately rang on the guard tower of the barracks, "Dang! Dang! Dang!"

At the same time, the alarm bell on the east sentry tower also sounded, "Dang! Dang! Dang!"

This is Zhang Jun's vanguard general Soban leading [-] troops into the barracks from the east, and Zhang Jun's [-] troops came to help.

At the same time, Yang Yuanqing, the captain of the navy, saw the gunpowder arrows on the shore, and he immediately ordered, "Attack!"

More than a hundred warships were divided into two groups, all the way to the north gate of the water village, and all the way to the southeast gate of the water village. The vehicles and boats were flying like flying, and the leader hit the boat and slammed into the gate of the water village.
There was already a scuffle in the camp. The [-] soldiers on duty were fighting fiercely with the [-] vanguard troops who came in. Both sides were from the Song army with the same armor. Enemy.

Han Shizhong has rich experience. All soldiers wear armor, sleep with their weapons in their arms, and don't even take off their shoes. As long as there is an enemy situation, they can immediately fight out.

Countless soldiers rushed out from the barracks, and Han Shizhong rode on his horse and shouted, "Go to the pier and get on the boat!"

But Zhang Jun's five thousand troops just blocked the road to the wharf, so that soldiers could not go to the wharf or board the ship.

At this time, Zhang Jun led the mighty main force into the barracks. Han Shizhong saw clearly and recognized Zhang Jun at a glance. He was shocked and immediately realized the seriousness of the problem.

A soldier rushed to report, "Captain! It was the Jianghuai Army who killed them, and there are [-] people!"

At this time, another soldier shouted: "The enemy ship has entered the water village. The attack is too fierce. The brothers can't resist it and need support!"

Han Shizhong immediately understood that it must be Chen Qing and Zhang Jun colluding to annihilate him.

Knowing that he couldn't resist, he immediately ordered: "Order the whole army to retreat to the south!"

"Dang! Dang! Dang!"

The bell for retreat sounded, and [-] sailors followed Han Shizhong to retreat to the south gate. Zhang Jun did not give the order to chase after him. He came to seize the ship, not to give orders to the imperial army, especially since he was neither the Western Army nor the Jurchen Army. However, if the two armies really fought desperately, he would win by relying on his strength, and he would also pay a heavy price.

The Song army on the big ship was too small to be an opponent of the Western army's navy at all. Especially when they learned that the opponent was the Western army, they were unwilling to fight to the death and surrendered one after another. In just a moment, the Western army captured nearly [-] ships.

The rest of the warships retreated towards the southeast gate, but the western army had already ambushed there. A ship sailing out of the gate was immediately caught by iron hooks and dragged aside, and the western army jumped onto the big ship one after another.

Zhang Gongyu rushed out of the cabin with a sword in his hand, suddenly a large net fell from the sky, just covering him, a dozen soldiers of the Western Army dragged him down, rushed forward, pushed him down on the deck, and tied him up with ropes.

As Han Shizhong led the army to withdraw completely, the sneak attack ended in only half an hour. The Western Army escorted the warship to the west, and Zhang Jun also led a [-] army to Ezhou in a mighty manner.

(End of this chapter)

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