
Chapter 1238 Outbreak

Chapter 1238 Outbreak
At dawn, the Western Army kept its promise and handed over [-] warships to Zhang Jun. Zhang Jun was overjoyed and accepted the [-] warships in Huangzhou. There were [-] ships in Wanshi alone. There are about a hundred thousand-stone warships, and the rest are hundred-stone sentry ships. Zhang Jun himself has more than two hundred hundred-stone sentry ships. Together, they form a total of more than four hundred and thirty warships. A huge navy.

Zhang Jun has set up a naval army of [-] people, and the leader is his confidant Wu Shouzhi.

On the wharf of Huanggang County, Zhang Jun looked at the densely packed warships on the river, his eyes narrowed into slits with a smile, while Wang Jingxiu, the aide next to him, was extremely worried. He obviously felt that the lord was dragged into the water by Chen Qing, and he actually sent troops to seize the court's navy warships. Isn't this a complete break with the court?Without a financial foundation, what do you use to maintain an army of [-], it is simply extremely stupid!
At this moment, Wu Shouzhi, the commander of the navy, stepped forward and clasped his fists: "My lord, the only thing missing now is a water village. We need a large water village as our foundation."

Zhang Jun smiled and said, "I've thought about this issue a long time ago. I didn't set fire to the water village in Dehua County on the other side, so I just kept it for our own use?"

Zhang Jun had planned a long time ago. The Dehua water village they attacked at night guarded the mouth of Poyang Lake. Occupying this water village is equivalent to controlling Poyang Lake, and it is also equivalent to controlling the land around Poyang Lake for thousands of miles. Half of Jiangnan West Road.

It can be said that this water village in Dehua County is an extremely important strategic node. Since the Western Army has made it clear that it does not want this water village, Zhang Jun will certainly not give up this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Especially now that he has a navy, the Yangtze River is no longer a natural barrier, and the north and south of the river have become thoroughfares. Zhang Jun's ambitions have already expanded outward along with the warships.

At this time, Wang Jingxiu, the aide, couldn't help but stepped forward to persuade: "Since the prince has taken the warship, don't think about Jiangnan West Road anymore. The court may suffer a dumb loss if the warship is lost, so just bear it, but occupying the water village on the south bank, Peeping at the Jiangnan West Road, the nature is different, my lord, the court will definitely fight back with all its strength, I am afraid that war will break out."

Zhang Jun has always attached great importance to Wang Jingxiu, but he doesn't like Wang Jingxiu's character too much. He is timid, too worried, and timid in doing things. He is afraid of wolves and tigers. He can't accomplish great things. He has already reached this point. How about considering the relationship with the imperial court?

Zhang Jun said lightly: "When I capture Yangzhou, if the court still doesn't hold me accountable, I will apologize to the court!"

Wang Jingxiu couldn't say a word, no matter how much he tried to persuade him, it was useless, the prince was determined to do it to the end.

He sighed a long time and said, "I have been away from my hometown for ten years, and I want to go back to my hometown to visit my parents' graves, I hope the prince will allow me!"

"I agree!" Zhang Jun agreed without hesitation.

Wang Jingxiu was really disheartened, turned around and staggered away.

At this time, another aide, Yang Shi, said to Zhang Jun: "Mr. Jingxiu is mainly worried that the court will run out of money and food, but as long as the prince puts the army in Dehua County, this is a strong attitude in itself. If the court does not give the army We can solve the food and food by ourselves. If the imperial court sends troops to attack, then we have a navy and a retreat route along the Yangtze River and Huaihe River. We can attack when we advance, and we can defend when we retreat. It must be the court that compromises."

Yang Shi's suggestion touched Zhang Jun's heart. Now that he has done it, don't be intimidated anymore.

In the afternoon of the same day, Zhang Jun's naval force of about [-] people and more than [-] warships occupied the water village of the military camp in Dehua County, and his sentry boats began to appear in Poyang Lake.

At the same time, Zhang Jun personally led an army of [-] to rush to Yangzhou Mansion to seize Yangzhou and Chuzhou, which was Zhang Jun's dream for many years.

The reason why Zhang Jun has the confidence to turn against the court is because of his accumulation over the years. He has four million shi in grain reserves alone. His rent alone is [-] shi per year, and nearly [-] million shi in three years. .

Of course, there is also the accumulation of money. The monthly salary of Zhang Jun’s [-]-strong army plus other expenses is about [-] guan, all of which are borne by the court. He has accumulated three million guan in cash, plus he learned the Western Army's military salary system and paid the military salary in the form of copper coins plus land. He has saved a million guan in these years through the military salary, and his money accumulation has reached four. Millions.

In this negotiation with the Western Army, the Western Army bought two million shi of grain from Zhang Jun at a price of [-] Wen per shi and paid a million guan. In this way, Zhang Jun raised another million guan.

In this way, even if the imperial court does not allocate monthly money and food, he can support it for more than a year. This is the confidence of Zhang Jungan and the imperial court to be tough.

The news finally reached Lin'an.

The emperor Zhao Gou, who had endured for a long time, finally broke out. In the imperial study room, Zhao Gou threw the teacup in his hand to the ground, "Bang! 'The teacup was smashed to pieces.

Zhao Gou roared like a beast according to the case, "Chen Qing bullied me, and now Zhang Jun has learned and behaved, treating me like a sheep or a rabbit, let them bully me?"

In the imperial study room, the five prime ministers all lowered their heads, and the atmosphere in the imperial study room was very depressing.

No wonder Zhao Gou went crazy with anger. The water army he built with millions of dollars of hard work was taken over by Zhang Jun. Zhang Jun now occupies the water village at the mouth of Poyang Lake, and urgent news came from Yangzhou. Jun has already occupied Chuzhou and is heading towards Yangzhou City at a fast speed. It is estimated that Yangzhou has been occupied by now.

Not only that, Zhang Jun deliberately sent troops to Jinghu North Road, and gave Chen Qing an excuse to send troops, completely occupied Jinghu North Road,

Without the assistance of Chen Qing's navy, how could Zhang Jun take away his warship in one go, and how obvious their collusion was, made Zhao Gou's back shiver.

Zhao Gou finally restrained his overwhelming anger, glanced at Zhong Xiangguo and said, "Talk about it! What should I do now?"

Zhao Gou's eyes fell on Qin Hui, and he said coldly: "Qin Xiangguo is the right minister, you should express your opinion first!"

Qin Hui sighed and said: "Zhang Jun's wolfish ambition has been clearly demonstrated. If the court is more patient, he will only become more unscrupulous. I suggest that first cut off the Huaixi Army's monthly supply of food and military pay, and secondly suggest that His Majesty deprive Zhang Jun of his title. , Deprive Zhang Jun of Qinghe County King, Taiwei and Lianghuai Jiedu Envoy's official posts."

Zhao Gou nodded, "Qin Xianggong's suggestion is exactly what I want. We must immediately stop the transportation of money and food to the Huaixi Army. I remember that this month's money and food have not been shipped yet!"

"Not yet, and last month's money has not been shipped out. This batch of money and food is stored in Yangzhou."


Zhao Gou was startled, and quickly looked at Xu Xiantu.

Xu Xiantu understood the concerns of the officials, and said calmly, "Your Majesty, don't worry, all the money and food in Yangzhou have been transported to Zhenjiang Mansion, and the [-] garrison troops have also withdrawn southward to Zhenjiang Mansion ahead of schedule."

Zhao Gou breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Xu Xianggong knows the affairs of the Privy Council and controls military affairs. I want to know what the Privy Council's attitude is."

"Your Majesty, the Privy Council is very worried about Zhang Jun's next attempt."

Zhao Gou frowned, "How do you say that?"

Xu Xiantu walked to the map on the wall, pointed at the entrance of Poyang Lake with a wooden pole, and said, "Your Majesty, the water village occupied by Zhang Jun is here, and it can accommodate up to [-] troops. The location of this water village is too important, so it happened to be stuck In other words, Zhang Jun has actually controlled the entire Poyang Lake, so the state capitals around Poyang Lake are also under the control of the navy. The momentum is so strong that it actually controls half of Jiangnan West Road, so we can't let him gain a foothold at the mouth of Poyang Lake no matter what, we must have the determination to fight at all costs."

(End of this chapter)

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