
Chapter 1240 Goal

Chapter 1240 Goal
"Are our people in place?" Chen Qing asked.

Lu Qingshan said with a slight smile: "Don't worry! The humble positions have been arranged properly, and we won't miss it!"

Lu Qingshan is now in charge of intelligence and supervision. Zhang Miao, who was originally in charge of intelligence and supervision, was transferred to the Department of Officials, taking over Zhou Kuan's work, and Zhou Kuan took over Zhao Kai's Finance and Taxation Department.

Chen Qing nodded and asked again: "Is there any news about the supervision on Shandong Road?"

"There is a letter from Fei Ge. At present, a total of [-] county magistrates and eight magistrates have been assessed. Among them, seven county magistrates and two prefecture magistrates were unqualified, and four corrupt officials were even found. There may be an official report soon. Come here, it will all be over next year."

"Tell them that not only the officer-in-charge must be assessed, but other deputies such as the county magistrate, county lieutenant, general judge, and Sima must also be assessed together."

"Understood, let me take my leave!"

Lu Qingshan saluted, turned and left.

Lu Qingshan came to report to Chen Qing about the placement of eyeliner in Zhang Jun's army. The eyeliner has been arranged, but the harvest has not yet been achieved. Chen Qing can only wait patiently.

He temporarily put Zhang Jun's matter aside and began to review the documents.

At this time, Chao Qing reported at the door, "His Royal Highness, please see Lu Sima!"

Lu Wei is here, and he is still looking for him!Chen Qing hurriedly said: "Please invite him in!"

Not long after, Lu Wei quickly walked into Chen Qing's official room, bowed and saluted, "See Your Highness!"

"Don't be too polite, let me ask you something, why did Lu Tang go back to Jingzhao again, what's going on?"

Last night, his wife Lu Xiu told herself that yesterday afternoon Lu Xian came to ask her for money, and she gave twenty taels of silver to the housekeeper to send him away.

Money was not a problem, but what made Chen Qing vigilant was that Lu Tang had returned to Jingzhao again. He was like a night owl, and wherever he went, it was an ominous omen.

Lu Wei smiled wryly and said, "He also came to see me the night before yesterday. My wife sent him away on the pretext that there was an important guest at home and she didn't have time to see him. I don't know why he appeared in Jingzhao again?"

Chen Qing thought for a while and said: "It is not a good thing for him to come to Jingzhao, but I want to know if someone arranged for him to come to Jingzhao. After all, his identity can be used. Do you understand what I mean?"

"Humble job understands!"

Chen Qing said with a smile: "I won't mention this matter, let's talk about your business!"

Lu Wei hurriedly said: "His Royal Highness, the eight teams that went to various places to verify Tie Huolei have all returned."

Going to various places to verify the iron fire mine is naturally a big trouble caused by the incident in Qinzhou. Since Zhong Huan brought back two medium-sized iron fire mines from the warehouse in Chengji County, Chen Qing was furious. The bureau and the internal guards set up eight mixed teams, and rushed to garrison troops to verify the collection of excess iron fire mines.

"The inspection in Lingzhou is also over?"

"I just came back yesterday, and it only took two days to find out. The person responsible for that incident was Xu Gui, who was in charge of the warehouse. The owner of the warehouse was Luo Wen, who was also a dereliction of duty. Tie Huolei had just come out at that time. It is not as strict as it is now. At that time, it was stipulated that the dumb mines should be destroyed on the spot or sent back to the Firearms Bureau for destruction.

They decided to destroy it on the spot, and Xu Gui was in charge of it. As a result, Xu Gui forgot about the destruction, and Luo Wen also thought he had destroyed it, and reported to the Military Department that it had been destroyed.

Until the Qinzhou garrison was transferred to Lingzhou and threw a batch of sundries to the county government for disposal, Xu Gui didn't find this batch of iron fire thunders. He had long forgotten about it. When our investigation team asked him, he remembered it , Luo Wen did not verify it on the spot, and took it for granted that it had been destroyed, so both of them were responsible, and they have already been dismissed. "

"Are you sure there are only eleven pieces and they haven't been sold?" Chen Qing asked again.

"The investigation team verified their collection and use records, and determined that there were only eleven dumb mines, all of which had been returned."

Chen Qing nodded, "What about the other groups? Have you gained anything?"

"His Highness, I brought back a total of twenty-one iron fire mines, all of which are iron hedgehogs."

Chen Qing frowned, "What's going on?"

"Your Majesty, these twenty-one iron fire mines are not considered violations. They have been reported and recorded. They are the last batch of iron fire mines. They have been sealed up, but they haven't been shipped back yet. We brought them back together this time."

"It means that all the armies don't have Tiehuolei anymore?" Chen Qing asked.

"That's what it means. They have been carefully checked. No fish slipped through the net. Then the commanders of each army signed a guarantee to ensure that there will be no more iron fire thunder."

Chen Qing breathed a sigh of relief, and then he instructed: "I will say four more points in the end. First, only [-] large iron fire mines will be left, and all other iron fire mines will be destroyed. The Firearms Bureau will be responsible for the implementation, and the internal guards will supervise them." , the military department is responsible for the review, and every iron fire mine must be recorded. No carelessness is allowed, and all the iron shells must be melted. Second, all the drawings are also destroyed, leaving only one set of drawings, which I will keep; third , continue to make double-layer wooden barrel mines in the future; fourth, we must strengthen the monitoring of gunpowder makers and their families, and repeatedly warn them that leaking the secrets of iron fire mines is a crime of genocide."

"Remember all the humble jobs!"

At noon, Zhou Kuan invited Chen Qing to dinner and tea. Today was Zhou Kuan's treat. The two had a simple meal and each ordered a cup of hot tea.

"The weather is a bit abnormal this year!"

Zhou Kuan took a sip of hot tea and said with a smile: "It's very cold early, it's only late September, but when it rains, it's like winter."

Chen Qing smiled slightly and said, "In previous years, September was relatively sunny and dry, with little rain, so it was warmer. This year, it rains a lot, so it's normal to be colder."

Zhou Kuan nodded and said: "Last night Zhang Miao came to see me, we talked about Zhang Jun's matter."

"What's your opinion?"

Zhou Kuan said slowly: "We all think this is an opportunity. If we support Zhang Jun and encourage him to destroy the imperial court, does your Highness understand what I mean?"

Chen Qing put away his laughing expression, pondered for a while and said, "I've thought about the possibility you mentioned over and over again."

"Does your Highness think it is feasible?"

"Whether it is feasible is not up to me, but to Zhang Jun. In fact, I have given him enough support. He has at least [-] barrels of fire oil in his hands, four to five hundred warships, [-] war horses, and five hundred warships. Ten thousand guanqian, nearly three million stones of grain, and [-] troops, but the imperial army had no oil, no warships, only a few thousand lean horses, and not enough money and food. The number of troops was the same as Zhang Jun's. Two hundred thousand people.

In terms of strength, Zhang Jun has already surpassed the imperial court, and already has such a big advantage, but he still cannot defeat the imperial army, so such an army is not worthy of my support. "

"Your Highness, you mean to wait and see?"

"It should be deployment and wait-and-see. This time I will also deploy [-] troops. The lowest goal is to seize Jianghuai, the medium goal is to seize Jianghuai and Jiangnanxi Road, and the highest goal is what you said. Wait for Zhang Jun to destroy the imperial court."

"What if Zhang Jun borrows troops from us? In order to achieve the highest goal, should he borrow or not?" Zhou Kuan asked again, holding up the teacup.

Chen Qing laughed, "Correct your notion first, the highest goal is not the best, if it is for the highest goal to make people lose heart, it is better not to have such a goal."

Zhou Kuan nodded, "I understand what Your Highness means, I want both fame and fortune!"

(End of this chapter)

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