
Chapter 1241

Chapter 1241
This morning, Zhang Jun received the news that his former military adviser and chief aide, Wang Jingxiu, had died of illness in Tongcheng County, Anqing Prefecture. Zhang Jun was deeply heartbroken, and immediately ordered a lavish burial.

The dead are gone, and the living are more important. Zhang Jun immediately appointed Yang Shi as the chief aide, and the other three aides were also promoted to a higher level.

Zhang Jun pays special attention to rank and rules. He has five staff members under him. When Wang Jingxiu is around, he will basically not ask the other four people. Only when he disagrees with Wang Jingxiu's suggestion, he will ask Yang Shi .

It's just that he rarely, if ever, refused to accept Wang Jingxiu's advice, so the other staff basically had no chance to be counselors and could only handle various documents for him.

It's different now, ever since Wang Jingxiu opposed Zhang Jun's rivalry with the court and his expanding ambitions, Zhang Jun gradually ignored Wang Jingxiu and asked more about Yang Shi, who was ranked second.

In particular, Yang Shi offered advice to him. Difficulty in financial resources is his biggest shortcoming. To solve this shortcoming and deficiency, the best way is to seize Jiangnan West Road, which is rich in financial resources, so that his foundation can last long.

Yang Shi's suggestion coincided with Zhang Jun's idea, which made Zhang Jun greatly appreciate it, and Wang Jingxiu was determined to drive away because he firmly opposed him to seize Jiangnan West Road.

Yang Shi is about forty years old this year, and he has been with Zhang Jun for almost ten years. He is not tall, has a small nose and small eyes, and is not as thin and refined as Wang Jingxiu, so Zhang Jun has never liked him very much. Chance.

It's different now, the ambition to fight for hegemony is inflated in Zhang Jun's heart, his appearance is not important anymore, the key is to help him rise to the top.

One morning, Yang Shi received more than a dozen groups of guests who came to congratulate him. He is now in Shouchun, while Zhang Jun is on the Yangtze River, returning from Yangzhou to Poyang Lake on the Wanshi boat.

Although he was very tired, the joy in Yang Shi's heart still made him not sleepy at all, and he couldn't sit down.

At this time, his entourage sent a post, "Master, a businessman came to visit and said he came from Jingzhao."

Hearing the word 'Jingzhao', Yang Shi's heart skipped a beat. The businessman has little to do with him, and Jingzhao is probably the key.

He thought for a while, and ordered: "Invite him to the living room!"

Not long after, a man in his thirties came to the living room. He was tall, with a straight waist, and a pair of eyes that were particularly bright. Yang Shi knew in his heart that he was not a businessman. He quickly greeted him with a smile, " Next, Yang Shi, may I ask who is the proprietor?"

The man gave him a post, and Yang Shi was startled when he took it. The post said, "Wailang Li Yecheng, a member of the Intelligence Department of Yongwang's Mansion." '

"this way please!"

Yang Shi invited Li Yecheng to the VIP hall next door, where it is quieter and more secluded.

Li Yecheng took out a square silver medal and put it on the table, pushed it to Yang Shi, and said with a smile: "This is my identity card, please have a look."

Yang Shi also knew a little bit that the identities of King Yong's officials and generals adopted the card printing system, with cards below the third rank and seals above the third rank. The light cards were divided into five categories: jade, gold, silver, copper, and iron, and the civil officials were square cards. , the military officer is a round card, and the lowest soldier is an iron round card.

This Li Yecheng used the silver card, that is, a sixth-rank civil official. This official position is not low, and Zhizhou is only a sixth-rank official.

Yang Shi hurriedly laughed and said: "Thanks to your assistance in providing warships this time, the lord got the navy, which is even more powerful. My lord is thanking His Royal Highness Yong every day."

Li Yecheng smiled slightly and said: "This is a matter of mutual benefit, but this is not within the scope of my authority. I am only here for Mr. Yang's personal affairs."

After finishing speaking, he put a letter and wooden box on the table, and said with a smile: "One is a letter written by His Royal Highness Yong, and the other is a gift for meeting you. After reading the letter, Mr. Yang will think again. I live in the north of the city. Gaosheng Inn, the registered name is Li Yecheng, within three days, you can come to me at any time!"

Li Yecheng got up to leave immediately, Yang Shi sent Li Yecheng away, and then he returned to the inner house with a lot of thoughts, and drove away the maids, and he couldn't wait to take out the letter written by King Yong from his bosom.

Yang Shi was excited and proud to write a letter to himself as a respected King Yong, but he was also under a lot of pressure. He also knew very well that King Yong must have a major request to write a letter to himself.

Yang Shi opened the letter and read it again. The content of the letter was relatively simple, but it was also very straightforward. He just hoped that he would be loyal to Prince Yong's Mansion, and he gave conditions.

One is to be an official. King Yong promised to designate himself or his son as Jianzhou General Judge and reward [-] guan; secondly, to a local wealthy family.

In fact, there are two choices, let Yang Shi choose one of the two.

Yang Shi is a native of Ziyang County, Zizhou. Whether he is the general judge of Zizhou or the magistrate of Ziyang County, he is returning home with good clothes. Of course, wealth is also very important.

Yang Shi stayed for a while, then took out the wooden box and opened it. Inside was half a piece of jade and a counter ticket from the Sichuan-Shaanxi Cabinet Workshop. .

Yang Shi sighed, and put away the letter and the box.

He paced back and forth in the room with his hands behind his back, feeling extremely anxious. King Yong actually found out his background and knew that he had a son in his hometown of Ziyang County.

It seemed that he had no choice, but if he still had a choice, would he choose Zhang Jun, or King Yong Chen Qing?The answer is obvious.

Although Zhang Jun is also very confident that he can do what Chen Qing can do, but Yang Shi knows in his heart that Zhang Jun's reputation is not right, he cannot get the support of the gentry, nor can he get the support of the people who are eager for tax exemption. It was Liu Guangshi second.

If you are lucky, you can become Chen Qing's tool, and you can support it for a longer time. If you are not lucky, you will be wiped out by the Western Army every second, and the land of Jianghuai will be handed over to the Western Army.

Thinking of this, Yang Shi finally made up his mind.

The next morning, Yang Shi came to the Gaosheng Inn in the north of the city. As soon as he entered the lobby, he met Li Yecheng and walked out.

"Proprietor Li!" Yang Shi greeted with a smile.

"So it's Mr. Yang, I just want to drink tea, let's go together!" Li Yecheng pointed to the teahouse diagonally opposite.

"Then bother!"

The two came to the teahouse and sat down. Li Yecheng ordered a pot of tea and some snacks. He looked at Yang Shi and said with a smile, "Did you not rest last night?"

Yang Shi sighed and said, "Last night I thought about it all night, and I also tossed and turned all night!"

Li Yecheng smiled slightly and said, "What's there to consider? Don't you think Zhang Jun can make a big deal?"

"Whether it can be a big event is one thing, but after all, I have followed him for ten years."

Li Yecheng shook his head, "Mr. Yang may have misunderstood the meaning of King Yong. King Yong did not ask you to betray Zhang Jun. His Royal Highness was worried that Zhang Jun made a wrong decision and would die prematurely. He wanted to help him, so His Highness Yong I hope Zhang Jun has someone of his own by his side."

Yang Shi smiled and said: "Of course I understand that Zhang Jun's rebellion is very beneficial to King Yong. It can not only allow the Western Army to seize Jianghuai in a justifiable name, but also use Zhang Jun to consume the court. Jun, King Yong can look down on the court."

Li Yecheng smiled and nodded, "Mr. Yang sees it very clearly!"

Yang Shi sighed and said, "Zhang Jun currently has four staff members. I don't understand why His Highness only takes a fancy to me?"

Li Yecheng filled him with a cup of tea, and said lightly: "I think you should want it!"

"Because I'm from Zizhou and my family is in Ziyang?"

"That's right, you are from Sichuan and Shaanxi, and you are a subject of His Highness King Yong. Isn't it a matter of course that you should be loyal to His Highness King Yong?"

"What about other than that?"

Li Yecheng smiled slightly and said: "In addition to this, there is another reason, that is, you suggested that Zhang Jun occupy the mouth water village of Poyang Lake. His Royal Highness Yong thinks this strategy is a stroke of genius, and appreciates it very much. In fact, it is also His Highness Yong's appreciation of you."

Yang Shi nodded, "His Royal Highness King Yong gave me two choices in the letter. I thought about it all night, and I decided to accept the first choice. I hope that after the matter is completed, I can be appointed as a judge of Zizhou. In addition, Qian I don't want it, please return it to His Royal Highness Yong."

Yang Shi put the wooden box on the table and pushed it back to Li Yecheng, "Since I am already the subordinate of King Yong, I will be rewarded if I have meritorious service, and I will not be rewarded if I have no meritorious service!"

Li Yecheng didn't force him, and put the box together, and said to Yang Shi: "From now on, I will be your subordinate, and I will be responsible for delivering the news for you."

【Two chapters today】

(End of this chapter)

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