
Chapter 1242 Freshmen

Chapter 1242 Freshmen
Ten thousand-stone ships sailed in formation on the vast Yangtze River. They walked along the south bank. Dozens of mule drivers drove more than [-] mules and pulled the rope to walk on the bank. After all, they were sailing against the current, and the river was blowing northwest wind. , Without mules and horses, it is difficult for a big ship to move an inch.

On the prow of the first big ship, Zhang Jun sat on his tiger-skin wide chair, looking at the vast river. He couldn't help but be proud, and said to the dozens of generals behind him: "In the past, Cao Mengde fought fiercely against Chibi, and the battle of the great river It wrote the famous article of "Singing to wine, how much is life?", although I don't have Cao Mengde's talent, but I have his ambitions, I would like to work with you to build a long-lasting achievement !"

All the generals knelt down on one knee and said, "I would like to follow the lord to make achievements!"

Zhang Jun raised his head and laughed, and then he said coldly to the generals: "Don't think I don't know why Chen Qing supports me, he just treats me like a hunting dog and Zhao Song Jiangshan as his prey, let me tear it up Zhao Song Jiangshan, and then put me on fire to cook, he thought beautifully, of course I want to tear up Zhao Song Jiangshan, but the torn Zhao Song Jiangshan is not his, only the strong can live in the world, If he wants to replace me, we will see the outcome on the battlefield!"

At dawn, Chen Qing opened his eyes slightly, and saw that Ah Ying had sat up and was looking for a small garment at the bedside. Chen Qing grabbed her waist and pulled her back into his arms.

"My lord, it's dawn, I can't do it anymore."

Chen Qing roughly pressed her under him, and began to gallop on her jade body. Ah Ying hugged her husband tightly, desperately catering, and slowly lost in the clouds.

After a while, Chen Qing lay down and said with some displeasure: "Don't talk about rules in front of me in the future. Rules are for others, not for restraining myself."

Feeling her husband's displeasure, Yu Ying hurriedly knelt down in front of Chen Qing, summoning up her courage to explain: "The concubine is not because of the so-called rules of the princess, but for the sake of the prince's health, three times a night, and will come again at dawn, the prince's If you have exhausted all your energy on women, what will happen to the world's major affairs?"

Chen Qing looked at Yu Ying with a sincere face, and was suddenly moved in his heart. Only this woman would care about him like this. Yu Lian didn't have such a heart like her. He hugged the loving Yu Ying in his arms, and said softly: "I just now It was a little rough, sorry!"

Yu Ying hugged her husband tightly, choked with sobs and said, "You are my husband, how could I be angry with you, my lord, I really want to give you another child!"

Chen Qing caressed her waterfall-like black hair, and said with a smile: "Next time, you will have a good time, tell the princess, she will make arrangements for you, and I believe you will be pregnant again soon."

At this moment, Wen Xing, Yu Ying's personal servant, came to report anxiously, "Fifth madam, the princess has heard that the third madam is about to give birth!"


Chen Qing was taken aback, and got up quickly, Yu Ying quickly put on her dress, put on her husband's jacket and coat, and did some tidying up.

Chen Qing smiled and said, "Go and help first! I'll sit in the study for a while."

"Alright then! I'll let Yao Mei go to the study to serve the prince, and I have to change into a new clothes for the prince today."

Yu Ying hurried away, and Chen Qing returned to his study.

The study had already been tidied up. Just as Chen Qing sat down, Yao Mei walked in with a brand new set of underwear. This is the custom of Jingzhao. If a child is born, the whole family will have to change into new clothes to welcome the arrival of the new life.

Zhao Yingluo should have a baby in these two days, and the whole family is ready.

"My lord, my concubine said that my lord should change into new clothes after taking a bath!"

"I'm not happy to take a bath early in the morning, so you go get a basin of hot water and just wipe me off with a towel."

"All right!"

Yao Mei put down her clothes and hurried out. Chen Qing casually picked up yesterday's Beijing News and flipped through it.

A piece of news in the newspaper aroused his interest, "Wanbao Cabinet Shop officially opened yesterday!" '

Wanbao Cabinet Shop is a cabinet shop jointly established by Zheng Tongquan and seven old nobles. There are two main stores. The North Main Store is in Jingzhao, and the South Main Store is in Lin'an. The Lin'an Main Store opened last month, and now the Jingzhao Main Store is also open. .

At this time, Yao Mei came in with a basin of hot water, closed the door, Chen Qing took off his clothes, sat on the wooden bench, and Yao Mei carefully wiped his body.

It is Yao Mei's job for Chen Qing to take a bath and wipe his back. She is used to it. As a personal maid, this is also her job. It is like this in any wealthy family. It is impossible to say that the master takes a bath by himself. If a concubine serves, if there is a personal maid, then it is a personal maid, otherwise what is a personal servant?
After wiping his body with a warm towel, Chen Qing stood up, Yao Mei washed his lower body again, and then put on clean muslin underwear for him.

"My lord, are you going to the official room today?"

"If you don't go today, you don't need to wear an official hat, just a flat scarf."

Yao Mei put on a flat towel for him, and handed him a hot towel. Chen Qing washed his face and said with a smile: "Bring me breakfast first, I'm hungry, and then make tea!"

"Wait a minute, my lord, I'll be right there."

Not long after Yao Mei left, she came back in a hurry.

"My lord, the third lady has given birth!"

Chen Qingteng stood up and asked anxiously, "Is it a boy or a girl?"

"It's Xiao Lang!"

Chen Qing was overjoyed that his fourth son was born.

"What happened to mother?"

"Mother and son are safe!"

"Good! Good! Good!"

Chen Qing lost his appetite at all, and quickly ordered: "Go and watch, and let me know if there is any news."

"I'll make tea for the prince and go!"

"No, I'll do it myself, you go quickly."

Yao Mei had no choice but to leave in a hurry. Chen Qing made a pot of tea by himself, took out a box of snacks from the cabinet, and ate breakfast indiscriminately.

Start laying down paper, ready to name my son.

He already has three sons and three daughters. The eldest son, Chen Ji, was born to the princess; The fourth son was also born to Zhao Yingluo.

The eldest daughter, Chen Xue, was also born to the princess, the second daughter, Chen Bing, was born to Zhao Qiaoyun, and the third daughter, Chen Cen, was born to Yu Ying.

Counting that he has seven children, Chen Qing really felt an indescribable sense of happiness. He took a pen and wrote down the name of the fourth child, Chen Lu.

In fact, this was what he had thought long ago to commemorate his capture of Shandong Road.

Today is not a holiday, Chen Qing just asked for a day off in order to welcome the arrival of a new life.

In the afternoon, Lu Qingshan came to meet Chen Qing in a hurry.

Chen Qing was sitting in front of the cradle at this time, looking at his newborn son. The baby was sleeping soundly, his eyebrows and eyes were very similar to his own, and his face was also like him, full of masculinity.

In contrast, the third child, Chen Yang, was more like his mother, and his body was relatively weak. If he had been born in a commoner family, the child would have died a long time ago.

"Did the officials name the baby Chen Lu?" Zhao Yingluo asked with a smile while lying on the side.

Chen Qing smiled and nodded, "To commemorate the capture of Shandong Road."

"Then it should be called Chen Qi!"

"Chen Qi is not as smooth as Chen Lu, and he is more generous with Chen Lu."

"I see, officer, there seems to be someone looking for it outside, it's Yao Mei!"

Zhao Yingluo smiled and asked, "Amei, what's the matter?"

Yao Mei bowed, "Aunt Wen has a message that Counselor Lu has something urgent to see the lord."

Chen Qing nodded, "Go and prepare the carriage, I'll go right away."

Zhao Yingluo hurriedly said: "Officials, go quickly! Don't delay the business."

"Rest well, I'll see you later."

Chen Qing patted his wife's hand, leaned over and kissed his son's little cheek, and then walked quickly to the front yard.

In the living room of the front yard, Lu Qingshan was pacing back and forth with his hands behind his back, when footsteps came from outside, when Lu Qingshan turned his head, it was the lord Chen Qing who had arrived.

He hurriedly stepped forward, cupped his fists and laughed, "Congratulations, Your Highness, for getting Lin'er again!"

Chen Qing smiled and nodded, "Thank you! Thank you! I will approve the amnesty later, and you will pass the news to Counselor Jiang for me."

"No problem, I will tell you!"

Chen Qing invited him to sit down and asked the maid to serve tea.

Lu Qingshan hurriedly said: "I just received the letter from the pigeon, the emperor has decreed to deprive Zhang Jun of his title, and declared him a traitor, and ordered him to go to Beijing immediately to plead guilty, so that he can be spared."

Chen Qing frowned, "Are you not serious about this purpose?".


"How to say?" Chen Qing asked anxiously.

"The Son of Heaven appoints Li Hui as Generalissimo of Rebellion, and Ju Shigu as Deputy General, commanding [-] troops to attack Jiangnan West Road."

"It's actually Li Hui who is the main general!"

Chen Qing was a little stunned. Of course Han Shizhong should be the main general!How to become Li Hui, a well-known good old man.

"Isn't Li Hui the post in Bianliang?"

"The emperor called him back urgently. It seems that the emperor was very dissatisfied with Han Shizhong's loss of the naval warship, so he used Li Hui, whom he trusted more."

Chen Qing shook his head. There are still many famous generals available in the imperial court, Liu Ziyu, Wu Yu, Han Shizhong, Liu Kai, Wang Jian, Yang Yizhong, these people are all available, but Li Hui was chosen.

Although the deputy general, Ju Shigu, was not bad, his combat experience was accumulated in the Northern Song Dynasty. After the establishment of the Southern Song Dynasty, he has been serving as a general guarding the emperor by his side.

The emperor really knows how to employ people, and he actually used two generals from the Northern Song Dynasty.

(End of this chapter)

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