
Chapter 1243 The First Victory

Chapter 1243 The First Victory
The transportation in the Song Dynasty remained unchanged, and all kinds of information were too late. At the same time that Chen Qing received the news, one hundred thousand Huaixi troops began to sweep Jiangnan West Road, and successively occupied Jiangzhou, Longxing Mansion, Yuanzhou, Fuzhou, Linjiang Army, Xingguo Army, Yizhou and other state capitals around Poyang Lake seized a large amount of money, food and materials.

At this time, Li Hui's [-] troops from the imperial court arrived in Shangrao County, Xinzhou. Quzhou and Xinzhou, arrived in Shangrao County.

Although they are all in the mountainous area of ​​western Zhejiang, this is the shortcut to Jiangnan West Road, the shortest distance.

Shangrao County has a lot of money and food, and [-] troops have been stationed here for seven days. At this time, the spies sent by Li Hui to various places on Jiangnan West Road came back one after another, bringing the latest situation.

In front of the commander's map, Li Hui pointed to Nanchang County in Longxing Prefecture and said, "It takes seven inches to hit a snake. We don't have that much time, energy, and Zhang Jun's army to waste. The opponent's seven inches is Nanchang County."

Li Hui is more than sixty years old this year. He was originally a military general, and his ending was quite disgraceful. He led an army of [-] and was ordered to guard the south bank of the Yellow River. As a result, Li Hui was dismissed.

However, Li Hui's political acumen is hard to be strong. He supported the emperor Zhao Gou at the first time.

At the critical moment, what Zhao Gou thought of was not Han Shizhong, Liu Ziyu and other famous generals, but the loyal veteran Li Hui.

Liu Miao's rebellion, Chen Qing's separatist regime, Liu Guangshi's separatist regime, Yue Feijun's disobedience, and Zhang Jun's rebellion. The series of behaviors of these military leaders have completely chilled Zhao Gou, and he was afraid from the bottom of his heart. At this moment, he remembered According to the ancestral teachings, generals are not allowed to command troops, how wise the ancestral teachings are.

In this way, Li Hui, who was also a military commander but had already been converted to a civil servant, was undoubtedly the most suitable candidate for the coach, and Li Hui also won the final trust of the emperor.

Lieutenant General Ju Shigu is also a veteran with rich experience. He pointed to Poyang Lake on the map and said: "The Huaixi Army has already controlled the waterway. They can easily attack from the waterway and cut off our logistics and retreat. The marshal must be on guard." .”

Li Hui thought for a moment and slowly said: "I can't waste food because of choking, my food can go with the army, and I don't fear their navy and warships!"

"Marshal, I think it's better to go step by step. It's too risky to use a surprise army. Second, it may not be able to take Nanchang County. Zhang Jun's army is not a rebellious army. The equipment and training of the army are no less than ours."

Li Hui walked a few steps with his hands behind his back, and finally nodded, "Forget it! The official asked me to send him the battle report at all times, and let the official decide!"

"It's better for the commander-in-chief to take back Fuzhou first, occupy Linchuan County, and then report to the officials. The effect will be better."

Li Hui nodded. This is a good suggestion. There are [-] Huaixi garrisons in Fuzhou. To annihilate these [-] people and retake Linchuan County is actually a military exploit.

"According to the general's words, send troops to Fuzhou!"

Li Hui left [-] people to guard Shangrao. He led an army of [-] to continue westward, entered Fuzhou three days later, and soon killed Linchuan County. Linchuan County originally had [-] defenders. He led his army to flee, leaving an empty city behind, and Li Hui's army immediately occupied Linchuan County.

He immediately wrote a letter to the emperor to show his merits and asked for instructions on the next step.

At this time, Zhang Jun was in Nanchang County. Of course, he also got the news that Li Hui led the army, which made him secretly happy. He knew who Li Hui was, and he was mediocre in military affairs. He is notoriously good-natured in official circles, and no one can offend him. Of course, Zhang Jun couldn't wish for such a person to be the coach.

However, Ju Shigu has rich experience and should not underestimate the enemy.

Not long after the Song army occupied Linchuan County, Zhang Jun got the news, and he immediately called his aide Yang Shi to ask for advice.

In the big tent, Yang Shi said to the soldiers: "You go and report first, and I will go to see the commander-in-chief after I change clothes!"

The soldiers went first, and Yang Shi immediately asked Li Yecheng, "Zhang Jun must have wanted to ask me what do you think should I do in response to the Song army's advance?"

Li Yecheng took out a pigeon letter from his bosom and said with a smile: "Yesterday, I received a reply letter from His Highness King Yong. You can see what His Highness King Yong means."

Yang Shi quickly opened the pigeon letter, and there were only four words in it, 'Luring the enemy across the Ganshui'.

Yang Shi nodded, he knew it well, he hurriedly changed into a robe and went to meet Zhang Jun, who was waiting for him!

"See the prince for a humble position!"

Zhang Jun waved his hand, pointed at the sand table and said, "Now that the [-] imperial troops have arrived, they have occupied Shangrao County and Linchuan. What do you think should be done?"

Yang Shi smiled confidently: "My lord, the key is to know yourself and the enemy, so that you can win a hundred battles without danger."

Zhang Jun cheered up and said, "How do you know yourself, how do you know your enemy?"

"My lord, let's talk about knowing the enemy first. First of all, the enemy's general. I believe that the lord knows Li Hui very well. He is known as a good man. In other words, he has not taken responsibility and dare not take responsibility. He will definitely ask the emperor for instructions. , and the biggest problem of the emperor is greedy for merit. The repeated defeats of the Song army were all caused by his greed for merit. Therefore, the prince wants to give the emperor a chance to be greedy for merit. Try a little bit of sweetness, let them feel that the Huaixi Army is nothing more than that, that the prince is mediocre and incompetent, and that the suppression of the rebellion is just around the corner."

"well said!"

Zhang Jun repeatedly praised him, and every word of Yang Shi's suggestion touched his heart, which made him greatly appreciate it.

He asked again: "Then where is the time to destroy the enemy army?"

Yang Shi pointed to the Ganshui River and said, "Let the enemy take advantage of the victory to pursue us. As long as they cross the Ganshui River, we will directly cut off their retreat. There is no food and grass. When they retreat in a hurry, we will attack halfway, and the Song Army will definitely be defeated. .”

"Okay! What a half-strike!"

Zhang Jun slammed his fist on the table. He completely agreed with Yang Shi's plan, and the key was to lure Song Jun across the Gan River.

Zhang Jun immediately made deployments and led the army to withdraw from Nanchang County and retreat to the north. Only [-] troops were stationed in Nanchang County.

The information was detected by Li Hui's scouts. Li Hui immediately ordered his deputy general Ju Shigu to lead [-] troops to intercept the enemy retreating to the north. The two sides met on the east bank of the Ganshui River. There are countless people, Ju Shigu led the army to chase and kill more than [-] enemies, captured [-] enemy prisoners of war, and won the first battle.

The battle report was quickly transmitted to Lin'an by means of flying pigeons.

The news of the victory in the first battle spread to the government and the public, and the spirits of the government and the public were greatly boosted. Hundreds of officials praised the emperor for employing people well, Jiang was still old and hot, and Zhao Gou washed away his old depression and focused on the anti-insurgency battle on Jiangnan West Road.

"Your Majesty, I have already said that Zhang Jun is a big Liu Guangshi!"

Qin Hui spoke convincingly to Emperor Zhao Gou: "The key is that without the support of the people and the gentry, who would support the rebellion? There is no justification, and the soldiers don't support it. That's why the opponent was defeated in the first battle. Obviously, the morale was low and the soldiers were unwilling to fight. "

Zhu Shengfei nodded and said: "Qin Xiangguo is right, Li Hui interrogated the prisoners of war, Zhang Jun has not been paid for two months, and all the money from the government has been shipped away. There is no benefit for the soldiers, morale is very low, and he has no intention of fighting. "

"Xu Xiangguo, what do you think?" Zhao Gou turned to Xu Xiantu enthusiastically.

Xu Xiantu bowed and said, "It's just a small victory. Zhang Jun's army cannot be concluded from this. After all, Zhang Jun's army was once the Song army, and they were well prepared. will fail miserably.”

Although Xu Xiantu spoke earnestly and sincerely, but Zhao Gou was disappointed, and he really didn't like it.

(End of this chapter)

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