
Chapter 1245

Chapter 1245
Not long after, Lu Wei came to Chen Qing's official room and reported to Chen Qing about Lu Gang.

Chen Qing said with a smile: "Are you sure he is serving as an intelligence agent for the court again?"

Lu Wei sighed and said: "There is no doubt, he himself admitted that he is working for officials and businessmen, and he is also concerned about the mobilization of the army. What is it if he is not an intelligence spy?"

"Does the imperial court know that he once worked for Wan Yanchang and was arrested? Did you ask him?"

Lu Wei nodded, "I asked specifically, and he said that his superior didn't know, and I think so, too. Lu Tang was arrested in a relatively hidden way, and he was locked up in the inner guard prison. Only the inner guard knew about it. If he didn't say anything, the court would never Yes, I'm sure he won't say it."

"It should be kept secret, otherwise the court would not use him."

Chen Qing smiled and said: "The imperial court thinks that he is from the Lu family and can get valuable information, but this is a bad move by the imperial court. They never thought that we would find out their information through Lu Yan. "

"That's right. According to His Highness's instructions, I told the army that they are about to go north to Lingxia Road. I believe he will report immediately. The inner guards are already watching."

As soon as Lu Wei finished speaking, Chao Qing reported at the door, "Your Highness, the king is in urgent need of an audience!"

Chen Qing smiled and nodded, "Please come in!"

Not long after, Wang Hao walked in in a hurry. He made great contributions to the timely detection of Tie Huolei by the inner guards, and was promoted to deputy capital commander by one level, and Zhong Huan was also promoted by one level, from deputy commander to commander.

Wang Hao reported: "His Royal Highness, Lu Tang just went to the Duobao Building and entered the backyard."

Duobaolou is the piece of land that Lu Xiu sold for [-] guan on the East Street. So far, the highest land price in Jingzhao was bought by the Liu family, but the Liu family and the Gao family have already withdrawn. The four joined forces to buy it.

Shi Guangping originally wanted to build Fengle Building, but encountered the height limit order issued by the Internal Affairs Hall, Fengle Building could not be completed, and finally built a large restaurant covering an area of ​​three mu, with only three floors, named Duobao Building.

Of course the business is not bad, but the cost is too high. In addition to the land price, there are property prices and other costs. The cost is about [-]. It will take at least [-] years to recover the investment.

This answer was within Chen Qing's expectations. Since Duobaolou was opened by Shi Guangping, it would definitely be used by the court, but there is no evidence. Now that Lu Hang's appearance is conclusive evidence.

Wang Hao and Lu Wei looked at King Yong, waiting for his next order.

Chen Qing pondered for a long time and said: "Use Lu Tang to pass on information first, and give full play to his role as a member of the Lu family. This is of course the purpose of the imperial court using him as a spy, which shows that the imperial court believes that he can get important information."

Speaking of this, Chen Qing smiled at Lu Wei again: "Except for the rejection of Tie Huolei's information, everything else is easy to talk about, so I will thank you."

Lu Wei said helplessly: "But this time, the humble job doesn't need money anyway."

"This time, we will play the family card and not talk about money."

Chen Qing said to Wang Hao again: "It's better for the inner guard to arrange someone to enter the Duobao Building, which will be more conducive to understanding him."

Wang Hao nodded, "Duobaolou is recruiting warriors for the past few days, and the humble job can just be arranged."

Chen Qing smiled slightly and said, "I was worrying about how to deliver the information they want to the imperial court, but Lu Tang appeared in time, it seems to be God's will!"

The next day, Jingzhao's Western Army began to mobilize on a large scale. One hundred thousand troops headed northeast, followed by tens of thousands of camels loaded with supplies and food. The news was soon discovered by imperial spies monitoring the Western Army camp. Report back to Jingzhaocheng.

Duobaolou is indeed an intelligence point established by the imperial court in Jingzhao, but it is not Duobaolou itself, but the site of Duobaolou was borrowed by the intelligence point.

There is a small courtyard in the backyard of Duobao Building. There is a small two-story building in the courtyard. The courtyard door is usually closed and the curtains are drawn on the upper floor, which looks quite mysterious.

Needless to say, this is the imperial court's intelligence point in Jingzhao. The imperial court has three intelligence points in Jingzhao, one is Duobaolou, and the other two are shops and inns. But Duobaolou is the headquarters, and there are a total of more than twenty An intelligence agent.

The person in charge is Sima Hui, an official of the Privy Council, and the intelligence agency is also under the control of the Privy Council. Although Xu Xiantu will cooperate with Chen Qing at critical moments, it does not mean that he is on Jingzhao's side in everything, and he will not keep secrets of intelligence points. Leaked to Hu Yun.

Of course, Chen Qing didn't care about this. Xu Xiantu's role was at the critical moment, so he tried not to bother him at ordinary times.

Lu Tang is one of the spies, but his character is not good, he borrows money without repaying it, and hangs around the brothel all day long, which really makes the other spies despise him, and the supervisor Sima Hui also dislikes him very much. If it weren't for his surname Lu, he was a member of the princess family , Sima Hui drove him away long ago.

But this time Lu Tang made a contribution. He learned in advance the information that the Western Army went north to Lingxia Road, and also learned that Fengzhou was captured by nomadic cavalry and the situation on Lingxia Road was not good.

This information was very important and timely, which meant that Chen Qing's energy was distracted, and he couldn't take too much into account of Zhang Jun's rebellion.

At this time, the spies sent to Baqiao rushed back and reported to Sima Hui: "It is true that [-] troops left the barracks and headed northeast, and [-] camels loaded with food and supplies followed."

Sima Hui nodded. It should be going north to Lingxia Road. Only when going north would people use camels to carry goods. If they were going to the Central Plains, they must be transported by water.

"Go get Lu Yan!"

Fortunately, Lu Tang happened to be eating in a restaurant, and didn't go to the brothel to fool around.

Hearing that the supervisor was looking for him, he hurried over.

"See Manager Sima!"

Sima Hui smiled and patted his skinny shoulder, "You did a good job this time, and I will reward you with ten pennies!"

Lu Tang was flattered, and hurriedly bowed and said, "It should be! It should be!"

Sima Hui remembered something, and asked with a smile: "What did you do in Jingzhao before?"

"It was arranged by my elder brother Lu Wei to be the boss in the military warehouse."

Sima Hui was taken aback, "Is Lu Wei your elder brother?"

Lu Hang smiled wryly and said: "According to seniority, he should be my nephew, but he is several years older than me, and we grew up together, and we are like brothers. I always call him big brother."

Sima Hui nodded, "So that's the case, then why didn't Bo, who is a good warehouse owner, stop doing it?"

Of course Lu Tang would not tell the truth, he had already said something, he sighed and said: "It is mainly my father's problem, my uncle Lu Qingshan is a counselor, my father is the magistrate, which made my father very dissatisfied, and later my father was dismissed. The Supervisory Office impeached me, and Chen Qing was about to demote my father as a county magistrate, but my father resigned and returned to Lin'an in a fit of anger, so I had no choice but to go back with him."

Sima Hui shook his head and said, "It's not easy for your father. You didn't make good use of such a strong relationship. You need to get in touch with Lu Wei more, understand? Buy him a drink and ask him for information. Although some information is not classified, But it's important to us, understand?"

"Humble job understands!"

Sima Hui then rewarded Lu Hang with ten guan coins, allowing him to continue to inquire about important information.

Sima Hui wrote the information about the major military situation on Lingxia Road as a letter of pigeons, and sent his men to rush out of the city to send the pigeons to Lin'an. It is not easy to go to Lin'an from the government office, and it is not easy to go through two transfers before being sent to Lin'an.

But Sima Hui didn't know that the [-] troops turned south again, passed through Shangluo Road to Dengzhou, and watched the battle situation on Jiangnan West Road closely in Dengzhou, waiting patiently for the opportunity.

(End of this chapter)

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