
Chapter 1246 Fiasco

Chapter 1246 Fiasco
Li Hui captured Nanchang County almost effortlessly. His [-] troops were still [-] miles away from Nanchang County, and the thousands of defenders in Nanchang County abandoned the city and fled.

A mighty army of [-] soldiers approached the city. At this time, the city gate opened, and the magistrate took a few civil officials out of the city to welcome the arrival of the Song army.

"My subordinate Zhang Xin, magistrate of Nanchang, welcomes the return of the Celestial Army!"

Li Hui asked strangely, "Where are your prefects and judges?"

"Reporting to Marshal, they fled before the rebels arrived, and the other county officials also fled."

Li Hui snorted, "Then why don't you run away?"

Zhang Xin said neither arrogant nor humble: "If the humble officer also escapes, what will the people in the city do?"

Li Hui nodded, "Let's talk about the advanced city!"

The army marched into Nanchang County, and the city was orderly, but not chaotic. Li Hui asked, "How many rebels are there in the city?"

"Reporting to the Marshal, there were tens of thousands of troops at the beginning, but they withdrew after a short while, leaving only a few thousand troops, planting flags on the top of the city, bluffing."

Li Hui nodded secretly, as expected, His Majesty guessed right, the opponent's real target was Zhenjiang Mansion, and Jiangnan West Road was just a false attack.

"How much food is there in the city?"

"I don't know about the humble position, but they fled in a hurry and did not bring food, which is estimated to be about [-] shi."

Li Hui immediately said to Ju Shigu: "You lead an army of [-] to defend Nan County, and I will lead the army to continue the pursuit and completely recover Jiangnan West Road."

Ju Shigu hesitated and said: "Commander, I always feel that the enemy's retreat is deceitful!"

Li Hui glared at him fiercely, "This is the emperor's will, you want me to resist the order and be the second Yue Fei?"

A big hat of rebellion and disobedience was put on, and Ju Shigu didn't dare to say anything.

Li Hui immediately ordered the army to rest for an hour, then set out to pursue the enemy, and at the same time ordered people to build a pontoon bridge.

An hour later, the pontoon bridge was built, and Li Hui led an army of [-] across the pontoon bridge, marching towards Jiangzhou in the north.

At two o'clock, everything was silent, and Nanchang City was completely silent. At this time, soldiers hiding in ambushes in various places in Nanchang City were dispatched. They gathered from various places to the City God's Temple in the north of the city, and quickly assembled into a team of [-] people. A small trebuchet also appeared around the barracks.

A team of [-] soldiers immediately attacked the North City Gate. Although there were more than [-] Song Army soldiers guarding the North City, they were basically in a deep sleep.

The city gate opened, and more than [-] Huaixi troops outside the city entered the city. At the same time, a fire suddenly ignited in the quiet barracks. Inside.

Soldiers in the barracks cried for their fathers and mothers, and rushed here and there. Countless soldiers were choked by the thick smoke and passed out, never waking up again.

Ju Shigu was so anxious that he led thousands of soldiers to break through the siege. He had just rushed to the gate of the barracks when there was a sound of clappers and arrows shot like a storm. tragic death.

The rest of the soldiers were so frightened that they knelt down and surrendered. The Huaixi Army accepted the surrender. Group after group of soldiers raised their hands and fled from the barracks. .

In the end, the [-] troops failed to escape from Nanchang City, and the entire army was wiped out. Nearly [-] people were burned to death or suffocated by thick smoke, and the rest of the soldiers all surrendered.

At the same moment when Nanchang City was attacked, Li Hui led an army of [-] to rest in a forest. This place is located on the west bank of Ganshui River, about [-] miles away from Ganshui River. There is no county town within dozens of miles. The nearest county town is It is Nanchang County on the east bank of the Ganshui River, but it is also forty miles away.

The [-] army marched lightly, with only five days' worth of dry food, which was just enough to reach the Yangtze River before returning to Nanchang County. In the middle of the night, ten gunpowder arrows suddenly shot into the sky from the north. This was the arrival of a large enemy army. alert.

The soldiers woke up from their dreams one after another, looking at the gunpowder arrows in the sky in surprise.

Li Hui shouted: "Everyone get up! Everyone get up!"

In the distance, the roar of horseshoes sounded, and it turned out that it was the cavalry who came to kill them. In just a moment, more than a thousand cavalry rushed past the woods where they were resting. Countless gunpowder arrows shot into the woods, and the pine trees began to burn. The [-] troops hurriedly retreated to the south. As soon as part of the army withdrew out of the forest, [-] cavalry suddenly came from the west, killing the Song army by surprise.

At the same time, tens of thousands of troops came from the north, the woods caught fire, and the cavalry charged. The Song army was unable to reorganize the army. "

The morale of the army quickly collapsed, and no one was willing to resist. The Song army was defeated, and tens of thousands of troops fled in the dark.

Li Hui led his army and escaped for more than [-] li in one breath. As the sky gradually dawned, he gathered up the defeated soldiers, but found that there were less than [-] soldiers.

At this time, Li Hui discovered a more terrifying thing. The pontoon bridge on the Ganshui disappeared, and they could not cross the Ganshui. The water was full of warships of the Huaixi Army.

It wasn't until this moment that Li Hui finally realized that they had made a big mistake. Zhang Jun's main force was on Jiangnan West Road, and he was just tempting them to cross the Ganshui step by step. Once they crossed the Ganshui, they would be completely finished.

A scout rushed to report from the south, "Report to Marshal, thirty thousand Huaixi troops were found ten miles to the south, cutting off the road going south!"

A scout rushed to report, "Twenty thousand enemy troops have been found five miles to the west!"

At this time, the main force of the Huaixi Army also appeared in the north, and the [-] Huaixi Army surrounded Li Hui's remnants from three directions, while the wide Ganshui River was in the east.

Li Hui was desperate and powerless to resist. The soldiers were almost bare-handed. They even lost their armor in order to escape. People were panic-stricken. Li Hui had no choice but to order the whole army to surrender.

So far, of the [-] Song troops on Jiangnan West Road, except for the [-] guarding Shangrao, the remaining [-] troops were completely wiped out.

At noon, countless newsboys poured out of the "Beijing News" newspaper office. They ran and shouted, "Extra! Extra! The Song army on Jiangnan West Road was wiped out, Ju Shigu died in battle, and Li Hui surrendered!"

With the newsboys running and the "Beijing News" being published, the news of Song Jun's disastrous defeat on Jiangnan West Road spread quickly throughout Lin'an City like wings.

The headline on the front page of the newspaper read, "The [-] Song army on Jiangnan West Road was wiped out, the giant master Gu died in battle, and Li Hui surrendered!" 'Especially shocking.

The detailed description below is that the Song army was greedy for meritorious deeds and was cut off by the Huaixi army after crossing the Ganshui River. The morale of the army collapsed and the whole army was defeated.

When the news spread, the whole city was in an uproar, and almost all the teahouses and restaurants were talking about it. The crowd was outraged. Tens of thousands of people gathered in front of Chaotianmen on Yujie Street, shouting angrily.

First, there was a disastrous defeat in Haizhou, where the [-] troops were wiped out. Only half a year later, the Song Army suffered a disastrous defeat again, with the [-] troops wiped out. Repeated defeat?

Tens of thousands of people didn't have any demands, they just gathered in front of Chaotianmen and shouted to vent their inner resentment.

In the imperial study room, a piece of "Beijing News" was spread out on the table, and the emperor Zhao Gou sat in front of the table in a daze, staring at the newspaper, his mind went blank.

At this time, the servant whispered: "Your Majesty, several gentlemen are urgently seeking to see you!"

After a long while, Zhao Gou finally realized, nodded, "Announce them to see you!"

(End of this chapter)

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