
Chapter 1247 Dangerous Words

Chapter 1247 Dangerous Words
After a while, the five prime ministers walked into the imperial study room quickly, and everyone looked dignified.

Qin Hui bowed and said: "Your Majesty, there is no specific battle report yet, not even a letter sent by a flying pigeon. The situation is still unclear, but the "Beijing News" is bewitching the public and stirring up public sentiment. I suggest that the "Beijing News" be shut down. Your Majesty please approve!"

Zhao Gou sighed and said, "What if the whole army is really wiped out?"

"Your Majesty, these are two different things. Victory or defeat is a common matter in military affairs. You don't need to take it too seriously. However, the "Beijing News" provokes the public's emotions, ruins the credibility of the imperial court, and weakens your Majesty's prestige. It is really unforgivable."

Zhu Shengfei also provocatively said: "Your Majesty, no matter whether the battle report is true or not, the "Beijing News" is not qualified to publish this kind of news in front of the court, which has brought great trouble to the court. The last time the Haizhou fiasco was published first If the imperial court let it go, then the court’s people’s hearts will gradually be disintegrated, and this may be the purpose of Chen Qing’s publication of the "Beijing News."

Huang Guinian hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, no, the people in Lin'an City are now infuriated. If the "Beijing News" is sealed up, it will inevitably lead to greater chaos and damage the credibility of the court, and it will definitely attract Chen Qing's revenge. His Majesty personally agreed to open a newspaper, but I believe that we can interview, but we cannot ban the newspaper!"

Zhao Gou found that Xu Xiantu was standing at the end and remained silent all the time, so he asked, "What about Xu Aiqing's opinion?"

"Weichen was thinking about other important things, and didn't consider such small issues!"

"small issue?"

Qin Hui was dissatisfied and said: "The public opinion in the entire capital is controlled by Chen Qing, and you dare to say that this is a small problem. Then ask Mr. Xu, what is a big problem."

"Zhang Jun's occupation of Jiangnan West Road is a big problem. Will he divide his troops into two ways to attack Lin'an? I think it's a bigger problem. When will Zhang Jun's army reach the city of Lin'an? What will we use to defend the city? Qin Does Xiangguo think these are small problems?"

"This is simply nonsense, will such a thing happen?" Qin Hui glared at Xu Xiantu.

As soon as the words fell, the servant reported outside the door, "Your Majesty, Yanzhou urgently reports that the Huaixi Army's [-] vanguards have entered Quzhou, and Yanzhou is in a hurry!"


Zhao Gouteng stood up and said anxiously: "Xu Xiangguo, what should I do?"

Xu Xiantu said coldly: "Your Majesty can ask Qin Xiangguo, he said that such a thing cannot happen."


Qin Hui said angrily: "When is it, you still say such sarcastic remarks, and you don't care about the overall situation at all!"

Xu Xiantu said calmly: "If Your Majesty wants to listen to my minister, please invite Mr. Qin out, otherwise he will object to any suggestion I made, and then his suggestion will definitely end in disastrous failure."

Qin Hui said angrily: "It's nonsense, when did my suggestion end in a disastrous defeat, please make it clear!"

"Did you encourage Your Majesty to urge the Song army to march in the battle of Haizhou? I am in Yangzhou, but the special envoy who issued the decree bypassed Yangzhou and bypassed me as the commander. Isn't it your responsibility?
Isn't it your suggestion to urge Li Hui to march immediately?As a result, the entire army was wiped out?Don't you have any responsibility?Also, did you instigate His Majesty to force Zhang Jun back?Chen Qing occupied Jing South Road and North Road, was it caused by you forcibly intervening in the negotiation?"


Zhao Gou couldn't hold back his face, and Xu Xiantu's accusation made Zhao Gou's ears especially harsh. He slapped the table and shouted: "You all get out, get out!"

The crowd had no choice but to leave. Qin Hui and Xu Xiantu glared at each other and followed them out. At this moment, Zhao Gou waved his hands and said, "Xu Xianggong stay here!"

Qin Hui was annoyed, gritted his teeth secretly, and had no choice but to quicken his pace and go out.

Only Zhao Gou and Xu Xiantu were left in the imperial study room. After a while, Zhao Gou sighed and said, "Don't talk about Mr. Qin, but talk about the current situation. The situation is critical now. What should I do?"

"Your Majesty must first forgive me for the crime of speaking out, and then I can speak."

"Say it! I pardon you for not guilty."

Xu Xiantu sighed and said: "The defeat on Jiangnan West Road was caused by Li Hui's incompetence and lack of responsibility. At this critical moment, His Majesty must put talent first, and other things are not important. I recommended Han Shizhong before, and I still recommend it now." He, and then Wei Chen recommended Wu Ji to guard the Zhenjiang mansion, he is now in Lin'an, just in time to use it!"

Zhao Gou thought for a while and said, "Let's do this! I will hold a military and political discussion, and I want to listen to their ideas before using them."

Xu Xiantu nodded, "It's absolutely fine!"

"What about the Beijing News?"

Zhao Gou asked again unwillingly: "Do you want to seal it up? Or order it to temporarily suspend publication!"

Xu Xiantu said indifferently: "Your Majesty, if you listen to Qin Hui's slander and seal the "Beijing News" today, I can guarantee that Zhang Jun's [-] troops will come to Lin'an City, and Han Shizhong and Wu Yu will be defeated. Miserably."

Zhao Gou was moved, "Why?"

Xu Xiantu was a little anxious, couldn't he see such an obvious situation?
Zhang Jun's chaos is not terrible, but what is terrible is Chen Qing behind Zhang Jun. He has drawn his sword out of its sheath, but His Majesty doesn't feel it at all. It's really worrying!

"Some things are a kind of tacit understanding, which cannot be broken. The "Beijing News" is a tacit agreement reached between His Majesty and Chen Qing. If His Majesty breaks it, then Chen Qing will definitely support Zhang Jun, Han Shizhong and Wu Ling's army. I'm afraid It’s not Zhang Jun’s army, but the Western Army disguised as the Huaixi Army. He waited for Zhang Jun to break through Lin’an, and then supported the late emperor to ascend the throne in Jingzhao and establish the Western Song Dynasty. Does Your Majesty think this possibility is absurd?”

Zhao Gou broke out in a cold sweat, this could happen!Maybe this is the truth.

"Could it be that Chen Qing participated in the disastrous defeat on Jiangnan West Road?" Zhao Gou asked nervously.

"Your Majesty, Chen Qing must have been involved. He will never stand idly by. The humble official got a piece of information yesterday, which may prove it."

"What information?"

"It's about Luo Ji, the magistrate of Yangzhou. He has already taken his family northward. According to reliable sources, Luo Ji bought land in Jingzhao long ago."

"You mean to say that the gathering of rebels on the north bank of the Yangtze River is a fake news from Luo Ji?"

"It should be that the Huaixi Army has only started to gather in Yangzhou now, and the warship is still on the way."

Zhao Gou sat down slumped, feeling a deep sense of powerlessness in his heart. Chen Qing was far-sighted and thought out every step. An inexplicable fear surged in his heart, and he asked quickly: "Do you mean that I don't If the "Beijing News" is moved, Chen Qing will not fully support Zhang Jun?"

Xu Xiantu shook his head, "Weichen just said that if the "Beijing News" is moved, he will definitely support it, but in turn, Weichen can't guarantee it, but can there be a way to prevent him from helping Zhang Jun?"

"What way?" Zhao Gou asked anxiously.

"His Majesty asks Chen Qing for help!"

"Ask for help?" Zhao Gou was stunned.

Xu Xiantu nodded slowly, "As long as Chen Qing gets the benefits he wants, he will definitely send troops to destroy Zhang Jun. If he doesn't get the benefits he wants from His Majesty, then he will definitely get them from Zhang Jun, Your Majesty , In fact, we have no choice, Zhang Jun's chaos is Chen Qing's opportunity, he will seize this opportunity no matter what."

"Let me think about it! Think about it again!" Zhao Gou's voice became lower and lower.

Xu Xiantu sighed and said: "Your Majesty can think about Chen Qing's matter slowly, but the current crisis cannot be delayed for a moment. Please call your Majesty for a military and political discussion immediately!"

(End of this chapter)

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