
Chapter 1248 Appointments

Chapter 1248 Appointments
That night, the side hall of Ziwei Pavilion was brightly lit, and more than [-] important ministers gathered together to discuss how to deal with the immediate crisis, but the protagonists were Han Shizhong and Wu Lin, and the emperor Zhao Gou would ask them for advice.

Xu Xiantu, a privy secretary, first introduced the situation in front of everyone, "According to the news just received, Zhang Jun sent General Luo Shengping to lead [-] troops into Quzhou. There are [-] troops left by Li Hui, but their morale is very low. I am afraid that they will be difficult to defeat the Huaixi Army. If Zhang Jun's army captures Yanzhou again, the next step is to enter Lin'an Mansion."

There was a slight commotion in the hall, and many ministers had no concept of the state capital. It was not until Xu Xiantu said that Lin'an Mansion would be the next step after Yanzhou was taken, and everyone suddenly realized that Zhang Jun's rebels were very close to them.

Xu Xiantu paused for a while, and when the crowd calmed down, he continued: "I have received information from Jiangbei that tens of thousands of troops are gathering in Jiangbei, and the opponent's warships are sailing along the Yangtze River, and will arrive in Jiangdu County within a few days, so it is very possible Zhang Jun's army will cross the south from Yangzhou to attack Zhenjiang Mansion, this is the opponent's two-sided attack, the situation is very critical, we must make a decision as soon as possible!"

"Excuse me, Xu Xiangguo, how many troops do we have?" Jie Qian, Minister of the Ministry of Punishment, asked.

"Currently we still have [-] troops, Zhenjiang Prefecture has [-] troops, Fujian Road has [-] troops, Lingnan has [-] troops, Yanzhou has [-] troops, and [-] troops are in Lin'an. There are some state soldiers, adding up to about [-] to [-]."

University scholar Zhang Jun asked again: "If we recruit troops urgently, how many troops can we recruit?"

Xu Xiantu thought for a while and said, "There should be at least [-]!"

Zhang Jun nodded, "In this case, we should urgently recruit troops. It is best to recruit [-] troops, immediately transfer the [-] troops from Fujian Road, and then gather the [-] militia troops. In this way, we will have three An army of [-] can calmly counterattack the Huaixi army, the most important thing for us now is the army, we must recruit troops immediately!"

Although Zhang Jun was dismissed and demoted twice, he was appointed as an ambassador to know Fuzhou affairs and appease Fujian Road, but Zhao Gou recalled him back to Beijing because of his old feelings, and granted him the title of Taifu, Chongxin Military Jiedushi, and Wanshou Temple. At the beginning of the year, he was appointed as a bachelor and participated in politics as a bachelor.

Zhang Jun's suggestion was unanimously agreed by the important ministers. The key is that Qin Hui and Zhu Shengfei both learned to be smart tonight and kept silent, especially Qin Hui. When the emperor left Xu Xiantu to ask questions that afternoon, he knew that the officials were dissatisfied with him. Well, if I object again, I am afraid that the officials will push me to bear the responsibility for the defeat, so it is better to remain silent at this time.

Zhao Gou said happily: "The matter of recruiting soldiers will be handed over to the Privy Council, and it must be implemented as soon as possible, and it is best to start early tomorrow morning!"

"My minister obeys the order!" Xu Xiantu bowed and retreated.

At this time, Zhao Gou glanced at Han Shizhong, "Dudu Han!"

Han Shizhong stepped forward quickly, "My minister is here!"

"I want to ask you a few questions. First of all, Poyang Lakekou Shuizhai was defeated. Why did you retreat without fighting? You gave up more than [-] warships!"

In fact, Zhao Gou had already asked this question, and he asked Han Shizhong to explain it to the ministers.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, it was Zhang Jun who led an army of [-] in person at that time, and then the Western Army's water army cooperated. Zhang Jun's army attacked the camp at midnight, and my sentinel sounded the alarm in time to give the soldiers time to react. They rushed out of the barracks, but it was very chaotic. Many soldiers had no shoes, bare feet, and many soldiers were unarmed, and almost all soldiers did not wear armor, because it would take a quarter of an hour to put on the armor, and it was too late.

And the other party came prepared, if the minister did not retreat in time, the [-] troops would surely encircle the [-] sailors, and the result would be that my army would be completely annihilated. So at that time, the minister analyzed the situation and took advantage of the fact that the encirclement circle had not yet been formed. , successfully retreated from the southeast corner. "

"But you abandoned the warship, why didn't you get on board in time?"

Han Shizhong sighed and said: "Reporting to Your Majesty, there are two reasons why the army cannot board the ship. First, Zhang Jun's [-] forward troops blocked the road leading to the dock. I must annihilate these [-] troops before rushing over. , but time was too late, Zhang Jun's [-] troops had already entered the camp.

Second, even if there is no [-] troops to intercept us, we will not be able to board the ship, because the dock can only park three ships at the same time. After the three ships are filled with hundreds of soldiers, we can continue to load the soldiers on the three ships below. There are [-] men under his command, and it will take at least two hours for all of them to board the ship. There is still too little time, and the only choice I can make is to withdraw the troops and avoid the annihilation of the entire army. Please learn from your Majesty! "

Zhao Gou nodded, "You were attacked by Zhang Jun's army of [-], but you were able to retreat in the end, with only a loss of more than [-] people. Compared with Li Hui's entire army, I understand how precious it is. I named you Marshal of the Jiangnan Rebellion Army, you can lead an army of [-] sailors to deal with the enemy army in Quzhou, and you must wipe out the enemy army!"

"The minister obeys the order!"

Zhao Gou glanced at the ministers again, "Do you have any objections?"

Both Han Shizhong and Wu Ling were waiting in the hall, which meant that the emperor had already made a decision. Who would object at this time?There was no sound in the hall.

Zhao Gou nodded, "Sword Bestowing Seal!"

An eunuch came forward with a plate, which contained Shangfang Tianzi Sword, Tiger Talisman and Marshal's Seal. Han Shizhong took it and said emotionally, "I must share your Majesty's worries, and never let the rebels threaten Lin'an!"

"Go! Dudu Han will leave overnight tonight."

Han Shizhong saluted and left.

Zhao Gou said again: "Please reunify Wu Du!"

Wu Ling was fired together with his elder brother Wu Jie in the Yue Fei incident. Wu Jie was removed from office and placed under house arrest. Wu Lin had better luck and was transferred to know Yuanzhou affairs. However, he was framed by Qin Hui last year and was dismissed from knowing Yuanzhou affairs. Don't drive Chenzhou, you must know that Chenzhou is located on Henan Road, and this Chenzhou don't drive him is still a vain job. He is idle in Lin'an and receives a salary of several thousand dollars a month.

However, Wu Ling had a little savings, and his life was barely passable, unlike his elder brother who distributed all the money to the soldiers, and finally died of poverty.

Wu Ling was named the capital commander just half an hour ago, and he has returned to his old job in the army.

He stepped forward to salute, "My minister is here!"

Zhao Gou nodded, "Wu Dutong is good at pass defense. He has made great contributions in defending the golden soldiers in Hanzhong, but Zhenjiang Mansion is defending against the attack of warships in the water. I want to know whether Wu Dutong is competent?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, whether it is the defense of the pass or the defense of the great river, the origin is actually the same thing."

"What's the matter?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, I will go all out to kill the enemy bravely!"

Zhao Gou smiled and nodded, "Speaking of it this way, it is indeed the same thing, but it is different after all. What are you going to do?"

Wu Ling said calmly: "The enemy soldiers just want to go ashore and seize Zhenjiang City. The defense of the minister has two lines. One is the defense on the shore to prevent the enemy from landing. If the enemy successfully lands by force, the humble official will Withdrawing into the city and defending the city is the same thing as guarding the pass, and the humble official will send a surprise army to move around the periphery to attack the enemy ships in the canal."

At this time, Zhang Jun asked: "What if the enemy army does not attack the city, but the army goes directly south along the canal?"

Zhang Jun's question is very critical. Dasan Pass is the only way to go, so it must be conquered, but Zhenjiang City is not a city that must be attacked. The enemy army can ignore it and go directly south.

Wu Ling pondered for a moment and said: "If this is the case, the humble officer will lead the army to pursue and attack the enemy's rear continuously. If the enemy's main force meets, the humble officer will lead the army to go around and attack the warships in front."

"Not bad!"

Zhang Jun praised: "The army can turn around, but the fleet cannot. This is the key!"

Zhao Gou nodded, "I appointed you as the Zhenjiang Defense Envoy to lead an army of [-] to defend the Zhenjiang Mansion. I don't ask you to defeat the enemy, but I hope you can try to delay the enemy to buy time for Lin'an to prepare for the war."

"My humble minister will never let down the grace of God!"

(End of this chapter)

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