
Chapter 1249 Preliminary Discussion

Chapter 1249 Preliminary Discussion
Zhang Jun's performance in the military and state affairs attracted the attention of the emperor Zhao Gou. The next day, Zhang Jun was summoned by the emperor Zhao Gou.

"Your Majesty, please don't worry. Zhang Jun's name is not justified, and the court has designated him as a traitor. No common people or gentry in the world will support him. He will not succeed in the end, and he will follow in Liu Guangshi's footsteps!"

Zhao Gou waved his hand and said impatiently: "Anyone can say these things in these scenes, and I am not a three-year-old child. If I want to hear this, I don't need to summon you!"

"My minister is ashamed!"

Zhang Jun hit a soft nail and didn't dare to say more, so Zhao Gou said slowly: "Xu Xiantu told me that Zhang Jun is nothing to worry about, but the real threat from Chen Qingcai behind Zhang Jun is Chen Qing's chance this time. He will secretly support Zhang Jun to destroy Zhen and the court, and then support the former emperor as the new emperor in Jingzhao, what do you think?"

Only then did Zhang Jun understand why Xu Xiantu had always been favored by the emperor, and he could not fall down for a long time. The problem was really profound, and he saw the essence. He had to consider the mood of the emperor and say a few words of comfort, but Xu Xiantu directly told the bloody truth speak out.

Zhang Jun nodded, "Xu Xianggong sees it clearly, Zhang Jun is nothing to worry about, Chen Qing is the biggest threat, and this is also the biggest crisis we are facing."

"I would like to know how to resolve this crisis?"

Zhang Jun pondered for a while and said: "The only way is to negotiate with Chen Qing and reach a compromise with him, and then the Western Army will cooperate with the court to suppress Zhang Jun's rebellion."

These words still touched Zhao Gou's heart, and he sighed slightly: "I really don't want to negotiate with him, but I have to. Zhang Aiqing, I will leave this matter to you. You can negotiate with King Yong's special envoy Hu Yun." , communicate with me anytime!"

Of course, there is no need to go to Jingzhao to negotiate with Chen Qing. The special envoy of King Yong, Hu Yun, is in Lin'an. Zhang Jun communicates with him directly, and then Hu Yun himself will report to Chen Qing.

Especially since last year, the imperial court formally agreed that King Yong’s special envoy can use pigeon letters or eagle letters to communicate with Jingzhao, which is much faster. Pass through the secret carrier pigeon spot set up outside the city by the intelligence station.

Since last year, the Special Envoy's Office has built an Eagle Tower in the backyard, so there is no need to hide it and send pigeon letters outside the city.

Zhang Jun's visit to Hu Yun was not surprising at all. He was waiting for the arrival of a senior court official. He thought it would be Xu Xiantu, but Zhang Jun did not expect to come.

Zhang Jun was invited to the guest hall, and the two sat down separately. Hu Yun said with a smile: "Your Highness wrote a letter to inquire about the envoy's situation at the beginning of the year. Later, he heard that the envoy was appointed as a bachelor. He was really pleased. If the envoy has anything Difficulties, just tell me, His Highness will help you with all your strength."

Zhang Jun is Chen Qing's nobleman, and he is kind to Chen Qing. Zhang Jun was dismissed. Apart from the reason of Li Qiong's rebellion, there is another root cause that was seized by Qin Hui. That is Chen Qing. Zhang Jun was dismissed. Apparently, it must have something to do with Chen Qing.

Zhang Jun also understood this point in his heart. A few years ago, he felt quite resentful in his heart, especially his aide Wang Mu turned to Chen Qing, which made him even more dissatisfied.

However, as the Western Army became stronger and took back Henan Road and Shandong Road successively, Zhang Jun's mentality gradually changed. He began to realize that his special relationship with Chen Qing might also be an opportunity in his life.

Because of the change in mentality, Zhang Jun is not as eager to return to the aspect as before, but puts more energy on the investigation of the Jiangnan area.

Zhang Jun said gratefully: "Please envoy Hu wait for me to tell His Royal Highness King Yong. I am very grateful for his concern for me. Even my mother never forgets His Royal Highness Yong King. The Jade Guanyin he gave to my mother back then has always been loved by my mother." value."

In fact, Zhang Jun was implicitly expressing that he did not forget his old feelings. Zhang Jun took out another booklet and handed it to Hu Yun, "This is some experience I have investigated in various places in the south of the Yangtze River and various places on Fujian Road. Please pass it on to His Royal Highness King Yong. , I hope it can help him."

Hu Yun happily took the thick booklet and said with a smile: "I will definitely hand it over to King Yong as soon as possible."

After talking about private matters, Zhang Jun turned to business matters.

"Today, I was actually entrusted by the official family to talk to Special Envoy Hu. Of course, I was talking to His Royal Highness King Yong represented by Special Envoy Hu."

Hu Yun nodded and said with a smile: "Of course I understand, please speak up, sir!"

"About Zhang Jun, the traitor, the emperor treated him with the utmost benevolence and righteousness. He did so many evil things, occupying the land, humiliating the people, evading official taxes, and selling private salt. The emperor tolerated him again and again, but he put the emperor Tolerance is regarded as weak and easy to bully, and now they are rebelling, and they are completely rebellious and unscrupulous national thieves."

Hu Yun said with a smile: "I completely agree with Shi Jun's conclusion!"

Zhang Jun was refreshed, and continued: "The meaning of the emperor is that he hopes to join forces with King Yong to eliminate Zhang Jun's rebellion, and hopes that Special Envoy Hu will immediately feedback the emperor's wishes to King Yong."

Hu Yun smiled slightly and said: "His Royal Highness Yong made it clear before that this is a dispute within the imperial court. He does not participate in or support it. His energy is still on how to retake Hebei Road, or on resisting the harassment of nomadic cavalry .”

"This is not a dispute within the imperial court, but a traitor in the imperial court. The Western Army can completely suppress the rebellion for the imperial court."

Of course, Zhang Jun knew that the other party would not scatter hawks when he saw no rabbits, so he added: "Of course, if the Western Army is willing to send troops to assist the imperial court in suppressing the rebellion, the imperial court will also properly consider some reasonable demands of His Royal Highness King Yong."

Zhang Jun emphasized 'appropriate consideration' and 'reasonable appeal', implying that Chen Qing's request should not be excessive.

Hu Yun said indifferently: "Coincidentally, I received instructions from His Highness yesterday. His Highness said that if the court is willing to transfer Zhang Jun's control of the territory to the Western Army, he is willing to solve the court's problems."

Zhang Jun pondered for a while and said, "Does His Royal Highness want Huaixi?"

"Zhang Jun doesn't control more than Huaixi!"

Zhang Jun was surprised, "Could it be that you want the entire Jianghuai?"

Hu Yun smiled, "Actually, there is Jiangnan West Road!"

Zhang Jun stood up abruptly, "How is this possible!"

Hu Yun said unhurriedly: "I'm just repeating the conditions clearly put forward by His Royal Highness King Yong."

"Okay! I'll report to the emperor. I guess the emperor will not even agree with Yangzhou, let alone the Jiangnan West Road. I hope you don't have too high expectations."

Hu Yun smiled and said nothing, Zhang Jun explained a few more words, then got up and said goodbye.


After listening to Zhang Jun's narration, Zhao Gou couldn't help being surprised and angry, "Are they crazy? If you want Jiangnan West Road, then simply give them Jiangnan East Road too, so as not to worry about them. I can also give you my country. I don't want them anymore."

At this time Xu Xiantu was also there, he bowed and said: "Your Majesty, it seems that they have been spying on Jianghuai for a long time, and I suspect that they have already set up troops in Xiangyang, waiting for them."

"Didn't Xu Xiangguo say that just after getting the latest information, did Chen Qing's army go north to Lingxia Road?"

"Your Majesty, it should be true that Chen Qing's army is going north, but they have an army of [-], which is enough to fight on both sides."

Zhao Gou said bitterly: "Chen Qing can't fill his desires. He wants to support Zhang Jun, so let him do whatever he wants. I don't believe that our army can't defend the country!"

Zhang Jun hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, I suggest that you don't just answer the other party and force them to support Zhang Jun with all your strength. It is better to leave a little room, so that the other party will also leave a little room."

Xu Xiantu also said: "The university scholar is right, we can compromise on other aspects, such as titles, etiquette, or trade tax exemption, etc., so that Chen Qing will not be so persistent about land requirements when he gets some titles. .”

Zhao Gou is right when he thinks about it. If Chen Qing's miss is really lost, that person is cruel and he doesn't know what he will do, so it is better to have more room.

Thinking of this, he nodded and said, "As far as the two of you are saying, we can continue the negotiation!"

[I'm not in good health today, I only wrote two chapters, sorry! 】

(End of this chapter)

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