
Chapter 1250

Chapter 1250
In the past two days, Chen Qing's mansion ushered in a major event. Princess Lu Xiu's father Lu Jin came to Jingzhao, including his wife Xu, eldest son Lu Gang and third son Lu Shao.

The Lu family is relatively large, besides the three brothers Lu Yihao, Lu Qingshan and Lu Datong, there are also their descendants and nephews, and of course the Lu Yihao family has the deepest relationship with the princess.

Lu Yihao has two sons and two daughters, the eldest son Lu Jin and the second son Lu Qi, and two daughters. The eldest daughter married Chao Buzhi's son, who is Chao Qing's mother. The second daughter died of illness and left no children.

And Lu Jin also gave birth to three sons and one daughter. The eldest son, Lu Gang, served as the county magistrate of Qingyang in Chizhou. Because of Princess Yong, he was demoted by Qin Hui to the head of Jiande County.

The second son is Lu Wei, who has followed Chen Qing for many years and is currently serving as Sima of the military department of Prince Yong's Mansion. The third son, Lu Shao, was born to Mrs. Xu in the first year of Shaoxing. He is only fifteen years old and is still studying.

Needless to say, the daughter is the princess Lu Xiu.

Lu Jin himself had been in charge of Zhixinzhou affairs for two years, and then encountered difficulties in Jingkang, and his family fled to Jiangnan. After coming to Jiangnan, Lu Jin has not been an official, and has taken care of various family properties.

After the death of his father, Lu Yihao, Lu Jin has been guarding his father's tomb. This time, his brother Lu Qi took over to guard the tomb, and Lu Jin led his family to Jingzhao.

Lu Jin did not live in Prince Yong's Mansion. He himself had a five-acre mansion in Jingzhao, which had been kept vacant. The housekeeper and a dozen servants rushed over first, and they could move in directly after it was completely tidied up.

In the lobby of the front courtyard of Prince Yong’s Mansion, everyone sat cross-legged on the long couch. They were gathering for dinner, and even Lu Wei and his wife rushed over. The two first seats were Chen Qing and Lu Jin, and the seats below them were full. Family members, next to Chen Qing is Princess Luxiu, and next to Lu Jin is his wife Xu, then Lu Jin's three sons Lu Gang, Lu Wei and Lu Shao, and then several grandchildren.

Below Lu Xiu are the eldest son Chen Ji and the princess Chen Xueer. They are juniors, and they should sit at the bottom according to reason, but Lu Jin firmly refuses. , This is Lu Jin's shrewdness. He has a high emotional intelligence. Although the two brothers and sisters are grandchildren, one is the eldest son and the other is the princess, and their identities are different.

Chen Qing raised his glass and said slowly: "For the first glass of wine, let's respect grandfather first, and hope that the old man can rest in peace in heaven."

There is a pair of bowls and chopsticks on the front position, that is the seat of grandfather Lu Yihao, the deceased is the most important, of course he has to sit in the right seat, and everyone also raised their wine glasses and spilled them on the ground.

The maids poured wine for everyone again, Chen Qing raised his glass again and said with a smile: "The second glass of wine is for everyone to wash away the dust, welcome everyone to Jingzhao, let's toast!


This dinner lasted for an hour, and the whole family enjoyed it happily. Lu Xiu invited everyone to stay in the mansion, but Lu Jin resolutely refused. After they packed up, Chen Qing arranged more than a dozen carriages to take them to the new house to rest.

Back in the courtyard of his wife Lu Xiu, Chen Qing washed his face, shook his head to wake up the drunkenness, and then sat down.

Lu Xiu brought him a cup of tea and said with a smile, "Husband, my father is not bad!"

"The old man has always been kind, but he is too cautious. You can see that he is too cautious about the seating arrangement of Ji'er and Xue'er. It is actually unnecessary."

Lu Xiu smiled and said, "One is the prince, the other is the princess, can he not be careful?"

Chen Qing nodded. It was right to be cautious about this matter. He took a sip of hot tea and asked with a smile: "The lady told me before that my father-in-law had done knowledge of the state, why didn't he become an official later? Did grandfather not let him be an official?"

Lu Xiu sighed and said, "At first, the emperor wanted to appoint him as Fuzhou general judge, but he was impeached as soon as he was appointed, and he was dismissed immediately."

"Why?" Chen Qing asked puzzled.

"Of course it's because of my stepmother, Mrs. Xu. She was born in Fengle Building. Although she is a tea princess and doesn't sell her body, it is a land of prostitution and she is from a lowly family. Later, my grandfather made the decision and asked my father to help her upright. My grandfather's opponent took the opportunity to impeach him, saying that my father married a prostitute, which was out of character, so my father would have no chance of taking office and would be completely idle at home."

Chen Qing nodded, "If I let him be the magistrate, does my lady think it's appropriate?"

Lu Xiu pondered for a moment and said: "Actually, I have always wanted to find an opportunity to talk to my husband about the Lu family."

Chen Qing interrupted his wife with a wave of his hand, "The only misfortune of the Lu family is Lu Jiang, there are no other problems!"

Lu Xiu shook her head, "I started as a counselor from my grandfather Lu Qingshan, my elder brother Lu Wei served as Sima of the military department, and then let my father serve as the governor of the state. My elder brother will also be an official. There are so many senior officials of the Lu family. How can this work? I thought about it again and again. It's better not to be an official, he's over fifty years old, let him take good care of his body and give the opportunity to big brother!"

"Have you talked to your father?"

"I'm going to talk to him tomorrow, but my brother"

Chen Qing pondered for a while and said: "I originally considered letting Lu Gang be the governor of Qinzhou, but the factions over there are too serious, and he may not be able to adapt, so let him take a post on Shandong Road. Currently, there is a vacancy in the prefect of Yidu, so let him take the post. The prefect of Yidu."

Lu Xiu immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "Tomorrow, I will go talk to my father, and ask him to give his son his chance."

Chen Qing laughed again: "Tell your father again, I will make him Leling county magistrate, Sichuan-Shanxi Xuanfu envoy school inspector Sima, if he has time, go out more often, enjoy the beautiful scenery of Sichuan-Shanxi."

Early the next morning, Lu Jin went to visit his uncle Lu Qingshan again, and then came to the palace. He received a message from his daughter, asking him to come to the palace in the morning to talk about important matters.

Lu Jin understood what his daughter meant. The Lu family occupied too many positions, and everyone could no longer be an official. Although King Yong wanted to make himself the magistrate of the state, his daughter declined and gave the opportunity to his elder brother.

Lu Jin took a sip of tea, pondered for a moment and said, "Grandpa Ni's most important thing is your elder brother. He is the grandson of Lu's parents. He has been very intelligent and knowledgeable since he was a child. , The county has been a county magistrate. Originally, he was going to be promoted to magistrate, or to enter the imperial court as a member of the military department, but he was framed by Qin Hui and had to resign. I feel guilty for him as a father. If he can get an official position , then it is also a great pleasure for me to plant flowers at home.”

"Prince Yong has promised to seal eldest brother as a fifth-rank Zhongsan doctor and serve as the magistrate of Yidu on Shandong Road."

Lu Jin was overjoyed. Their Lu family's hometown is from Leling County, Dezhou, Hebei Road. It is very close to Yidu Mansion. He went to Yidu to study when he was young. , good thing!

"Okay! I fully support it, and I will plant flowers at home to recuperate."

"King Yong will not treat his father badly. He has decided to make his father the county magistrate of Leling, the governor of Sichuan and Shanxi Province, and inspector Sima. Father has more time to go out and enjoy the scenery of Sichuan and Shaanxi."

Lu Jin nodded, "Please tell His Royal Highness King Yong, on behalf of the Lu family, I sincerely thank him for his kindness!"

Lu Xiu handed another big envelope to her father, "There is a counter ticket of ten thousand guan in it, and there is also a land deed for Qingfeng Teahouse."

Lu Jin was startled, and hurriedly waved his hands and said, "I don't want it, what are you doing? I have money, and I sold all the property your grandfather left me, and gave my third uncle [-] yuan for retirement, and I have [-] yuan left over." , enough for you, keep it for yourself.”

"Father, listen to me. I have hundreds of thousands of guan in property. It is my intention to give you [-] guan. Then the teahouse is mine, but I am Princess Yong, so I am not suitable to be the proprietor of the teahouse. I I have been waiting for you to come, and I will give this teahouse to you and stepmother, and you will run it, King Yong agrees very much!"

Lu Jin thought for a while, and the ten thousand guan money could be left to his youngest son, and his wife was also happy, so he nodded happily, "Okay! I'll take it, and I'll go drink tea tomorrow."

Lu Xiu took another set of official kiln tea sets and a few catties of Fengcha tea and gave them to her father, which was given by her husband. Lu Jin liked this set of tea sets very much, and he returned with a rewarding experience this time.

(End of this chapter)

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