
Chapter 1251 First Victory

Chapter 1251 First Victory
Luo Shengping led [-] troops into Quzhou, and then marched towards Yanzhou. Luo Shengping has followed Zhang Jun for many years, and he is also one of Zhang Jun's confidants. , tentatively attacked Lin'an Mansion to shock the imperial court psychologically, but also to attract the main force of the Song army and create opportunities for Zhang Jun's main force to cross the south of the Yangtze River.

The [-] troops marched eastward along the official road. This area is full of mountainous areas, the roads are difficult to walk, and the vision is not wide. It is the morning, and their goal is Jiande County, which is [-] miles away. Jiande County break for lunch.

At this time, a group of scout cavalry came rushing from a distance, and clasped their fists to the general Luo Shengping and said, "I want to report to Dutong, there are no guards in Jiande County, only a few hundred state soldiers. Of."

"Are there any abnormalities along the way?" Luo Shengping asked again.

"Reporting to Dutong, there is nothing abnormal. I asked the woodcutter about it. I haven't seen any officers and soldiers for many years!"

Luo Shengping was overjoyed, and immediately ordered: "Order the whole army to speed up and go to Jiande County to rest and have lunch!"

The soldiers were already hungry and tired, but thinking that they would soon be able to rest for lunch, they cheered up and ran on the official road.

Sure enough, there was nothing unusual along the way. At this time, they had already seen the county town from a distance. The [-] soldiers ran faster again. They were still three miles away from the county town. They entered a short canyon, which was less than two miles away. county seat.

When they were halfway to the canyon, there was a sound of clappers, and thousands of arrows were fired in the woods on both sides of the canyon.

Immediately afterwards, the second round of arrows was fired again, and the soldiers of the Huaixi Army were all in leather armor, unable to withstand close-range crossbow arrows. In just two rounds of arrow rain, more than [-] people were killed or injured. Terrified, they scrambled to the west and ran away, pushing each other and trampling each other. At this time, [-] Song troops rushed out from both sides of the Taniguchi, and cut the fleeing soldiers into several pieces.

This ambush was exactly the [-] navy commanded by Han Shizhong. He used a tactic of blacking out under the lights. He captured an old woodcutter and told them that they hadn't seen officers and soldiers for many years, successfully deceiving the enemy spies.

Countless soldiers came down from the mountain, the leader of which was Han Shizhong's lieutenant, Wang Gui, wielding a sword in his hand. They had been depressed for a long time, and they were waiting for this moment to vent their anger.

The Huaixi army was so killed that they cried and howled, kowtowing their heads desperately to beg for mercy. Seeing that the situation was not good, the chief general Luo Shengping led a thousand soldiers to break through desperately, but Han Shizhong had already fixed his eyes on him.

Han Shizhong took down his bow, pulled out a spiked arrow, aimed at the enemy general from a distance and shot the arrow. The soldiers shouted loudly, covering up the sound of the bowstring. When Luo Shengping found the arrow, it was too late to dodge.

"Pfft!" The arrow hit the throat, Luo Shengping let out a muffled cry, turned over and fell off the horse, the soldiers hurriedly rescued him, but Luo Shengping couldn't breathe anymore, it seemed that he couldn't die.

Han Shizhong roared, "Those who surrender will not die, and those who resist will be killed!"

The soldiers of the Huaixi Army were desperate and surrendered on their knees.

In this battle, Han Shizhong wiped out [-] Huaixi troops at a very small cost of less than [-] casualties, and shot and killed the enemy's main general with his own hands. The results were extremely brilliant.

Han Shizhong immediately sent someone back to Beijing to announce the good news, and the court immediately boiled. This victory was too timely, and it immediately reversed the court's sad mood.

Zhao Gou Longyan was very happy, and decreed to reward [-] guan in money and [-] pieces of silk as a reward, and Han Shizhong was named Taifu.

At noon, Hu Yun met Wang Mu at Xinfeng Teahouse. Hu Yun asked with concern, "I heard that the imperial court issued a warning to the newspaper?"

Wang Mu nodded, "Early this morning, people from the Ministry of Rites came to the newspaper office and issued an order in arrogance. We will report on Zhang Jun's rebellion again. All articles must be submitted to the Ministry of Rites for review. If we report without review, the court will seal it up." newspaper."

"Then how does the newspaper decide?" Hu Yun asked again.

"That's why I came to you."

Wang Mu said calmly: "This is the first time the newspaper has encountered such a warning. Everyone doesn't know what to do. I hope you can give me some guidance."

Hu Yun thought for a while and said, "Let's do this! I will immediately ask His Royal Highness King Yong for instructions. During the consultation period, don't report the news of Zhang Jun's rebellion for the time being, and turn the report to the recovery of Hebei and the fight against the nomadic cavalry invasion."

"Is there any information on this?"

"One thing, I'll send someone to send it to the newspaper later."

At this time, Cha Ji brought them new tea, and the two of them stopped talking. After Cha Ji left, Wang Mu filled Hu Yun with a cup of tea, and asked with a smile, "I also heard that you are also very busy there. Have you started negotiating?"

Hu Yun said indifferently: "We have already talked three times, and each time was tougher than the first time. The second time, we also agreed to consider Jianghuai's fate, but after the news that Han Shizhong wiped out [-] enemy troops in Jiande County, he never mentioned it today. In the case of Jianghuai, it is only said that there is a comprehensive tax exemption, and then the king of Yong is given nine tins, and the restrictions on king Yong's trespass are cancelled, etc. In short, there is no sincerity."

"Then what instructions does Your Highness have?"

"Not yet. Immediately, I will send today's negotiation situation and the warning from the newspaper to Jingzhao."

At this moment, the door of the teahouse opened, and a waiter rushed in nervously, shouting, "Hurry up, everyone, the army is coming to check the shop and arrest people!"

Hu Yun was stunned, and looked out. He saw Jia Yingfang sitting in the bullock cart. He was Wang Bo's staff and their staff, and it turned out that he came to report the news.

The teahouse was in chaos, and everyone immediately got up and walked out. Dong Qun, the shopkeeper, stepped forward and grabbed the waiter, "What's going on?"

The clerk stomped his feet anxiously, "Master Dong, let's go! If you don't leave, it will be too late."

Hu Yun reacted very quickly, and immediately ordered: "Dong An, go quickly, and the buddy also go quickly, and leave through the back door."

"let's go!"

Dong Qun didn't even have time to change his clothes, and rushed away from the back door with seven or eight assistants. Hu Yun looked out the window again, and Jia Yingfang's ox cart had gone far away.

At this moment, there was the sound of running footsteps in the distance, and someone shouted: "Surround the teahouse, and no one is allowed to escape!"

Wang Mu laughed and said, "It looks like the teahouse has been targeted a long time ago, is it because you came too often?"

Hu Yun nodded, "It should be. They have been staring at this teahouse every day when I come here. The Liushenju teahouse in front should be exposed in the same way, but I guess it has something to do with Old Dong helping rich businessmen!"

He stood up and said, "Let's go!"

Hu Yun and Wang Mu got up and walked outside, rushed into a large group of soldiers, surrounded them, and some soldiers shouted: "Don't move!"

Hu Yun sneered and said, "I'm the special envoy of King Yong, and I'll bring your General Yan here!"

Hearing that it was King Yong's special envoy, the soldiers did not dare to mess around, and rushed to report to the general Yan Xin for the sake of the capital.

Yan Xin succeeded Yang Yizhong as the commander of the front of the palace. According to the order of the emperor Zhao Gou, he followed the example of Jingzhao Neiwei and formed a Plum Blossom Guard, which was responsible for investigating the enemy's scouts, spies and officials who were collaborating with the enemy and treason.

Yan Xin walked in quickly, smiling all over his face, "What a coincidence, why is Special Envoy Hu here?"

"What a coincidence, I eat lunch and drink tea here at noon every day."

"Nahute envoy has to drink tea in another place tomorrow."


"A businessman reported that the shopkeeper of this teahouse was suspected of smuggling money for the businessman. The amount was huge. I came here to arrest you!"

Hu Yun nodded, "We are just tea drinkers, this matter has nothing to do with us!"

"Of course! Of course!"

Yan Xin turned to Wang Mu again, "This is..."

"He is the review editor and deputy curator of "Beijing News", I can vouch for him!"

"It turned out to be the Beijing News. No wonder it was with Special Envoy Hu."

Yan Xin looked back at Ma Song, the archer of the county government, and Ma Song nodded. He knew Wang Mu, and Special Envoy Hu was right.

Yan Xin said with a smile on his face: "We don't make things difficult for the tea customers, please go away, both of you!"

Hu Yun and Wang Mu walked out, and when they reached the door, Hu Yun said indifferently: "I suggest that General Yan not arrest people with such a big fanfare, you can see them from a long distance, it will scare the teahouse into a frenzy, and all the tea customers will run away." Lost."

After finishing speaking, he and Wang Mu turned around and left. Only then did Yan Xin realize that the ground was in a mess, there was no one guest, the teapots and cups on the table were overturned, and the tea flowed all over the floor. He shouted anxiously: " Search for me!"

(End of this chapter)

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