
Chapter 1252

Chapter 1252
Chen Qing soon received the eagle letter from Hu Yun, and the court's reaction was within his expectations. He would forget about it if he had a small victory. It seems that if they really hurt them, they will understand what it means to be strong. .

Chen Qing didn't hesitate any longer, and then he personally led one hundred thousand cavalry to go south again, marching towards Jingxiang in mighty force.

At this time, Zhang Jun's army had reached [-], with strong soldiers and horses, and sufficient food and grass. Although the imperial court was removed from the post of King of Qinghe County, he proclaimed himself King Huai, and his army was called the Huai Army.

Zhang Jun also divided his troops into three groups. He ordered his confidant general Zhang Zongyan to lead an army of [-] to sit in Shouchun and strictly guard Jianghuai. Gather in Yangzhou, ready to cross the Yangtze River and fight towards the south of the Yangtze River.

In the big tent, Li Yecheng was teaching Yang Shi face-to-face advice, "His Royal Highness Yong wants to combine Zhang Junzheng and Qi to attack Zhenjiang mansion head-on, and then send a navy army to sneak into Taihu Lake as a surprise soldier to attack the Song army's logistics at the critical moment." .”

"What does King Yong mean, this strange army entered Taihu Lake from Wuhu?"

"Exactly! But I need to remind you that this surprise soldier should be used at a critical moment, and the surprise attack will be launched when the main force of the Song army is dispatched."

"I understand!"

At this time, Zhang Jun's personal soldiers sent an order outside the tent, "The prince asks Mr. Yang to go to the tent to discuss the military situation!"

"I'm coming!"

Yang Shi put on a coat and hurried to the handsome tent.

At this time, Zhang Jun was also standing in front of the sand table, thinking silently. He got the information that Wu Ling led [-] troops to deploy on the front line of Zhenjiang Prefecture. Wan Dajun went south, and the most important logistics could not be guaranteed.

Although the news that Luo Shengping's [-] troops were wiped out also reached Zhang Jun, he was unmoved, and his whole mind was on how to attack Zhenjiang Mansion.

Yang Shi hurried into the handsome tent, bowed and saluted, "See you, my lord!"

"Sir, it's a good time to come. Let me know how to capture Zhenjiang Mansion?"

Yang Shi came to the sand table and said with a smile: "I have been thinking about this issue for the past two days, but I have some preliminary ideas."

"Tell me what you think!"

Yang Shi said calmly: "The idea of ​​humble position is to proceed in two steps, the first step is to seize Zhenjiang Mansion."

Yang Shi picked up the wooden pole and pointed in the direction of Jiangning Mansion: "I don't have to land directly in Zhenjiang Mansion, but I can land in Jiangning Mansion first. When I land in Zhenjiang Mansion, the Jiangning Mansion landing army will attack Zhenjiang City."

"Good! What a sneak attack on Zhenjiang City!"

Zhang Jun was very appreciative, and asked again: "What about the second step?"

The second step is that after we captured the Zhenjiang Mansion, the prince sent a fleet of surprise soldiers from Wuhu to Taihu Lake via Lishui, and hid in Taihu Lake. The place is most likely to be in Pingjiang Mansion. Our surprise soldiers attacked from Taihu Lake, attacked and burned the opponent's logistics and food ships, seriously affecting the morale of the opponent and causing the enemy to be defeated without a fight. "

"I understand, this is an excellent Zhengqi combination strategy, it can be implemented!"

Zhang Jun thought for a while and then said: "Actually, I am still a little worried about Huangzhou and Qizhou. There is not a single soldier there, and Chen Qing has deployed heavy troops in Jingxiang. I am afraid."

Yang Shi smiled slightly and said: "Before I told the lord that Chen Qing didn't have a good heart. He was using the lord. Before he finished using the lord, he would not attack the three states along the river in Huaixi. The lord is welcome no need to worry!"

Zhang Jun pondered for a while and said, "The key is how long will he use me?"

"I feel that the boundary line should be to capture Lin'an. Once the prince's army captures Lin'an, Chen Qing will immediately turn his face!"

Yang Shi's analysis touched Zhang Jun's heart. Zhang Jun seemed to have taken a reassurance. He immediately ordered Li Heng to lead [-] troops to Yangzi County, Zhenzhou, and planned to cross the south from Yangzi County.

The night sky was clear, and [-] Western Army cavalry arrived in Huangmei County at the junction of Qizhou and Shuzhou. In front of them was a vast lake. This was a large lake on the north bank of the Yangtze River, called Leichi, and its area was about the same size as Poyang Lake on the south bank of the Yangtze River. , only [-] miles away from the nearest point of the Yangtze River, a river connects Leichi and the Yangtze River.

After crossing the Yangtze River from here, the south bank of the Yangtze River is Hukou County east of Poyang Lake. At present, Zhang Jun's [-] troops are concentrated in Nanchang County, preparing to face the [-] troops led by Han Shizhong.

Although Zhang Jun has an army of [-], he only left [-] troops in Jianghuai. All of these [-] troops are stationed in Shouchun and Hefei. And Luzhou is also the center of his garrison.

As for Huangzhou, Qizhou and Shuzhou along the Han River and Yangtze River in the west, they are basically in a state of defenselessness. Zhang Jun was persuaded by Yang Shi, and he knew it well, even if fortifications could not stop the west. It is better not to fortify if the army enters.

At this time, a hundred thousand-stone ships sailed into Leichi, and they were already waiting on the north bank. Fifty thousand cavalrymen began to line up on board.

The [-] cavalry is still commanded by Liu Qiong as the chief general, Tang Qian as the deputy general, and Lu Gui, Li Fuxing, Yue Yun, Zhang Xian, and Xu Qing, who each command [-] cavalry.

Hukou County is located on the east bank of Poyang Lake. It is a small county with only a few thousand people. The county seat has a large Yangtze River Wharf, which is mainly used for civilian purposes, while the military wharf is in Dehua County on the west bank.

There was no army stationed at Hukou. At this time, the magistrate rushed to the pier with several county officials. They had just received the news that a huge army began to dock.

Wu Yonghui, the county magistrate, didn't know the other party's situation, and thought it was Zhang Jun's army, which made him very nervous, lest Hukou County would be wiped out.

Several county magistrates were brought before Liu Qiong, and Liu Qiong asked, "Who is the county magistrate?"

"The next official is!" Wu Yonghui hurriedly raised his hand and walked out.

Liu Qiong said: "We are the Western Army, and we need to use Hukou County as a logistics supply point. Is there any open space in the county?"

Wu Yonghui and the county magistrates exchanged glances, and they all breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. It turned out to be the Western Army, so don't worry.

Wu Yonghui wondered: "General Qi, Hukou County is a small county with a population of several thousand. It is about three miles from east to west, north to south, and if it can barely accommodate thousands of troops, it will be difficult for tens of thousands of people."

Tang Qian said from the side: "The county is too small, we set up the military camp outside by ourselves, so we don't need to bother them."

Liu Qiong had no choice but to nod and said: "Then I won't bother you, we won't stay here for too long, if you don't want to become the enemy of the Western Army, then please keep silent, do you understand what I mean?"

How could everyone not understand, and hurriedly said: "We must keep it a secret!"

The [-] cavalry of the Western Army immediately set up a camp in the south of Hukou County.

(End of this chapter)

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