
Chapter 1254

Chapter 1254
After Wang Lusheng and Wang Yong left, Zhang Ziqi asked, "General Han, do you think what this man said is credible?"

Han Jin pondered for a moment and said: "It sounds more believable. Since Li Hui's army was completely wiped out, the imperial court has less than [-] troops available. They can only recruit recruits, so half of Han Shizhong's new army and half of veterans are completely in line with the facts, and Han Shizhong Going through the mountains, we can’t carry siege weapons, so we can only move lightly. There is no problem with these things. If our army goes south and challenges Han Shizhong’s army, we can completely overwhelm the opponent with superior forces.”

"What does General Han mean, we attack?"

Han Jin nodded, "Han Shizhong just wanted to drag us on Jiangnan West Road. The confrontation between the two armies is in his interest, not in our interest. I think we should take the initiative to attack."

"Do you want to ask the prince for instructions?" Zhang Ziqi hesitated.

"Marshal, the lord is far away in Yangzhou. This trip will take at least half a time, and the military plane will be delayed. Moreover, the lord is aggressively attacking the south of the Yangtze River. If the marshal completely annihilates Han Shizhong's army and attacks Lin'an Mansion from the southwest, it will be of great help to the lord's main battlefield. "

In fact, Han Jin was very dissatisfied with Zhang Ziqi in his heart. He was mediocre, timid, cowardly, and irresponsible. He was timid even though his strength was far superior to the opponent's. He led a hundred thousand troops to defend the city alone. Not the city guard of Nanchang County.

But Zhang Ziqi is the prince's eldest son and will inherit the throne in the future, so no matter how dissatisfied Han Jin feels, he must endure it.

Zhang Ziqi hesitated for a long time and asked again: "If our army goes south, what will happen to Nanchang County?"

"Marshal, it is impossible for our entire army to go south. At least [-] troops must be left to defend the city."

"Isn't that ninety thousand against sixty thousand?"

Han Jin was about to explode. He gritted his teeth and said, "My lord, the other party also wants to keep troops to defend the city. It is impossible to fight all of them!"

"So that's the case, let's try it!"

Zhang Ziqi finally let go, fearing that he would go back on his word, Han Jin immediately went out and ordered loudly, "Order the whole army to assemble, and the army is ready to go south!"

That afternoon, the Huaixi Army left [-] troops to guard the city, and [-] troops led by Zhang Ziqi and Han Jin marched towards Fuzhou.
At the same time that the Nanchang Huaixi Army took the initiative to attack, Zhang Jun also launched an attack on Zhenjiang Mansion on the Yangtze River.

Wu Ling led an army of [-] troops to blockade the wharf of Zhenjiang Mansion. A warship full of soldiers approached the wharf. Immediately, arrows rained down. Countless gunpowder arrows shot at the warship, and trebuchets threw fire at the big ship. Several large ships were captured. Gunpowder arrows and tinder were ignited, and they had to turn around and leave.

Wu Ling has rich experience. He has established three defense systems: long-distance, middle-distance and near-distance. Large ships still on the river use trebuchets to throw firecrackers at long distances. At a distance, dense crossbow arrows were used to shoot and kill the soldiers who disembarked.

From noon until dark, nearly a hundred large ships docked in turn, but none of the soldiers on the large ship successfully landed. Hundreds of warships simply moored in the Yangtze River, as if waiting for something?
"Du Tong, something is wrong!"

Commander Song Yun whispered to Wu Ling: "I feel that the other party is not attacking with all their strength. There is no way for them to attack like this."

Wu Ling also felt something strange in his heart. The opponent's attack was indeed very conservative. No soldiers forcibly disembarked. They retreated immediately after being attacked. They must have a purpose in doing so. What kind of medicine is sold in the opponent's gourd?

At this moment, a soldier rushed to report, "Dutong, something is wrong. Dantu City was attacked by the enemy and has fallen!"


Wu Ling's eyes widened suddenly, why did this happen, where did the enemy come from?
"How many enemy troops attacked the county?" Wu Ling asked anxiously.

"About five thousand people!"

There are [-] defenders in the city. If the opponent has only [-] people, they can still support for a while.

Wu Ling urgently ordered: "General Song, you lead [-] people to rescue Dantu County urgently!"

"Follow the order!"

Song Yun immediately led [-] soldiers from the headquarters to Dantu County, three miles away.

At this moment, Wu Ling was in a state of confusion, how could the enemy army suddenly appear behind him, no wonder the enemy army's attack was so strange, it turned out that they had a plan.
wrong!Wu Ling suddenly realized that the other party must have landed from somewhere else, such as the Jiangning Mansion, and if they came over again, there would definitely be more than [-] people.

Song Yun led the army to rescue the city and would definitely be ambushed. He hurriedly ordered to his soldiers: "Rush immediately and inform General Song to withdraw, there will be an ambush!"

As soon as the words fell, there were screams in the distance, followed by shouts of killing, which were in the direction of Song Yun's army, and they were ambushed.

At this time, someone shouted: "The enemy is coming!"

There were also shouts of killing from the west, and in the darkness, only countless figures appeared in the distance, and arrows shot towards this side like a rain of arrows.

"Hold me up!"

Wu Ling shouted, at this moment, he could no longer care about Song Yun, and urged his horse to run towards the place where the enemy was coming, "Follow me, brothers!"

More than [-] soldiers of the Song Army followed Wu Ling to the west to fight
"Boom! Boom! Boom!" The drums sounded like thunder, and [-] Huaixi troops came from the west and fought fiercely with the Song army. The Huaixi army came from the north.

Thirty-five thousand Huaixi troops crossed the river from Yangzi County, Jiangning Prefecture, and [-] people attacked Zhenjiang County.

The sound of war drums is a signal, and the warships full of soldiers in the river are approaching the pier again. In the front are three Wanshi ships, each of which is full of a thousand soldiers. The strong defense has disappeared. The soldiers began to quickly disembark and assemble.

Three thousand soldiers assembled, and then three large ships docked, and another three thousand soldiers came down, and six thousand soldiers gathered together to form a protective wall to protect other warships from docking.

More and more ships docked, and more and more soldiers appeared in the team, which soon exceeded [-] people.

Cao Zongqin, the governor of the capital, shouted, "Beat the drum and go to battle!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The drums on the shore sounded, and Cao Zongtan led [-] soldiers to kill the Song army behind them.
The Song army was under attack from the front and back, and Wu Ling knew that the situation was over, and shouted: "The whole army will follow me to break through!"


The horn of the Song army's breakthrough sounded, and Wu Ling led the army to break through a bloody road, leading the army to break through to the south, and more than [-] soldiers followed Wu Ling to retreat to the south.

Tens of thousands of Huaixi troops did not pursue, but seized the opportunity to occupy Zhenjiang City and the wharf to protect the main force across the river.

As the sky gradually dawned, Wu Ling's army had withdrawn to Danyang County, fifty miles away, and gathered some of the scattered troops. The number of his army increased to more than [-], but he still lost more than [-] people. The key It was because the pier was not guarded, and Dantu County was also lost.

Danyang County is not small, but there is no food in the city, and the food is in Dantu County, which was captured by the enemy.

In desperation, Wu Ling had no choice but to lead his army to quickly retreat to Changzhou along the canal. Jinling County in Changzhou had more food, and the city wall was tall and strong. Jinling County can be defended.

Wu Ling sent people to report to the court, and he led an army of [-] to Jinling County, a hundred miles away.

In the afternoon, all the [-] troops crossed the Yangtze River, and Zhang Jun also crossed the Yangtze River.

Zhang Jun was very satisfied with the battle situation last night, it was all Yang Shi's strategy, he immediately rewarded Yang Shi with three thousand taels of silver, and promised that he would make him a prime minister after he ascended the throne.

But Yang Shi was a little scared in his heart. Last night's strategy was completely implemented according to Chen Qing's plan. He was just a puppet. Everything was under the control of King Yong Chen Qing. Yang Shi had a deeper understanding of the feeling of being a pawn.

(End of this chapter)

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