
Chapter 1255 Disclosure

Chapter 1255 Disclosure
At this time, Chen Qing led an army of [-] to Hanyang Mansion. He deployed [-] troops this time. Among them, Liu Qiong led [-] cavalry to enter Jiangnan West Road, and Gao Ding led [-] troops to Yingzhou, ready to attack at any time. Shouchun.

Chen Qing's [-]-strong army is the main force. Once the time is right, his [-]-strong army will sweep across the Jianghuai River.

In addition, Chen Qing also sent [-] sailors and hundreds of warships to Dangtu County. Once the time is right, this navy will attack and cut off Zhang Jun's retreat.

As soon as Chen Qing arrived at Hanyang Mansion, he received news from Zhenjiang Mansion that Zhang Jun's [-] troops had crossed the Yangtze River and captured Zhenjiang Mansion, and Wu Ling's army had retreated to Changzhou.

Guan Shigu, who was accompanying him, asked with a smile, "What will happen to the battle on Jiangnan West Road?"

Chen Qing looked at the river in the distance, and said calmly: "There will be no suspense in the battle on Jiangnan West Road. My subordinates will help. Han Shizhong's army will definitely be defeated."

Guan Shigu sighed and said: "I always can't understand why the court thinks they can withstand the attack of Zhang Jun's army? Especially with our help behind it, they always wake up at the last moment."

"Maybe they're still dreaming!"

Chen Qing said with a smile: "I haven't woken up yet, and I will regret it when I really wake up. I am very patient, and I am waiting for their final awakening."

The marching speed of the [-] army was relatively slow, and it took two days to enter the territory of Fuzhou. There were many rivers, undulating mountains, and large tracts of cultivated land. Most of the villages were concentrated at the foot of the mountains.

In addition to cultivated land, the forests in Fuzhou are also widely distributed. Lush forests can be seen everywhere on both sides of the official road, stretching all the way to the mountains.

The slow marching speed of the army is also because they carry a large amount of food and grass, and the carts creak and walk in the team.

Han Jin and Zhang Ziqi walked in front of the army. Han Jin was very careful and kept looking at the terrain on both sides. Although they were still fifty miles away from Linchuan County, Han Jin was still nervous. After all, Luo Shengping's [-] troops were ambushed and wiped out. It's hard to say that Han Shizhong won't repeat his old tricks, especially when his troops are at a disadvantage, ambush is a better strategy.

Of course, the ambush is also very risky. Once the opponent sees through it, it will be backlashed, which will lead to painful consequences.

Han Jin kept sending scouts to explore the way ahead, and the scouts kept coming back to report that the journey was safe, at least within twenty miles.

At this moment, an arrow shot out from the woods and hit Zhang Ziqi's horse. Zhang Ziqi was so frightened that he fell off the horse. The soldiers immediately formed a circle to protect Zhang Ziqi.

"It's a headless arrow with a letter on it!"

It turned out to be an arrow letter. The soldier picked up the arrow and handed it to Zhang Ziqi. Zhang Ziqi was relieved, but still a little scared. If someone wanted to ambush them, the arrow just now could completely kill him.

Zhang Ziqi quickly opened the letter and read it again, then hurriedly handed the letter to Han Jin. Han Jin took the letter and read it carefully. There was only one sentence on it, "There are [-] ambushes ten miles away, and there is a path to the south to bypass the forest!" '

There is also a map below, drawing the location of the path, and you can pass by the side of them.

Han Jin was stunned, his scouts didn't find any ambushes!
"General Han, who sent this letter?" Zhang Ziqi asked nervously.

"It should be the scouts of the Western Army. They discovered the enemy's situation and helped us secretly, but our scouts didn't find the enemy's situation!"

"Could it be that our scouts were careless and didn't find the enemy army in ambush?"

After thinking about it, Han Jin suddenly realized that the enemy army must have made a time difference. They were deep in the woods when the scouts passed by. They came out to ambush when the scouts passed by. It must be like this.

"General, what should we do?" Zhang Ziqi was so nervous that his expression changed.

Han Jin sneered and said, "It's fine if I don't know, since we know, it's their bad luck!"

In the valley ten miles away, Han Shizhong led [-] troops to ambush in the woods on both sides. Han Shizhong was also experienced. They only had [-] troops, and [-] of them were recruits. Wan Shuijun.

Han Shizhong finally chose an ambush, which is the only strategy that can win more with less, and he is very good at it, and has a great chance of success.

Han Shizhong led the army to ambush in the depths of the forest for about [-] paces. He knew the habits of the Song army very well. Generally, the inspection was around [-] paces, and at most it was no more than a hundred paces. Zhang Jun's army was far inferior to Yue Fei's elite army. Yue Fei's scouting distance is still a hundred steps away, and Zhang Jun's army scouts will definitely not go deep.

Sure enough, he judged correctly, Zhang Jun's scouts only probed about [-] steps deep and then ended. When the scouts were far away, the [-] ambush soldiers moved forward quietly, but they were still about [-] steps away from the official road.

Half an hour later, the Huaixi army team began to appear and entered their ambush circle, but the front was actually the baggage team, and mule carts full of grain were walking slowly on the official road, one after another. , The cart team is more than ten miles long.

Han Shizhong was a little uneasy. Usually the luggage is at the back. Why is the luggage of the Huaixi Army placed in the front? He whispered: "Bring the scout commander to see me!"

Not long after, the scout commander bent over and ran to see Han Shizhong, "See you, Commander!"

"Let me ask you, when you inspected the enemy army last time, did they walk in front?"


The commander of the scouts shook his head, "I saw it with my own eyes. Their supply team is behind the central army, never in front. I don't know why they changed their positions."

There is a problem!Did the enemy find them in an ambush?It should be impossible to be right, the enemy scouts didn't find them at all, so why are they so weird and put the baggage team in front?
If something goes wrong, there must be a demon, Han Shizhong pondered for a moment, and ordered decisively, "Order the whole army to retreat!"

Before his order could be heard, the army behind him started to commotion. When Han Shizhong turned his head, he was startled. He saw flames burning half a mile behind him, thick smoke billowing, and a large forest burning.


Han Shizhong knew that they were exposed and that they were in serious trouble when they were counterattacked by the enemy. He immediately got up and shouted: "Retreat! The whole army retreats!"

"Dang! Dang! Dang!" the retreat gong sounded.

But the official road was blocked by the luggage team, so they had to rush eastward along the woods. Army soldiers fell to the ground with arrows one after another, screaming, and thousands of people were shot down.

Han Jin led an army of [-] to run around the valley, take a small road to the front of the Song army, and lay down an ambush in turn.

At this time, the eastern woods also began to burn in large areas, and the eastern and western woods burned together, and the woods burned very quickly.

The Song army in the woods was in a panic, and Wang Gui shouted: "Marshal, we must break through, otherwise everyone will be burned to death here!"

Han Shizhong shouted, "The Sword and Shield Army is ahead, break out!"

The soldiers of the Song Army rushed out of the woods. Thousands of soldiers of the Shield Army raised their shields high and rushed up against the dense arrows of the enemy. Although they were shot and killed continuously, most of the soldiers of the Song Army rushed out of the woods.

Han Jin swung his knife and shouted, "Go up!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The sound of war drums was beating fiercely, and [-] Huaixi troops attacked the Song army from three directions, and the armies of both sides fought fiercely together in the large rice fields that had just been harvested.

(End of this chapter)

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