
Chapter 1256 Card Position

Chapter 1256 Card Position
Zhang Gongyu, the rear commander of the Song Army, received an order from Han Shizhong to send someone for help, and immediately led [-] soldiers out of Linjiang County to the ambush valley [-] miles away.

But the [-] soldiers had just rushed out of the county seat for less than five miles, when suddenly a war drum sounded, and [-] Western Army cavalry rushed from all directions, surrounding him in a long and narrow depression about three miles long and only one mile wide.

The [-] cavalrymen were brightly armored and murderous, and the mountain-like oppressive momentum of the cavalry frightened the [-] recruits to look pale and tremble.

At this time, dozens of cavalry rushed up and shouted together: "We are the cavalry of the Western Army. Put down your weapons and armor. His Royal Highness King Yong wants you to go home. If you want to resist, you will be killed!"

The prestige of King Yong made the soldiers no longer have the courage to resist. "Dang lang! Dang lang!" More and more soldiers put down their weapons and took off their armor.

Zhang Gongyu looked at the panicked soldiers behind him, and then at the cavalry who couldn't see all around. He sighed in his heart and ordered: "The whole army put down their weapons, take off their armor and surrender!"

With the order from the general, all the soldiers stopped hesitating and put down their weapons. Liu Qiong ordered Yue Yun and Zhang Xian to lead their respective [-] cavalry to escort the surrendering soldiers to the north quickly. Follow north.

More than an hour later, Han Shizhong led more than [-] remnants of the army and fled to the foot of Linchuan City. He shouted to open the door. The only answer he received was arrows, and a soldier pointed at the tower and shouted: "Marshal, the battle flag has been changed."

Only then did Han Shizhong realize that the battle flag on the top of the city had become the flag of the Huaixi Army. Han Shizhong was very surprised. He didn't know what happened and where did the [-] troops in the city go?

At this moment, the soldiers found the soldier Han Shizhong sent to pass the order. The soldier stayed in the city and asked the officials to prepare food. Li Fuxing led an army of [-] to occupy the county seat. He hid nearby and did not show up until Han Shizhong came back with his army.

The soldiers cried, "Commander, it's not the Huaixi Army, but [-] to [-] cavalry from the Western Army. They captured all [-] brothers, and the deputy general Zhang Dutong also surrendered."

"Fifty thousand Western Army cavalry!"

Han Shizhong's eyes widened suddenly, and he suddenly understood that the scouts of the Western Army must have assisted the Huaixi Army, otherwise how could the Huaixi Army find them?

The Western Army also participated in the battle. Needless to say, the flag on the top of the city is fake, and they don't want to let themselves know.

"Marshal, what shall we do!"

Han Shizhong looked back at the army, and there were still about [-] people. He immediately ordered: "Retreat to Shangrao County!"

Han Shizhong led the remaining troops to withdraw to Shangrao County
Seeing that Han Shizhong was going far away, Li Fuxing, the lord of the city, ordered to replace the flag with the battle flag of the Western Army. Soon, Han Jin led more than [-] vanguard troops to Linchuan County. At this time, he had received news from the scouts that Linchuan County was captured A western army occupied the city, and the number of people in the city was unknown. Han Shizhong led the remaining troops to retreat eastward.

Han Jin was not surprised that Xijun appeared at all. Wasn’t their information given by Xijun?He also pointed out a path for them, allowing them to bypass the ambushing Song army.

There must be a western army nearby, the number should not be large, and they are responsible for threading the needles for them.

At this time, the gate of the city opened, and a middle-aged man in civilian military uniform rushed out on horseback. Han Jin recognized it at a glance. Wasn't it Wang Yong who sent them the information?
He suddenly understood, and couldn't help but secretly smiled wryly. It turned out that the Western Army had arranged everything.

"General Han, stay safe and sound!" Wang Yong urged his horse forward with a smile.

"It turned out to be Mr. Wang!"

Han Jin smiled bitterly and said, "What should I call you?"

"Wang Yong is my real name. You probably haven't heard of it. You can call me Wang Canjun."

Han Jin clasped his fists and saluted and asked, "Excuse me, Wang Canjun, have the [-] troops in the city been captured by you?"

Wang Yong shook his head. They withdrew to the east. Soon after the fire broke out, Han Shizhong sent someone to order them to evacuate to the east immediately. When we arrived, it was already an empty city, and all the troops had withdrawn. "

"I see!"

Han Jin asked again: "May I ask how many people are there in your army?"

"Only [-] people, under the order of King Yong, to assist you in defeating the imperial army, mainly to send you information."

Han Jin breathed a sigh of relief, only [-] people were nothing to worry about, he quickly thanked: "We were able to defeat Han Shizhong's army this time, thanks to Wang Canjun's intelligence, and thanks to the scouts for delivering the letter at a critical moment, otherwise we would have been ambushed. "

"You're welcome, what is General Han's next plan?"

"Naturally, continue to pursue the Song army, assist the main force of the prince, and attack Lin'an from the south."

After a pause, Han Jin said again: "If necessary, please continue to assist us!"

Wang Yong smiled slightly: "No problem, His Highness King Yong is looking forward to your breaking through Lin'an, we have a common goal!"

The mountain fire was almost extinguished, and Zhang Zi led an army of [-] people who also came here from a young age. Forty percent of the food, grass and livestock were burned to death. The blocked official roads, they could not come from the official roads, so they had to take a detour. It was a fierce battle , The Song Army was burned to death, shot to death, and killed [-] to [-] people. Although the Huaixi Army had the upper hand, it also paid the price of more than [-] people killed in battle.

There are still more than [-] people left in their current army, and there are more than [-] grain trucks and supplies, which are enough to support them to fight to Lin'an Mansion.

When Zhang Ziqi heard that the Western Army had appeared, he was really hesitant. He was worried that the army would go east and the Western Army would take the opportunity to occupy Jiangnan West Road.

Han Jin enlightened him and said: "Our key is to break through Lin'an City. We have the land in the south of the Yangtze River as our foundation, and then compete with the Western Army for Jiangnan West Road and Jianghuai. It doesn't matter who occupies Jiangnan West Road now. Whether we can hold it is the key. , if the western army comes, we will definitely not be able to hold it, so instead of staying on Jiangnan West Road and being wiped out by the western army, it is better to save our strength and go to Jiangnan to join forces with the prince."

When Zhang Ziqi heard the words "preserve strength", he understood, nodded and said: "The army will continue to pursue Han Shizhong's remnant army, and then report to the father, and listen to the arrangement of the father!"

Han Jin happily said: "Exactly!"

The army continued to form a team, and the [-] army marched towards Xinzhou to the east.

Chen Qing gave the "Beijing News" confidence. At noon, the "Beijing News" published the latest battle report on the front page, "Zhang Jun attacked Jiangning, the Song army was defeated in Jinling." Jiang Ning crossed the river and launched a sneak attack on the army of Wu Lin in Zhenjiang Prefecture. Zhang Jun's main force took the opportunity to cross the river. At present, the rebel army has occupied Zhenjiang Prefecture, and Wu Lin's army retreated to Jinling County, Changzhou.

This news spread throughout the city along with the "Beijing News", and the public opinion was once again in an uproar, and it caused panic in Lin'an. The price of rice soared from [-] yuan per bucket to [-] yuan per bucket. There was a long queue.

One after another, the bullock carts leaving the city took the whole family with them and fled to the countryside of Lin'an Prefecture for refuge.

Correspondingly, the number of listed houses in the major dental shops in Lin'an City tripled suddenly, and the prices dropped rapidly, and even a five-acre house in a good location can be bought for as little as [-] guan per mu.


Qin Hui slapped the newspaper hard, he was so angry that he paced back and forth with his hands behind his back, he suddenly picked up the inkstone again, and slammed it hard against the wall.

The two maids were so frightened that they turned around and ran to find their wife.

Not long after, Mrs. Wang rushed over. Looking at the mess in the house, Mrs. Wang glared at Qin Hui and said, "Master, what's going on with you? What are you going crazy about?"

Qin Hui snorted heavily, gritted his teeth and said, "The "Beijing News" reported the situation of the battle without authorization, which caused panic in the whole city. This time it must be blocked!"

Mrs. Wang gave the two maids a wink and told them to clean up the room quickly. She walked up to read the newspaper and asked in confusion, "Could it be that the imperial court has not heard of it?"

"Not this time. The imperial court got Wu Ling's battle report three days ago. The officials ordered it to be sealed and not to spread it. Unexpectedly, it was exposed by the "Beijing News."

Mrs. Wang thought for a while and said, "My lord, it's easy to offend people by closing down the newspaper. I advise you not to stand out and let the officials make an order!"

Qin Hui nodded. At this time, the housekeeper reported in the courtyard: "Master, there are people coming from the palace, and the officials have summoned you to enter the palace immediately!"

"I knew that as soon as this newspaper came out, the government would explode."

Qin Hui got up and said: "I am entering the palace now, the officials asked us to think of countermeasures, I have no countermeasures at all, let's see what others say!"

(End of this chapter)

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