
Chapter 1257

Chapter 1257
Qin Hui came to the imperial study in a hurry, but saw Wan Qixi outside the imperial study, Qin Hui asked strangely: "What is Mr. Wan Qi doing standing here?"

Wan Qixi saluted and said: "The officials are angry and want to seal up the "Beijing News" newspaper, and Mr. Xu is trying to persuade the officials!"

Wan Qixi was in charge of the Ministry of Rites, and newspapers were also under his jurisdiction. Qin Hui smiled and said, "Since the emperor has issued an oral order, you can just go and seal it up. What are you waiting for here?"

"The oral edict also needs to be written by a scholar and signed by the emperor, otherwise I cannot execute it."

The edict of the Son of Heaven needs to be stamped with the great seal of Zhongshumenxia. Whether it is drafted by Zhongshusheren or a scholar, it needs to be reviewed by Zhongshumenxia.

The simpler one is the emperor's handbook, which does not need to be stamped under the door of Zhongshu. It is only a manifestation of the emperor's personal will, but its legal effect is far less than that of the edict.

No matter how simple it is, the oral order is not affixed with the emperor's seal, but it needs to be drafted by a senior scholar, and the emperor's personal seal can only guarantee that it is what the emperor said, and has almost no legal effect.

Qin Hui asked Wan Qixi to go directly to seal it up, which was actually digging a hole for Wan Qixi. He did not get the oral order issued by the emperor. It was such a major event as the seizure of the Beijing News.

Wan Qixie was not a fool, he knew very well that Qin Hui wanted to seize the "Beijing News" wholeheartedly, but let himself take the risk, so he would not do it.

Wan Tuxi smiled wryly, and continued to wait outside the imperial study.

Qin Hui walked into the imperial study, but saw the emperor standing in front of the window with his hands behind his back. From his back, he could see that he was very annoyed. Zhu Shengfei and Xu Xiantu stood aside, neither of them spoke, probably Xu Xiantu had persuaded him.

"My minister sees Your Majesty!" Qin Hui saluted at the door.

Zhao Gou glanced back at him, and said in a cold tone, "Did Mr. Qin read today's Beijing News?"

"Weichen. Look."

"As soon as the newspaper came out, Lin'an was in chaos. I asked the servants to check outside the palace. There were long queues in front of several rice shops. In just half an hour, the price of rice skyrocketed to three hundred yuan per bucket. I don't know until tomorrow. What kind of chaos is it? I warned the "Beijing News" that if they dare to report indiscriminately without review, I will definitely seize it from now on. Since they don't believe the warning, don't blame me for being ungrateful."

"Since this is the case, His Majesty can issue an order to let the "Beijing News" know the consequences of willful actions!"

Zhao Gou glanced at Xu Xiantu again, Xu Xiantu finally couldn't hold back the anger in his heart, and said lightly: "The minister has already said what should be said, your majesty can do what you want! If something happens, let Qin Xianggong solve it. Retire!"

After finishing speaking, Xu Xiantu saluted and retreated, Zhao Gou's face suddenly became very ugly, and Xu Xiantu even threatened himself.

Qin Hui took the opportunity to get into trouble and said: "Your Majesty, there is a sentence that has been suppressed in my heart for a long time, and I can't vomit it. Doesn't Your Majesty think that Xu Xianggong is too partial to Chen Qing? I know that when Chen Qing got married, the matchmaker was Zhang Jun, who witnessed the marriage. The person is Xu Xianggong! It is too unreasonable for me to believe that they have no private contacts."

Fortunately, Zhao Gou did not lose his mind in the end. He suppressed his dissatisfaction and said, "I'll talk about Xu Xianggong's matter later, and investigate the "Beijing News" first. Since I have warned, I will do what I say!"

"Your Majesty is wise!"

Zhao Gou finally stamped his own seal on the handbook, handed it to Wan Qixie and said: "Just seal up the newspaper office, don't arrest people, and the Plum Blossom Guard will cooperate with the Ministry of Rites to execute it!"

"The minister obeys the order!"

Wan Qixie took the order and retreated, Zhu Shengfei moved his lips, he wanted to say that this was tantamount to tearing up the agreement with Chen Qing, but he didn't say it, Xu Xiantu had made it very clear just now, but the emperor didn't listen, Does it still make sense to say it yourself?
At this time, Zhao Gou asked Qin Hui, "Zhang Jun's army has already reached Changzhou. Although Wu Lin is resisting in Jinling County, if Zhang Jun ignores Jinling County and the army continues to go south, what should we do?"

Qin Hui was a little silly, this should be a question answered by the Privy Council, how did he know?But Xu Xiantu had already resigned just now, which was equivalent to throwing this hot potato to himself, and he secretly scolded Xu Xiantu for being treacherous.

Qin Hui looked at Zhu Shengfei next to him, but Zhu Shengfei was like an old monk in meditation, with his eyes slightly closed, as if he didn't hear anything.

Qin Hui gritted his teeth secretly, helplessly, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and said: "Your Majesty, as the saying goes, when soldiers come to block, water comes to flood the earth. To deal with the traitor Zhang Jun, we can only send troops to resist. Now there are [-] troops in Lin'an, and we can send [-] troops." Fight."

"I've been thinking about it for two days, and it's the same idea. I don't know who is better to send as the main general?"

The four famous generals in front of the Temple of Heaven, Jushi Gu died in battle, Liu Kai and Wang Jian were left on the bench because of Haizhou's defeat, and only Yang Yizhong was left with undiminished grace. Qin Hui bowed and said: "My minister recommends Yang Yizhong. Yizhong is the main general!"

Zhao Gou frowned slightly. It wasn't that Zhao Gou didn't trust Yang Yizhong. The key was that he knew that Yang Yizhong didn't have much experience in leading troops.

At this moment, hurried footsteps came from outside, and a guard reported at the door, "His Royal Highness, there is an urgent battle report from West Jiangnan Road!"

"What's the content, tell me!"

"Han Shizhong was defeated on Jiangnan West Road, only [-] people remained, and he has retreated to Jiande County, Yanzhou. The [-] rebel army is chasing after him, and will soon enter Lin'an Mansion!"


Zhao Gou was stunned, Qin Hui was stunned, and he and Zhu Shengfei looked at each other in blank dismay. This is a big trouble.

"how so!"

Zhao Gou stood up suddenly, pressed the table and yelled hysterically, "I trust him so much, I gave him [-] troops, and he will repay me like this? Tell me my will, immediately dismiss Han Shizhong and put him in prison!"

"Calm down, Your Majesty! Calm down, Your Majesty!"

Qin Hui also panicked, and urged urgently: "Now is not the time to pursue responsibility. Han Shizhong still has [-] troops, and he can hold off for a while. If he is captured, the morale of the army will be broken, and the rebels will really rush in." Lin'an Mansion!"

Qin Hui is not stupid. Although he doesn't like Han Shizhong, he knows that if Zhang Jun captures Lin'an City, he may be the first to behead himself. Foolish things got me involved too.

Zhao Gou sat down slumped. He felt exhausted at this moment. He thought that Zhang Jun was just a big Liu Guangshi. Without the support of the people, he would be defeated soon. He did not expect Zhang Jun to attack fiercely, and he was defeated in a row. Could it be Is the sky going to perish the Song Dynasty?
At this time, Zhu Shengfei finally couldn't bear it and said: "Your Majesty, let's take a while to seize the "Beijing News"!"

Zhao Gou glared at Zhu Shengfei, Zhu Shengfei lowered his head and said, "In fact, everyone knows that without Chen Qing's support, Zhang Jun would not be able to be so powerful. I am afraid that I checked the "Beijing News" and there is no room for negotiation with Chen Qing. It's all gone."

"Why didn't you say that just now!" Zhao Gou said angrily.

"Xu Xianggong has said it repeatedly, but His Majesty won't listen."

Zhao Gou just woke up like a dream, too regretful, he slammed his fist on the table and ordered: "You two immediately stop the seizure of the "Beijing News", if the "Beijing News" is seized, the two of you Don't come to see me!"

"Observe the order!" The two of them bit the bullet and went out.

Zhao Gou finally became anxious, and ordered: "Call Xu Xianggong to see me!"

(End of this chapter)

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