
Chapter 1258 Closure

Chapter 1258 Closure
There was a huge crowd of people in front of the "Beijing News" newspaper office. I don't know who leaked the news. The news that the imperial court wanted to seal the "Beijing News" spread to more than a dozen neighborhoods around. The street was almost crowded, Wan Qixie, officials from the Ministry of Rites, and three hundred Meihuawei soldiers were blocked in the street, and they couldn't squeeze through.

"You son of a bitch! Go back! The court eagle dog!"

The people shouted and scolded the officials and soldiers angrily. Wan Qixi was in a state of distress. His black gauze hat was snatched away by someone. The soldiers took it back with great difficulty, but one wing was missing and it became a single-winged gauze hat. What do you think? All weird.

At this time, Wang Mu squeezed over and asked, "Who is in charge here?"

"Who are you?" Wan Qixie stepped forward to look at Wang Mu.

"I am the deputy editor-in-chief of the "Beijing News". The editor-in-chief has not returned from Yuezhou. At present, I am the editor-in-chief of the newspaper. If you want to arrest someone, take me away!"

Wan Qixi hesitated for a moment, and the officials ordered the newspaper to be sealed up, specifically telling them not to arrest people, but how could they be sealed up if so many people couldn't get through?If he didn't take the deputy curator away first, it would be an explanation to Qin Xiangguo.

"In this case, please ask the deputy curator to come with us and explain the situation clearly!"

At this time, a few soldiers rushed to stand in front of and behind Wang Mu, and Wan Qixie said loudly: "Vice chief, please!"

Just as the crowd escorted Wang Mu to leave, someone suddenly yelled, "Stop!" When the crowd turned their heads, they saw Hu Yun rushing over.

Hu Yun walked forward with a gloomy face and said, "Wanqi Xiangguo, is the emperor ordered you to arrest Yongwang's mansion?"

Wan Qixi laughed dryly and said, "Envoy Hu Te is serious. I just asked the deputy curator to go to the Ministry of Rites to verify the situation, not to arrest people!"

"Since it's not about arresting people, let's make it clear here if you have anything to say!"

Wan Qixi really didn't dare to turn against Hu Yun, he reluctantly said: "That's the case, the emperor warned the "Beijing News" that reports involving Zhang Jun's rebellion must be reviewed by the Ministry of Rites before they can be published in the newspaper, but today's report was not reviewed by the Ministry of Rites , This made the emperor very angry and asked the "Beijing News" to stop publishing, so I came to the newspaper office to announce the suspension order, but there were too many people, I wanted to ask the deputy director to go to the Ministry of Rites, and then announce the suspension order, since Special Envoy Hu refused to let him Come with us, then I declare here the same."

After finishing speaking, Wan Qixi took out the order to suspend the publication issued by the Ministry of Rites. At this time, Hu Yun also took out an agreement wrapped in yellow silk, and said coldly: "This is the agreement reached by the Son of Heaven and His Highness King Yong. The third The article clearly stipulates that the imperial court shall not interfere with the publication of the "Beijing News", nor shall it threaten the personal safety of the "Beijing News" personnel. If there is an autograph of the emperor, you announce it! You announce it, and I will tear it up immediately."

Wan Qixi retracted his hand, "I'm afraid this is inappropriate!"

Hu Yunshua tore off the yellow silk, held the scroll, and the agreement was stretched out. The emperor's seal and Yongwang's seal were clearly visible on it. Hu Yun held the agreement in front of Wan Qixi, making a torn piece attitude.

"You see clearly, this is the original document, please show me the order to suspend publication from the Ministry of Rites, don't you have an order to suspend publication? Take it out!"

Wan Qi Xie was red and white for a while, unable to utter a word, and naturally did not dare to take out the suspension order in his hand, and the two sides froze here.

At this time, someone shouted in the distance: "Misunderstanding, a misunderstanding!"

Zhu Shengfei was sweating profusely, and Qin Hui was in the carriage far away, refusing to come out, forcing Zhu Shengfei to be pushed out.

"Misunderstanding! Misunderstanding!"

Zhu Shengfei ran forward and said with a smile: "We have an agreement first, the imperial court will not interfere with the operation of the "Beijing News", the emperor is criticizing other newspapers, not the "Beijing News", it is a misunderstanding by the Prime Minister Wan Qi!"

Zhu Shengfei glared at Wan Qixi and said: "Did the emperor say that he would seal up the "Beijing News"? Wan Qi's misinterpretation of the holy meaning, where does the reputation of the emperor lie?"

Wan Qixi was tongue-tied, and he suddenly understood, slapped himself hard, and quickly apologized: "The Son of Heaven just criticized some newspapers for not reporting the truth, so we thought it was the "Beijing News". What a big misunderstanding. I'm sorry for the deputy curator, I apologize to you!"

Seeing that they changed their faces and compromised, Wang Mu said lightly, "I'll tell you the truth. It was His Royal Highness Yong Wang who instructed us to report truthfully. I will ignore any warnings from the Ministry of Rites. If the Ministry of Rites must interfere with the report of "Beijing News", then It is necessary for the Son of Heaven and King Yong to renegotiate, we will make adjustments according to the results of the negotiations, and hope that the Ministry of Rites will not send people to the newspaper office to criticize, we do not welcome it!"

Zhu Shengfei hurriedly said: "It's definitely a misunderstanding, the Ministry of Rites will not send anyone to report again, I promise!"

"In that case, everyone, please go back!"

Zhu Shengfei bowed to Hu Yun again, "I'm really sorry, I came late and almost ruined the big event, please forgive me by Special Envoy Hu!"

Hu Yun said with a calm expression: "Zhang Jun's [-] vanguard troops have already entered Pingjiang Mansion at noon today, and will enter Lin'an Mansion two days later. The [-] Zhang Jun troops killed from the southwest will also enter Lin'an Mansion two days later. You should concentrate on Solve the immediate crisis!"

Zhu Shengfei was taken aback, "Is what Special Envoy Hu said true?"

"Your intelligence is too backward, not as good as an outsider like me."

Zhu Shengfei didn't care about the greetings, he said goodbye, turned around and left in a hurry, Wan Qixi scolded Qin Hui for harming him in his heart, if he hadn't been troublesome, how could the emperor have issued a handbook, but now he has caused himself to be a different person inside and out.

He didn't bother to explain, and waved his hand, "Let's go!"

He left with a group of officials and soldiers in embarrassment. When tens of thousands of people saw them fleeing in embarrassment, there was a burst of cheers.

Wang Mu invited Hu Yun to the VIP hall of the newspaper office and served tea. Wang Mu asked with a smile, "Is Lao Hu really planning to tear up the agreement?"

Hu Yun said lightly: "This agreement is just a piece of waste paper. It's okay to scare them, but it's actually meaningless. It's the same thing for us whether we tear it up or not."

"I heard a news this afternoon that Han Shizhong was defeated. Is it true?"

Hu Yun pointed at him and shook his head with a smile: "It's a shame that you are still at the newspaper. The news is so behind. It has entered Lin'an Mansion."

Wang Mu was puzzled and asked: "Han Shizhong is also a famous general, how could he be defeated by Zhang Ziqi? I know this Zhang Ziqi, he is just a frail scholar, how powerful is he?"

"Can't you think of the reason for this?"

Wang Mu pondered for a while, then suddenly realized, "Could it be that we also joined the battle?"

"Of course! If our army hadn't participated in the battle, Zhang Ziqi's army would have been wiped out long ago. Will he be given a chance to enter Lin'an Mansion?"

Wang Mu nodded, "Speaking of which, Zhang Jun is really likely to break through Lin'an City!"

Hu Yun laughed, "That's just Zhang Jun's daydream. If His Royal Highness allows Zhang Jun to break through Lin'an City, he will notify us to leave. Don't worry! Everything is under the control of His Royal Highness, as long as the court Agree to King Yong's conditions, and everything will be reversed!"

(End of this chapter)

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