
Chapter 1259

Chapter 1259
Xu Xiantu was invited back to the imperial study by Zhao Gou. This was actually a disguised apology. Xu Xiantu only hated Qin Hui, but he was not dissatisfied with the emperor.

Zhao Gou said worriedly: "Xu Aiqing, the situation is critical now, and I am helpless. I hope Aiqing can give me some ideas, how to deal with the immediate crisis?"

Xu Xiantu said calmly: "Your Majesty, my minister is telling the truth. At this point, I can only compromise with Chen Qing. As long as Chen Qing is willing to make a move, the situation will be reversed quickly."

Zhao Gou let out a long sigh, "But isn't it enough for me to give Jianghuai to him? He also wants Jiangnan West Road, I really can't accept it."

"This needs to be negotiated, but Weichen has a hunch that now Jiangnanxi Road has actually fallen into Chen Qing's hands."

Zhao Gou was startled, "Why do you say that?"

"Your Majesty, it can be deduced from common sense. Before we knew that there was a [-] army led by Zhang Ziqi on Jiangnan West Road. Now we have received news that Zhang Ziqi led [-] troops into Yanzhou. The question is, where are the [-] troops? went?"

"I think the [-] troops stayed on Jiangnan West Road?"

Xu Xiantu shook his head, "If you kill three thousand enemies, you will lose eight hundred. Han Shizhong was defeated and suffered heavy losses. Will the other party have no loss at all? I believe that at least there will be more than ten thousand casualties, and thousands of soldiers and some wounded may be left behind." The soldiers are on Jiangnan West Road, but with this, can people stop Chen Qing's army?
Chen Qinghui will turn a blind eye to the empty Jiangnan West Road?What's more, I feel that Han Shizhong's defeat is most likely due to the Western Army's factors. Otherwise, with Han Shizhong's rich experience, it is impossible for him to defeat the extremely mediocre Zhang Ziqi. "

Xu Xiantu's analysis made Zhao Gou completely speechless. If the Western Army had already occupied Jiangnan West Road, how could it be possible to let them withdraw?

At this time, Zhu Shengfei hurried back, "I have a mission to Your Majesty!"

"No trouble!"

"Fortunately, I arrived in time. I explained to Special Envoy Hu and the newspaper that it was just a misunderstanding. Xiangguo Wan also took people away and did not cause any trouble!"

"Where is Mr. Qin?"

Zhao Gou asked displeasedly, "Did he not show up?"

"He refused to come forward, saying that it had nothing to do with him, and that it was all up to me to solve it!"


Zhao Gou scolded angrily: "If it wasn't for his instigation, I would have written a letter to seal down the newspaper? Why has nothing to do with him? If there is trouble, there is no one to solve the problem without him. He doesn't even have the minimum responsibility. He is still qualified to be the right minister. ?”

Zhao Gou finally got angry this time, and continued to scold: "I just found out that Qin Hui has never done a good thing. Zhang Jun's rebellion was also related to him. He was the trigger for Zhang Jun's rebellion. If he hadn't forced Zhang Jun to attack Henan Road, Zhang Jun would not have resisted the order. .”

But scolding is scolding, he can't do it if he really wants to get rid of Qin Hui, so what he scolds now is just pretending, scolding for Xu Xiantu to appease his emotions, and at the same time clear his own responsibility.

Xu Xiantu knew the Son of Heaven too well, and scolding him was nothing more than trying to clear his responsibilities. Qin Hui was able to serve as Prime Minister for so many years, because he catered to him everywhere. Aren't all the decisions made by him?Now the responsibility is shifted to Qin Hui again.

Xu Xiantu sighed inwardly, and persuaded: "Your Majesty, now is not the time to pursue responsibility. The key now is to deal with Zhang Jun's two-sided attack, and to negotiate with Chen Qing. Let's solve the urgent problem first!"

Zhu Shengfei also said: "I heard from Hu Yun that at noon today, Zhang Jun's [-] vanguards have entered Pingjiang Mansion, and they will arrive in Lin'an Mansion in two days. We must send troops north to fight."

"I know that the situation is critical, and I'm also considering candidates. Qin Xiangguo recommended Yang Yizhong to me, but I think Yang Yizhong's qualifications are low. He can be a general, but he's not good enough to be a coach. Are there any suitable candidates for the two lovers?"

Xu Xiantu bowed and said: "The humble staff sent out a paper in the Privy Council, and asked dozens of officials in the Privy Council to fill it out, who can be the commander-in-chief, and as a result, [-]% of the officials recommended the same person!"

"Who?" Zhao Gou asked with a boost of energy.

"Graduate scholar Zhang Jun!"

Zhao Gou was stunned, unable to speak for a while, Xu Xiantu persuaded: "Your Majesty, Zhang Jun led the Western Army to fight against the Jin Bing in Sichuan and Shanxi for four years, but the Jin Bing finally failed to move south. Your Majesty, everyone recognizes him. After thinking about it, I really must be him!"

Zhao Gou pondered for a moment, then asked Zhu Shengfei, "What about Zhu Xiangguo's opinion?"

Zhu Shengfei saw that the Son of Heaven was already tempted. At this critical moment, he didn't want to ask for trouble, so he nodded immediately, "I support Mr. Xu's recommendation!"

Zhao Gou took a few steps with his hands behind his back, and immediately ordered: "Quickly announce that Zhang Jun is here to see me!"

He then said to Xu Xiantu: "Leave the negotiation with Chen Qing to Xu Xiangguo, and report to me at any time. Every detail must be decided by me!"

Zhang Jun never dreamed that he would be ordered in the face of danger. The emperor thought of himself at the most severe moment, which not only moved him very much, but also placed a heavy burden on his shoulders.

"Ai Qing, if you have any ideas or requests, please bring them up now. As long as they are reasonable, I will try my best to satisfy them!"

Zhang Jun pondered for a long time and said: "I do have a few ideas, or a few requests, I hope His Majesty can grant it!"

"Say it, I'm listening!"

"First, Your Majesty, please delegate power to this official, and don't interfere with this official's military decision-making, especially don't let Qin Xiangguo interfere. He has a grudge with this official, and his interference must have selfish motives."

The rebel army is too close to Lin'an, and it is impossible if they do not interfere at all. Zhao Gou pondered for a moment and said: "With a hundred miles as the boundary, if the rebel army is only a hundred miles away from Lin'an, I must intervene. decision!"

"Then it's a deal!"

Zhao Gou nodded and asked again: "Go on!"

"Second, the minister must ensure sufficient money and food, this is the key to maintaining morale!"

"Yes!" Zhao Gou agreed.

"Thirdly, I want Liu Qi, Wang Jian, and Yang Yizhong to be generals. How to use them is up to me."

Zhao Gou also heard that Zhang Jun's thinking was very organized, he must have thought about it over and over again, which gave Zhao Gou some confidence, and he agreed without hesitation.

"Fourth, I recommend Liu Ziyu as the defense envoy of Lin'an. I am worried that the enemy will send surprise troops to attack Lin'an. Liu Ziyu is experienced, thoughtful, and impeccable. He is the most suitable guard for Lin'an."

Zhao Gou frowned, "Liu Ziyu is in Fuzhou, I'm afraid it will be too late to come back."

Xu Xiantu next to him said: "When the Privy Council transferred [-] troops from Fujian Road to Beijing, it also transferred Liu Ziyu back to Beijing to report on coastal defense. He should be there tomorrow, together with the [-] troops from Fujian Road."

Zhao Gou was a little displeased, apparently they had been transferred secretly, but they kept it from himself, Xu Xiantu quickly explained: "The humble official didn't want to hide it from His Majesty, but I was afraid that Qin Xiangguo would object, and I just wanted to transfer him to Beijing first." , It is up to His Majesty to decide whether to use it or not, Master Zhang just asked me yesterday if Liu Ziyu could be transferred back, we did not negotiate in advance."

Zhao Gou was right when he thought about it. If Qin Hui knew about it, he would definitely object. Zhao Gou felt more comfortable and nodded, "I agree, I will designate him as the Lin'an Defense Envoy, in charge of Lin'an Defense!"

"Weichen has one more request!"

"Anything else to ask for?"

"I want [-] troops, of which [-] standing troops will be given to me, and another [-] new troops will be needed, and Han Shizhong and Wu Ling will be dispatched by me!"

Zhao Gou hesitated for a long time, and finally agreed, "Yes, I promise you all five conditions!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

In the evening of the same day, Zhao Gou issued a decree to appoint Zhang Jun, a senior scholar, as the recruiting envoy of the Marshal of the capital, and led an army of [-] to go north to face Zhang Jun's rebels. The people in Lin'an called Zhang Jun against Zhang Jun.

Zhao Gou immediately issued a second decree, appointing Liu Ziyu as the defense envoy of Lin'an, commanding the last [-] troops in Lin'an, and taking full charge of the defense of Lin'an, mainly targeting the [-] Huaixi troops that came from the southwest.

(End of this chapter)

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