
Chapter 1260 Compromise

Chapter 1260 Compromise
Qin Hui did not intervene in the two imperial edicts issued today, especially the imperial edict required the seal of Zhongshumen, and the seal of Zhongshu was in his hands, so he also tacitly agreed to do so.

In fact, after dealing with the matter of the newspaper office in the afternoon, he went back to his residence directly. The reversal of the newspaper office incident hit him too hard in the face, and he couldn't bear his old face, so he had to hide at home.

The lights in the study are bright, and Qin Hui is flipping through a thick stack of "Beijing News". In fact, he is also a loyal reader of "Beijing News". The market information on the fourth page of "Beijing News" has given him a lot of help, such as rice prices , cloth prices and other necessities of life, gave him a lot of help.

But these small helpers are not as good as his hatred for Chen Qing. Although he can't touch Chen Qing, he still has power in handling a small newspaper office in Lin'an, but the backstage of "Beijing News" is Being so tough made him suffer repeated setbacks, which really made Qin Hui depressed.

At this time, his wife, Wang Shi, came in with a bowl of ginseng tea and asked, "It's getting late, is the master still resting?"

Qin Hui sighed, "I'm so upset, I can't sleep!"

"I heard that the government ordered Zhang Jun to be Marshal of the capital. Didn't Zhang Jun have a grudge with the master?"

Qin Hui took a sip of the ginseng tea, but did not say a word, Wang said again: "Liu Ziyu was also reused and appointed Lin'an defense envoy, I remember the master said that this Liu Ziyu is Zhang Jun's man, in fact, Zhang Jun has taken full power , will this threaten the master's aspect?"

Qin Hui put down the teacup, and said calmly: "Zhang Jun has a solid foundation in the court. He and Xu Xiantu worked hand in hand with each other. It is not surprising that Xu Xiantu recommended him. The key is the officials. He is a little panicked now."

"If the master objects, will it be effective?"

Qin Hui snorted, "If I object, Liu Ziyu will never have a chance."

"Master seems to have good reason?"

"Why do I have no reason? Liu Ziyu's two sons and nephews are both high-ranking officials in the Western Army. If Zhang Jun and Chen Qing collude, Chen Qing wants to destroy Lin'an and set up a new emperor in Jingzhao, but let Liu Ziyu come to guard Lin'an. Isn't this just inviting wolves into the house?" ?"

Wang Shi was startled, "Then why didn't the master remind the officials?"

Qin Hui said coldly: "What should I remind him of? At this critical moment, it's better to be silent. If something big happens, he will definitely shirk his responsibility and find someone to take the responsibility. It will never be my turn."

"But... if the city is broken, can we survive?" Wang asked worriedly.

Qin Hui laughed, "If a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall, how could I be unprepared? Madam, don't worry, I have already bought a dilapidated private house, and the money has been transferred to Fujian Road. If the city really breaks down, we will Go to a private house to hide for a while, then turn to Fujian Road, change your name and surname to become a rich man, and we will still be prosperous and wealthy for the rest of our lives."

With the appointment of Zhang Jun as Marshal of the capital, a new round of negotiations between the imperial court and the Western Army began again.

This time Zhao Gou learned his lesson and appointed Xu Xiantu as his representative to negotiate with King Yong's special envoy Hu Yun.

After being beaten by reality, Zhao Gou finally decided to compromise. As long as Chen Qing sent troops to suppress Zhang Jun's rebellion, he agreed to hand over the Jianghuai area north of the Yangtze River to the Yongwang Mansion. Zhao Gou had no objection to this.

The key is Jiangnan West Road. If even Jiangnan West Road is handed over, the imperial court will only be left with a corner of Jiangnan East. Zhao Gou really finds it hard to accept.

In the lobby of the Special Envoy's Office, Xu Xiantu pointed to the map and said, "The Son of Heaven promised to assign the waters of Jiangzhou and Poyang Lake to the Western Army for training, and also allowed you to sell official salt on Jiangnan West Road. Is this sincerity still unacceptable?"

Hu Yun said with a faint smile: "His Royal Highness King Yong has dispatched [-] troops, of which [-] are deployed on Jiangnan West Road, another [-] are deployed in Jianghuai, and [-] naval troops are also deployed in the Yangtze River and Taihu Lake. In fact, Jiangnan The West Road is already under the control of the Western Army. If we want, we can even occupy the land east of Taihu Lake, and even send [-] cavalry to go straight behind Zhang Jun's [-]-strong army, cutting off the food and logistics supplies of the [-]-strong army. The [-] Song army will surely collapse without a fight, and as for Lin'an, the city wall by the West Lake has not been completely built, and the waterway from the West Lake can directly enter the city."

Xu Xiantu's face changed, "Is King Yong planning to join forces with Zhang Jun to destroy Song Dynasty?"

Hu Yun shook his head, "King Yong doesn't want to do this, otherwise the "Beijing News" and I would have evacuated long ago. The reason why I am still in Lin'an is that King Yong has sincerity. Sincerity, I can tell Xu Xiangguo frankly that the late emperor is ready to ascend the throne again in Bianliang."

"That is to say, King Yong must insist on Jiangnan West Road and refuse to give in!"

"How can the meat that has been swallowed in the mouth be spit out again? There is no doubt about it!"

Xu Xiantu nodded, "Okay! I'll report to the emperor."

Xu Xiantu left the special envoy's office with a lot of worries, and hurried back to the palace. Zhao Gou was waiting for him in the imperial study!

Xu Xiantu reported the negotiation process to Zhao Gou. Although the result was within Zhao Gou's expectations, Zhao Gou couldn't help but change his face when Xu Xiantu hesitantly said that the first emperor was ready to ascend the throne again in Bianliang.

Chen Qing's move is a unique move against Zhao Gou, it can be said to be an arrow through the heart, Zhao Gou stood in front of the window with his hands behind his back, unable to say a word for a long time.

"Xu Xiangguo, do you think Zhang Jun can withstand the attack of the rebels?" Zhao Gou asked in a low voice after a long time.

Xu Xiantu hesitated for a while and said: "If there is no Western Army to participate, I don't think the problem is big, but if it is true as Hu Yun said, [-] cavalry from the Western Army inserted behind the [-] army, Zhang Jun's army will undoubtedly be defeated. It is indeed possible to directly attack the city from the West Lake, and we still have about five kilometers of the city wall unfinished, which is a big defensive loophole."

Zhao Gou was silent, and after a while, he said slowly: "Forget it, Jiangnan Xidao will be given to him, but he can no longer use the late emperor to threaten me, this is my last condition!"

Zhao Gou finally compromised and accepted Chen Qing's overall conditions. Of course, Hu Yun also agreed without embarrassing the emperor. On the second day after the two parties reached an agreement, Chen Qing received the eagle from Hu Yun letter.

Chen Qing raised his troops overnight. He ordered [-] cavalry soldiers to divide into two groups and marched into Huangzhou, Qizhou and Anqing Mansion separately. After Liu Cui led [-] troops to sweep Qizhou and Anqing Mansion, he continued to attack Luzhou.

Chen Qing personally led an army of [-] to attack Shouzhou, and Gao Ding also led an army of [-] from Yingzhou to attack Shouchun southward.

At the same time, Zheng Ping led [-] troops from Ezhou into Jiangnan West Road. He will accept the captured [-] soldiers, mix them with his own army, and station them in the states of Jiangnan West Road, and actually control Jiangnan West Road. road.

And Guan Shigu also arrived in Nanchang County, he will serve as the appeasement envoy of Jiangnan West Road, and stabilize the situation on Jiangnan West Road for Chen Qing.
On the Yangtze River, Yang Yuanqing, the governor of the Yangtze River Navy, led [-] sailors and [-] warships to sail along the river. They set off from Dangtu County that morning, and arrived at the river outside Jiangning Mansion at night.

This was Yang Yuanqing's first chance to fight in five years, and he cherished it very much. Beforehand, he sent spies pretending to be fishing boats to investigate information on the rivers of Jiangning Mansion and Zhenjiang Mansion.

According to the information he got, there are three berths for Huaixi military ships. The first one is at the Yangzi County Wharf in Jiangning Prefecture, where more than [-] large ships are moored. They are the ones that transported more than [-] people across the river Ships, the second place is at the wharf of Zhenjiangfu, this is the key point, almost all the large ships over [-] shi are moored here, there are more than [-] ships, and the third place is Yangzhou, where the thousand shi warships are moored. There are more than a hundred ships, and there is actually a fourth berth. In Taihu Lake, there are a hundred medium-sized ships.

As for the more than [-] grain transport ships in the canal, they were all flat-bottomed boats, and the Western Army had other troops to deal with them, so Yang Yuanqing didn't have to worry about it.

Two miles away from the target, the Western Army fleet anchored, and a hundred water ghosts slipped into the river with their knives in their hands. Five thousand soldiers had already landed in Jiangning Mansion ahead of time, and they were rushing here.

(End of this chapter)

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