
Chapter 1261 Declaring War

Chapter 1261 Declaring War
The wharf in Yangzi County is not big, and it can only moor three large ships at the same time, but there are more than a hundred ships moored here. The ships and ships were connected together with ropes before, and finally only the cables of the three large ships were moored on the wooden piles of the wharf. .

More than a hundred ships floated with the waves on the water surface, but they could not disperse. More than a hundred large tents were set up hundreds of steps away from the shore, and a thousand soldiers were responsible for guarding these warships. On the shore, there were only [-] soldiers on duty sitting on the boat. These soldiers were all sailors. Zhang Jun’s navy had just been established, and the soldiers basically had no water combat training. The standards for selecting sailors were also low. They could swim That's all.

However, Zhang Jun doesn't need a navy for the time being. What he urgently needs are boats across the river, which can transport his hundreds of thousands of troops to the south of the Yangtze River.

At night, the wind and waves were quite strong, and the ship heaved violently. The soldiers on duty could not stand upright on the ship and could only lie down or lie down on the deck.

At this time, [-] soldiers had already appeared outside the big tent, and surrounded the enemy camp from all directions. Zhang Wei, the commander of the Western Army, watched the movement on the water, and it was easy to wipe out [-] or [-] enemy troops. First, you have to wait for the water ghost to cut the rope. Second, you can't run away alone and report to Zhenjiang Mansion.

At this time, more than a dozen water ghosts had already dived to the bottom of the trestle bridge, and they moved almost simultaneously, cutting the rope with sharp daggers. A dozen water ghosts were struggling to push the boat under the boat, and the three thousand-stone boats gradually left the trestle pier.

Zhang Wei shouted: "Kill!"

Five thousand soldiers rushed towards the tent from all directions, and there was a lot of screams in the big tent. At this time, the same screams continued on the boat. The water ghosts attacked the soldiers on board, and more than a hundred water ghosts killed most of them in an instant. After climbing on the boat, it was useless for the remaining soldiers to beg for mercy. Their throats were cut by the fierce water ghosts and they were thrown into the Yangtze River.

At this time, dozens of vehicles and boats came, and the soldiers jumped on board one after another and took control of the boats.
Shouchun City is Zhang Jun's lair. Zhang Jun's confidant general Zhang Zongyan leads an army of [-] troops. In the city are not only the family members of the generals, but also two million stones of grain and millions of coins. It can be said that Shouchun is Zhang Jun. Jun sits in the political center of Jianghuai, where all his resources are stored.

It was for this reason that Chen Qing personally led an army of [-] to attack Shouchun.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The dull sound of war drums was beating outside the city, and outside the west city was the overwhelming Western army, with battle flags covering the sky and the sun, cavalry and infantry in neat rows, with bright helmets, spears like forests, and a murderous pavement. in the wilderness.

It was afternoon, but the Western Army had no plans to camp at all. Their goal was to break through Shouchun City before dawn. For this reason, the Western Army prepared twelve huge iron fire mines.

Chen Qing stared at the top of the city under the canopy of the purple umbrella in the distance. The top of the city was densely packed with defenders. Theoretically speaking, [-] people can defend the city with [-] people, but this is only a theory, the fact is In the first place, the Western Army did not carry siege weapons at all, nor did they plan to attack the city. They just waited to blow down the city wall and the whole army rushed into the city.

Chen Qing ordered coldly: "Send them a letter!"

A cavalryman rushed out towards the city gate, about [-] steps away from the city gate. The soldier raised his huge crossbow and shot an arrow with a letter on it.

The letter was shot at the top of the wall, a soldier picked it up, and rushed to hand it to the general Zhang Zongyan. Zhang Zongyan was about forty years old. He was Zhang Jun's clan relative. Although he was an ancestor, he was far away.

Zhang Zongyan first followed Zongze to fight against the gold, and then followed Zhang Jun. After more than ten years, he also accumulated meritorious service and was promoted to the governor of the capital. He has rich combat experience, thoughtful considerations, and is more loyal to Zhang Jun. Jun didn't let his hot-tempered brother Zhang guard Shouchun, but let Zhang guard Hefei, and Zhang Zongyan guarded Shouchun City.

Zhang Zongyan took the letter from the soldiers, and saw that it said General Tiange of the Song Dynasty, Xuanfu envoy of Sichuan and Shaanxi, Marshal of the Western Army, and General Zhang Yanzong from Yong Wang Chen Qing.

He opened the letter, the content of the letter is very simple, the western army will break the city tonight, Chen Qing does not want to hurt the innocent, give them a chance to surrender, "I promise in the name of King Yong, if the general leads the army to surrender, no one in the city will be killed , the Western Army did not commit any crimes, but if they do not know the general situation and try to resist, once the city is broken, street fighting breaks out, and the sword has no eyes, the soldiers and civilians in the city can only ask for blessings. Even if they surrender, they will be treated as prisoners of war. treatment. '

Zhang Zongyan's mood is very complicated. He knows that almost all of the people living in the city are the family members of the soldiers, and even the wife and mother of the lord are also in the city. Once the city is broken, a hundred thousand Western troops will enter, and street fighting will break out in the city. It will be a catastrophe for the common people. My lord His wife, children and mother were not spared.

But just surrender like this?The [-] troops raised their flags and surrendered without firing a single arrow. The lord entrusted Shouchun City to himself, but he surrendered because of a letter from Chen Qing. His [-]-year foundation was ruined. How could he explain to the lord?
Surrender is no, no surrender is no, Zhang Zongyan is really contradictory, he simply called more than a dozen generals to discuss, but the generals were unanimously opposed to surrender, [-] troops have a strong high city, [-] barrels of kerosene, hundreds of A large trebuchet, several years of food, can't stop the attack of a hundred thousand troops?It will make people laugh if it is spread out.

All the generals under his command were opposed to surrender, and Zhang Zongyan had no choice. He immediately ordered the whole army to prepare for battle, and poured kerosene under the city gate. Shouchun City was newly built five years ago, and it was extremely strong. The only weakness is the city gate, which is made of wood and cannot stop the explosion of large iron fire mines.

There are four gates in Shouchun City, of which the north and south cities are Wengcheng. It is unlikely that the Western Army will attack the north and south gates. The most likely are the east and west gates. Zhang Zongyan knows in his heart that Chen Qing must have sent someone to investigate Shouchun City in detail.

An hour passed, exceeding the surrender time stipulated by Chen Qing, and there was no movement in Shouchun City, which meant that the other party did not accept the surrender and stubbornly resisted to the end.

Chen Qing then ordered the soldiers to rest where they were, and at the same time set up a large tent of the Chinese army. Inside the large tent was placed a large wooden city model, which was Shouchun City.

Chen Qing held a wooden pole and said to the generals: "The intelligence department established an intelligence point in Shouchun City two years ago, and collected a lot of information in the two years. The iron fire mine has been tested. Even the iron bull can't blow up this kind of double-layer brick city wall. Our chance is four city gates. Among them, there are urns in the north and south gates, and east and west gates. But this is not important, I think The three city gates in the east, west and south were exploded, and whichever gate was blown down, they could attack from there, and the north gate was left for the enemy to escape.

So I want to divide into four armies, deploy one army at each of the three city gates in the east, west, and south, and each army is equipped with three iron fire mines and a battering ram. The battering ram is a backup. The suspension bridge collapsed, the south gate and even the inner city, I was in charge of the west gate, General Gao Ding was in charge of the south gate, General Li Muqing was in charge of the east gate, General Hu Yanlei led [-] cavalry in ambush one mile outside the north gate, etc. The enemy army escaped and then intercepted and killed them, and launched an offensive at the same time at the same time. "

"Follow the order!"

Chen Qing slowly said to the crowd: "Street fighting will break out once the city is captured. Except for women, the elderly and children, the rest of the men are either me or the enemy. They must not show any mercy. In order to reduce casualties, surrender is acceptable, but it must be surrendered." Take off the armor, throw away the weapon, and those who still hold the weapon will be killed!"

All the generals agreed together, "Follow the order!"

(End of this chapter)

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