
1267 Empty City

1267 Empty City
Zhang Jun and his [-] soldiers galloped wildly on horseback. They were so fast that they quickly overtook the front army. They ran for more than [-] miles in one breath and escaped from the Niutou mountain area. Looking back, they found dust billowing behind them. Look carefully, It turned out to be a western army cavalry of more than [-] men chasing them, less than [-] steps away from them, arrows flew like raindrops, and more than [-] soldiers behind were shot and fell off their horses.

Zhang Jun was so frightened that his heart was broken, and he left two hundred soldiers to block the cavalry of the Western Army. He beat his horse and fled. He fell down, foamed at the mouth, convulsed all over, and seemed to be dying.

At this time, there were only about thirty soldiers around him, and only eight horses that were not exhausted. They were only a dozen miles away from the Yangtze River. Zhang Jun strengthened his spirits, and led everyone to lead the horses to the Yangtze River.

After Zhang Jun escaped, [-] Western Army cavalry blocked the official road. At this time, [-] to [-] troops gathered at the northern exit. There were dense forests on both sides. There were people moving from time to time in the mountain forest. They were Western Army cavalry and crossbows. hand.

Most of the soldiers of the Huaixi Army had discarded their helmets and armor, and they had no weapons. Hundreds of paces ahead were black cavalry, full of murderous intent, panicked and didn't know what to do?
At this time, a tall and burly general of the Western Army in front of the forest shouted: "Listen up, all soldiers of the Huaixi Army!"

The general of the Western Army is Li Fuxing, the commander of the Western Army. He has practiced internal skills and is famous for his loud voice, just like the loudspeakers of later generations. Everyone can hear clearly.

"His Royal Highness King Yong has captured the Jianghuai River, and Shouchun City has also been captured by the Western Army."

There was a sudden commotion among the soldiers. These soldiers were all veterans, and their family members were all near Shouchun. Shouchun was captured, and everyone's hearts rose to their throats.

"I want to tell everyone that all the people in Shouchun are safe and sound, Xi Junqiu is fine, and your family members are safe and sound!"

The soldiers immediately cheered, Li Fuxing waved his hands to calm everyone down, and he said loudly: "King Yong will not kill the Han people, put down your weapons, and will let you go home and reunite as soon as possible, please put down your weapons, raise your hands and walk out of the valley! "

The soldiers closest to him could hear him clearly, put down their weapons one after another, and walked towards the mouth of the valley with their hands raised. The cavalry in front of the valley got out of the way. Groups of soldiers walked out of the valley, and some cavalry led them to an open place to sit down.

At the same time, more than [-] soldiers of the rear army also became prisoners of war. Chen Qing surrendered without a fight and let Zhang Jun go. The remaining [-] troops had no other choice but to surrender. .

Yushan County is located between Quzhou and Xinzhou. It is the easternmost county seat on Jiangnan West Road. It is under the jurisdiction of Xinzhou. Yushan County is a middle-level county with a permanent population of less than [-] people. On the road, tea and horses gather, and business is not bad.

Zhang Ziqi and Han Jin led a [-]-strong army back all the way to Jiangnan West Road. They replenished some dry food in Jiande County and continued westward. Zhang Ziqi was more lenient and strictly prohibited soldiers from looting and killing. The army retreated quickly, and they retreated to Yushan in three days. county.

At this time, Han Jin galloped back on horseback and said to Zhang Ziqi: "Marshal, there is news from the scouts in front that there is an army appearing thirty miles away, most likely the Western Army."

Zhang Ziqi also vaguely guessed that the Western Army had turned against them, otherwise his father would not have retreated so hastily, and he would not have allowed himself to retreat to Jiangnan West Road immediately.

Hearing that there were Western troops in and out, Zhang Ziqi suddenly became nervous, and asked anxiously, "How many Western troops are there?"

Han Jin shook his head, "Not very clear!"

Zhang Ziqi wondered: "Then what should we do, should we rush to Shangrao overnight, or stay overnight first?"

They are running out of dry food, they can only last two days, and they are anxious to go to Shangrao County to replenish it, and Shangrao County is [-] miles away, even if they don't stop at night, they will arrive tomorrow afternoon.

Han Jin thought for a while and said, "I still can't take any risks. Let the scouts check it out before leaving. It's not a big problem for me to go to Yushan County to raise dry food for two days. Although the county is small, there should be two thousand shi of food."

Zhang Ziqi nodded, "Okay! Go to Yushan County, but I have something to say first, you can get food, but you are not allowed to kill the people."

"Since the marshal has issued an order, we should strictly restrain the soldiers, only take food, and not hurt the people."

Immediately, the army headed towards Yushan County, which was ten miles away. After a while, the army arrived in the county seat.

Perhaps frightened by the army, Zhang Ziqi immediately ordered that the army not enter the city without trespassing on the houses.

The [-]-strong army marched into the city, and all the shops and houses were closed, and the locks were almost hung outside, which meant that there was no one in the shops and houses.

Zhang Ziqi sent people to search around, and came back soon to report, "There are no residents in the city, please ask the Marshal, do you want to break through the door and take a look?"

Han Jin also persuaded: "Marshal, it's really weird, let's break the door and have a look!"

Zhang Ziqi hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded, "Okay! You can break through the door and take a look."

Dozens of small teams rushed to various parts of the city, and soon a shocking news came, all the people in the city disappeared, not a single person.

Zhang Ziqi and Han Jin looked at each other in blank dismay. It was not good for them to arrive.

At this moment, low-pitched horns sounded from all sides outside the city, "Woo———"

A soldier stumbled over to report, "Marshal, the Western Army is here, and their army is everywhere!"

Zhang Ziqi was so frightened that his face paled, Han Jin immediately ordered: "Close the city gate quickly, and order the first army and the second army to go up to the city to defend!"

"General Han, what's going on?"

"Don't worry, my son. It should be just a small-scale western army. We have an army of [-]. As long as we hold our ground, we will not fail."

Zhang Ziqi was relieved, and hurriedly followed Han Jin to the city to check the situation.
The situation was completely beyond Han Jin's expectations. It was not a small-scale western army, but a [-] army led by Liu Qiong and Liu Cui, encircling Yushan County from four directions.

King Yong's order to them was to subdue the enemy without fighting. The generals racked their brains, but they couldn't think of a good way. Finally, Tang Qian thought of the empty city plan.

All the people in Yushan County were moved away without leaving any food, and then suspicious soldiers were used to haunt the front of Yushan County, so that they did not dare to move forward easily, so they had to advance to Yushan County.

The biggest weakness of the opponent was food. They did not carry luggage, but only dry food, which meant that they could not last long. As long as they were blocked in the county, they would collapse in a few days.

One hundred thousand troops with banners like clouds and queues like walls surrounded the county town in darkness. Zhang Ziqi was so frightened that his face turned ashen, and he was speechless for a while.

After looking at the top of the city for a long time, Zhang Ziqi went down the city with one foot deep and one foot shallow. Han Jin came to report with a serious face, "Marshal, I'm afraid the situation is not good!"

"what happened again?"

"The soldiers searched many households, but found that there was no food."


Zhang Ziqi was taken aback, and said anxiously: "We only have two days of dry food, how can we do without food?"

Han Jin pondered for a while and said: "I will let the soldiers search carefully. After killing the hundreds of mules accompanying me, I can last for a day, but we have to make the best plan and break out by force. casualties, the Marshal must be mentally prepared!"

Zhang Ziqi nodded silently, moved his lips again, and finally did not ask, if he breaks out, can he find food?Will Shangrao County open the door and wait for them to replenish food?
(End of this chapter)

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