
Chapter 1268 Persuade to surrender

Chapter 1268 Persuade to surrender
The reality is very cruel. Although the Huaixi Army soldiers turned Yushan County upside down, they still haven't found a grain of food.

At dusk, Han Jin slaughtered hundreds of mules and donkeys accompanying the army, and used them to cook soup and meat to reward the soldiers. However, hundreds of mules and donkeys were still a drop in the bucket for [-] soldiers. You can't even see the scum, so it can only be said that talking is better than nothing.

Han Jin was preparing to break through from the southern city. He selected [-] tall and strong soldiers, each holding a shield and a sword, and lined up in five rows. As a shock army, they were responsible for breaking through the encirclement and creating conditions for the army behind to break through.

But at this moment, several gunpowder arrows rose into the sky from the mountains outside Beicheng.

This is also the characteristic of Yushan County. The city is built on the mountain, but everything in the city can be clearly seen from the North Mountain. Maybe the details are not clear, but five thousand people lined up, no matter what, they can see clearly.

Zhang Xian, commander of the upper army, immediately led [-] crossbowmen to block the south city gate. They used heavy-duty god-arm crossbows, two people and one crossbow, with a killing range of up to [-] steps, which could penetrate ordinary shields and leather armor, and had It has a strong range advantage, and the general crossbow arrows on the top of the city have insufficient range, so there is nothing to do with them.

The suspension bridge was lowered, the city gate slowly opened, soldiers with shields rushed out, but what greeted them was the merciless blow from the crossbow arrows of the god arm, a thousand arrows were shot from the southeast like a torrential rain, and the soldiers who had just rushed onto the suspension bridge rushed out one after another. The arrow fell to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, the second, third, fourth, and fifth arrows were shot successively. The five rounds of arrows completely blocked the city gate, and groups of soldiers rushed out and were shot down. Nearly [-] people fell in front of the city gate, and the soldiers who survived the arrow crawled back moaning.

The Huaixi army did not dare to go out of the city, and the crossbow array stopped firing. The two sides held each other for a while, and Han Jin shouted, "Go on!"

Five hundred soldiers rushed out again, and this time they were not in a hurry to shoot arrows. After they had taken a hundred steps, and the third batch of five hundred soldiers rushed out again, the five thousand crossbows with divine arms were in full swing, and the arrows were like a storm. Shooting at the soldiers of the Huaixi Army, one after another screamed and fell down. The shields couldn't resist the strong penetration of the crossbow arrows. The leather armor also lost its protective ability in front of the powerful heavy-duty god arm crossbow arrows. Even the iron armor couldn't resist it. , not to mention leather armor.

After a round of five rounds of arrows, all five hundred soldiers were shot down, and the third batch of more than two hundred soldiers who rushed out from behind were also shot down. The soldiers behind were so frightened that they retreated into the city, and the ground was full of undead arrows. The soldiers, moaning in pain, struggled to crawl into the city.

In just one stick of incense, thousands of soldiers were shot to death and wounded.

Zhang Ziqi couldn't bear it anymore, rushed down to the city and shouted: "This kind of breakout is going out to die, stop breaking out!"

Not only Zhang Ziqi, but other generals also persuaded that the opponent was well prepared and powerful, and they couldn't break through at all. No matter whether they succeeded in breaking through, they would end up dead.
Han Jin had no choice but to issue an order to stop the breakout.

As the night gradually deepened, [-] soldiers were distributed among the houses in the city. Each house housed more than a dozen or more than [-] people. The food and valuables were taken away by the people, and only some broken furniture was left behind. Do not hit the shop to sleep.

The conditions are not very good, but the soldiers no longer care about such trivial matters. What they worry about is tomorrow and their own fate.

"Believe in his ghost, where will we get food tomorrow? The mules have eaten up, so can food fall from the sky? We will be hungry tomorrow."

"That's right! The officials ate the meat, and I only had a sip of soup. I really miss the days when I killed pigs and ate meat in my hometown. If I can go home after surrendering, I promise to be the first to surrender."

In a room, more than a dozen soldiers couldn't sleep and were all chatting. At this moment, a soldier who was going for convenience shouted from the yard: "Come out and see."

"Look at the fart! What's there to see?"

"There are so many pieces of paper in the sky, they are leaflets!"

The soldiers got up one after another and ran to the yard with bare feet. Five or six leaflets fell in the yard. Looking up at the night sky, there were still a few pieces of paper floating in the sky, and most of them probably fell to the ground.

"You guys are late, the sky has drifted a lot just now!" the courtyard soldier said regretfully.

The crowd ignored him, surrounded a literate soldier, and asked eagerly, "What's written on it?"

"Go inside and talk!"

Everyone returned to the house, lit the oil lamps, and the literate soldiers read: "I tell all the Jianghuai officers and soldiers that Shouchun has come, and the people are safe and sound. People, I can't bear to kill, it's late autumn, the new year is approaching, spring plowing is approaching, the barren land is waiting for you to go home to cultivate, surrender as soon as possible, let everyone go back to their hometowns and reunite with their families, if you resist, you will burn the city! "

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, only then did they realize that the houses were all made of wood. If the Western Army set fire to the city, none of them would survive.

It was getting brighter, and Zhang Ziqi was sitting alone in the courtyard, holding a notice in his hand. He had hardly slept all night, sitting on a big rock in a daze, and several soldiers stood not far behind him, and no one dared to disturb him. he.

At this time, there was a rush of running, and a soldier reported at the gate of the courtyard, "Marshal, the Western Army has sent envoys into the city!"

Zhang Ziqi nodded, "Ask him to sit in the lobby and treat him with courtesy!"

Zhang Ziqi got up to wash up a bit, and then came to the lobby.

Zhang Ziqi, the envoy of the Western Army, knew him. He turned out to be Wang Yong who joined the army. Wang Yong got up and said with a smile, "Young Master Zhang, we meet again."

"It turned out to be Wang Canjun, please sit down!"

The two sat down. At this time, Han Jin also rushed over. He had a very ugly face and sat aside without saying a word.

Zhang Ziqi asked, "Is my father still alive?"

Wang Yong said slowly: "We got some news that the [-] troops led by your father were wiped out at Niutoushan, or they all surrendered. His father Zhang Jun, His Highness King Yong let him go, and he fled with his own soldiers. , whereabouts are currently unknown."

"What about my family?"

Zhang Ziqi took a deep breath and asked: "The notice says that the birthday is broken, how is my family's situation?"

Han Jin also straightened up involuntarily, and looked at Wang Yong with concern. Of course, he also cared about his family in Shouchun.

"Your wife, mother, and grandmother are all fine, your two-year-old son is still alive, and everyone left behind is safe and sound, but your brother and several nephews were led by Li Jiming to break out of the city. Li Jiming did not surrender, and the entire army died in battle. , your brother and nephew were dragged down by him, and all died in the chaos."

"Stupid!" Han Jin couldn't help scolding, of course he scolded Li Jiming for being stupid and loyal and harming the descendants of the lord.

Wang Yong glanced at Han Jin and said: "General Han's wife, mother and two sons are all safe and sound. It is stated in the notice that the Western Army will not commit any crimes when it enters the city!"

Han Jin moved his lips a few times, and finally couldn't help sighing, "Thank you very much!"

Regardless of whether he accepts it or not, King Yong did not kill his wife, children, and mother. Based on this, he is also grateful.

"Are you planning to set fire to the city?" Zhang Ziqi raised the notice in his hand.

"We chose Yushan County as an empty city plan. We originally had this consideration in mind. You should have noticed that most of the houses in Yushan County are made of wood, which is related to the abundance of timber in this area. As for whether to set fire to the city, this is actually not important. I I'm not here today to persuade you to surrender. It's up to you to decide whether to surrender. We, Liu Dutong, just hope that the young master will give the soldiers a choice. Those who are willing to surrender, let them go out of the city and return to their hometowns to reunite with their families. If they don't want to surrender, then go to the battlefield. See, I want you to make a decision before dark."

After a moment of silence, Zhang Ziqi whispered, "Does His Royal Highness Prince Yong want to hand over our father and son to the imperial court?"

(End of this chapter)

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