
Chapter 1269

Chapter 1269

"Young Master Zhang thinks too much. His Royal Highness King Yong never does anything to please the court. You are surrenders, not prisoners of war. King Yong will treat those who surrendered kindly. If Han Dutong surrenders, according to the regulations, he will be reduced to a ruler and continue to be reused."

Han Jin was taken aback, his eyes lit up immediately.

Zhang Ziqi asked anxiously, "What if it was me?"

Wang Yong smiled slightly and said: "His Royal Highness Yong has a good impression of Mr. Zhang, exaggerating his generosity. He said personally that if Mr. Zhang is the head of a state, it will be a blessing to the people. This is what His Royal Highness Yong said. It is estimated that His Royal Highness will use the young master as Zhizhou, maybe it is the matter of Zhishouzhou."

Zhang Ziqi secretly heaved a sigh of relief, nodded and said: "I see, I will give a definite answer before dark."

Wang Yong left and Zhang Ziqi asked Han Jin, "If I choose to surrender, will General Han object?"

Han Jin sighed and said, "The food for the soldiers is about to run out. What reason do we have to keep going? The marshal wants to surrender, and the humble officer has no objection."

"What about the other generals?"

Han Jin shook his head, "The son is the marshal of the army, and this kind of thing is decided by the marshal, regardless of the wishes of his subordinates. If they don't want to be loyal to King Yong, they will choose to go home and farm."

Zhang Ziqi's greatest fear was that the Western Army would hand him over to the imperial court, and he would be tortured to death on the streets of Lin'an. This was the reason why he couldn't sleep all night.

Now King Yong will use his promise as a state official to relieve his worries, Zhang Ziqi no longer hesitates, and immediately said: "Pass my order, put up a white flag on the top of the city, open the south gate, and order the soldiers of the three armies to put down their weapons and armor Get out of town and surrender!"

The [-] army finally chose to surrender before the food ran out. Liu Qiong immediately promised everyone on behalf of King Yong that all soldiers would be released and returned to their hometowns. return home.

When the news came out, the [-] army was full of cheers. At this moment, everyone wished to fly back home and reunite with their wives and children.

Liu Qiong arranged for the surrendered army to have a full meal, and then led the army back to Jiangzhou. They will cross the river from Jiangzhou to the north, and all the surrendered troops will be escorted to their hometown counties for release, so that they will not harass the people along the way.

In the northernmost part of Taiping Prefecture, there is a small village close to the Yangtze River, called Cihuzhai. The village is less than [-] miles away from the Yangtze River. It is under the jurisdiction of Dangtu County. The village is very small, with only a few dozen families, surrounded by low mountains. , the people in the village make a living by farming, they work at sunrise and rest at sunset. It has been very quiet for decades, and it is completely a paradise that has nothing to do with the world.

However, a war that took place in Niutoushan more than [-] miles away caused the village to suffer a catastrophe. Zhang Jun fled to the village with dozens of his soldiers.

While Zhang Jun sent his men out to look for a boat, he and other soldiers hid in the village.

At this time, Zhang Jun's ruthless side was revealed. In order to prevent the villagers from reporting the letter, he ordered his soldiers to kill all the men in the village. The brutality of the soldiers was aroused by the killing, and they began to act recklessly in the village, raping women, bullying the old and the weak .

Zhang Jun didn't interfere. When he was about to leave, he killed all the men, women and children in the village.

After living in the village for four days, the men who were looking for the boat had not returned. Zhang Jun became worried. After all, this place belongs to Dangtu County, only forty miles away from Dangtu County. If the army catches him, it will be a big trouble, and he will confess himself.

At night, a soldier came to report, and a woman ran away.

Zhang Jun cursed angrily, "If you can't even look down on a woman, what use are you for?"

The soldier explained with a bitter face: "My lord, isn't her son sick? I couldn't stand it today, and died of illness. The woman said to bury her son, so I went with her, but I waited for her for a long time before going to see him." , the pit was dug, but the people disappeared.”

Zhang Jun slapped the table heavily, and said angrily: "You killed that woman's husband, and her son died at your hands. You still believe her. I think you're out of your mind, so don't hurry to find her. Go to the entrance of the village, she will definitely report!"

The soldier ran out in a panic, and Zhang Jun ordered other soldiers to search together, but they couldn't find the woman in the middle of the night. Zhang Jun ordered the soldier to be beaten with thirty sticks to punish him for his mistake, Everyone brings the shadow of insecurity.

"Ah - come quickly!"

At the fourth watch, Zhang Jun was awakened by a scream, followed by a series of screams. Zhang Jun heard that it was the scream of his own soldier Li Wu, who let the woman escape and was beaten. Thirty batons.

Zhang Jun turned over, put on his leather boots, drew his sword and rushed out, only to see two soldiers running in panic, "My lord, it's not good, something happened!"

"what happened?"

"That woman brought a lot of farmers, maybe hundreds of them, and killed our brothers with a pickaxe and a sickle, the prince hastened to leave!"

Zhang Jun also panicked. He didn't care about taking his luggage, so he ran to the stable next door, "Bang!" The door was kicked open, and dozens of young men with hoes and sticks rushed in. Someone pointed at them and shouted, "This way!" There are three, kill them!"

All the farmers roared and rushed up with wooden sticks. Two soldiers held swords and resisted desperately. They turned around and shouted, "My lord, go!"

In just a moment, the two guards were overturned on the ground, and the raindrops of sticks and hoes dug at their bodies and heads. The guards only screamed twice and then fell silent. The necks of the two men were cut off by the hoes.

Zhang Jun was flustered, rushed into the stable, got on the horse, but his legs were hugged, and he shouted: "This thief wants to escape, everyone!"

Zhang Jun stabbed the young man to death with a backhand sword, and ran away with his horse. He killed three people in a row and opened a bloody road. Falling to the ground, a farmer broke the horse's leg with a hoe, and Zhang Jun fell heavily to the ground. Before he could get up, dozens of farmers rushed up and rained down sticks. Died at the hands of peasants.

This is also their retribution. The woman fled back to her mother's house in the neighboring village, and she cried a lot, which aroused the anger of the whole village. They united with more than [-] young and strong men from three villages to take revenge, and took Zhang Jun and his thirty All the remaining soldiers were killed, and finally all their bodies were thrown into the Yangtze River and fed to the fish.

It wasn't until one month later that Dangtu county magistrate learned of the incident and led archers to investigate. Judging from Zhang Jun's relics: military charms, gold medals, and swords, it was finally confirmed that Zhang Jun had died in Cihu Village.

Immediately, this news was published on the headlines of the "Beijing News" in Lin'an and Jingzhao.

"The hero fell down and died at the hands of the farmer!" The incident in Cihu village was reported in detail, and the court announced that Zhang Jun's rebellion was over.

(End of this chapter)

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