
Chapter 1270

Chapter 1270
The consequences of Zhang Jun's rebellion were very serious. It not only seriously weakened the strength of the imperial court, but also reduced the court's military strength from [-] to [-], including [-] new recruits.

More importantly, the actual control area of ​​the imperial court was greatly reduced. Not only the Jianghuai area north of the Yangtze River was completely lost, but even the Jiangnan West Road south of the Yangtze River was forced to be surrendered to the Western Army. Chen Qing's actual control line expanded eastward from the Dongting Lake area. To Poyang Lake area.

Xuanzhou is close to Jiangnan East Road in the north, and Quzhou is close to Liangzhe West Road in the south. The actual control territory of the imperial court is only Jiangnan East Road, Liangzhe West Road, Liangzhe East Road, Fujian Road, and Guangnan East Road. Guangnan West Road and other six roads are actually a circle along the southeast coast.

There is also a black spot here, that is Quanzhou, which was occupied by Chen Qing early on.

It was also the first battle to put down Zhang Jun's rebellion. Prince Yong's Mansion acquired a large amount of land, not only took over Zhang Jun's territory, but also seized Jiangnan West Road, winning millions of money and food, and the total number of troops increased to sixty-five. Thousands of thousands of warships have been built for thousands of years, and their territory and strength have grown unprecedentedly.

When the time entered December, a heavy snowfall came unexpectedly. It snowed heavily for three days and three nights. After the snow stopped, the entire Shaanxi Road and Guanzhong Plain became a snow-covered world.

At noon that day, Chen Qing came to Qingfeng Teahouse as usual. This teahouse was originally the private property of the princess. Now the princess has transferred it to her father Lu Jin. Now it is the property of the Lu family. Of course, Chen Qing doesn't care. Who owns the teahouse? For him, the shore of the land is the land of the king. He has a territory of thousands of miles, so he doesn't care about a small teahouse at all.

Chen Qing beckoned, and brought in shopkeeper Liu. Shopkeeper Liu hurriedly stepped forward and said with a smile, "What orders does Your Highness have?"

Chen Qing took out a few silver jiaozi and said with a smile: "There is no problem with the cashier jiaozi!"

Shopkeeper Liu said with a smile on his face: "Report to Your Highness, there is no problem with our shop, we will definitely accept it!"

"As far as you know, is there any shop that refuses to accept it?"

"As far as the villain knows, the shops on the entire East Street accept it, and everyone welcomes it. Maybe some small vendors dare not accept it."

Chen Qing smiled and nodded, "I see, go get busy!"

Shopkeeper Liu saluted and left, and Chen Qing smiled at Zhou Kuan: "How about it, I'm not wrong, am I?"

Zhou Kuan smiled wryly and said, "It's useless. It's not that there were no silver coins in the past, but they were all collected and not circulated in the market. What's the difference between your silver coin and silver coins?"

Yinjiaozi, also known as Yinjiaozi, is the latest currency issued by the Finance and Taxation Department of King Yong’s Mansion. It replaces the previous silver coins. A Yinjiaozi weighs six cents. The government stipulates that it can be exchanged for five hundred Wen coins. It is triangular in shape and full. It is the largest It is characterized by being small and easy to carry.

Zhou Kuan, as the supervisor of the Finance and Taxation Department, did not approve of the issuance of Yinjiaozi, because he had issued silver coins before, but it failed. He issued hundreds of thousands of silver coins, but they did not enter the market. original intention.

Chen Qing said with a smile: "The biggest problem with silver coins in the past was that it was difficult to make molds and the weight was not accurate. This kind of Yinjiaozi is easy to make molds and can be issued in large quantities. Secondly, its weight is very accurate, which is convenient for shops to use balances to distinguish genuine from fake. Circulation, as for collection, it will lose money, I believe no one will do it."

The six-cent Yinjiaozi is normally only worth [-] Wen, but the Internal Affairs Hall has made it a premium of [-] Wen. That is to say, each piece can be exchanged for [-] Wen in the government-run cabinet. If you want to collect it privately , then you will lose two hundred coins for every one you collect.

Melted into silver ingots, every tael of silver would cost at least two pennies, and no one would do such a loss-making business.

This method of premium issuance is an excellent method that Chen Qing thought of. It has the function of premium for banknotes and is based on real silver, so that it will not be counterfeited in large numbers.

Of course, the imperial court can also mint Yinjiaozi to earn a premium, but the problem is that there are two regulations in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. First, it is not allowed to use Yinjiaozi for bulk goods trade and cross-state trade. Second, one-time exchange of one thousand A silver jiaozi, the source must be clarified.

In fact, Yinjiaozi is defined as daily consumption. For example, the imperial court copied [-] Yinjiaozi. There are only two ways to earn a premium. The two regulations of the church have blocked these two roads, and they can only be used for consumption or exchanged in small quantities.

Moreover, casting such a smooth Yinjiaozi also requires high technology and a lot of labor. If private imitation Yinjiaozi cannot be made, even if it is made, the cost is very high. Maybe the cost of a Yinjiaozi exceeds five yuan. Hundreds of words.The loss outweighs the gain.

Some people will say, what if I use white copper to fake Yinjiaozi?

In fact, it is very difficult. Yinjiaozi is more accurate. Everyone is familiar with its weight, size, and appearance. The counterfeit is very rough, and it can be detected almost as soon as it is used.

Moreover, fakes dare not be exchanged at counters, they can only be used for consumption, and the quantity is small and wide, so they are easy to be discovered. When you are caught by the inner guard, you may only use dozens of fake Yinjiaozi, but You have to pay the price of killing everyone.

The huge benefits and costs are not equal, and no one would do such a stupid thing.

Chen Qing smiled triumphantly and said, "If I use paper to handover, people and merchants will not accept it, but Yinjiaozi is different, it is real silver, and everyone's resistance will be much smaller. The acceptance of the people can be seen.”

Zhou Kuan shook his head and said with a smile: "One is production, and the other is silver reserves. You have to solve these two big problems."

"There is no problem with the output. We can cast [-] pieces a year. As for the reserves, we have a total of [-] million taels of silver in stock. We have also obtained two large silver mines on Jiangnan West Road. In addition, I will tell you a secret. Japan earns a lot of silver."

Zhou Kuan frowned, "How do you make money?"

Chen Qing said with a faint smile: "During the Xuanhe period, we could only exchange one tael of silver for two pennies. After Jingkang, one tael of silver skyrocketed to one tael of five pennies. In terms of money, I only need to get five hundred cash, and when I arrive in Japan, it will be worth two pennies, and I will receive one tael of silver directly, that is to say, I can exchange the five hundred cash for one tael of silver from Japan."

Zhou Kuan asked in surprise, "Who did you hear this from?"

"Of course it's Zheng Tongquan. He went to Japan a few times and earned hundreds of thousands of taels of silver. He no longer does overseas trade, so he told me this secret."

Zhou Kuan shook his head, "I still don't understand, since there are so many benefits, why don't other businessmen do it?"

"There is a very practical reason for this. Although Japan is rich in silver, all the silver is in the hands of the daimyo. The goods they want cannot be provided by ordinary merchants. When ordinary merchants go to Japan, they trade with Japanese merchants. Basically They are all bartered, and cannot be exchanged for silver, Zheng Tongquan obtained special goods through various relationships, and exchanged [-] taels of silver from several big names."

"What is special cargo?"

Chen Qing said with a smile: "Pig iron or armor are contraband items stipulated by the imperial court, but they are the most sought-after supplies of all the famous Japanese. Zheng Tongquan got tens of thousands of sets of leather armor, which made him a fortune."

(End of this chapter)

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