
Chapter 1271 Mission

Chapter 1271 Mission
At night, Chen Qing was playing with a handful of Yinjiaozi in his study. He knew that neither Zhou Kuan nor the other counselors in the Internal Affairs Hall understood it very well, so why did he bother to promote Yinjiaozi?
Because currency is not just currency, it is also a powerful weapon. When everyone in the world recognizes the currency you issue, it actually recognizes you.

At this time, his wife Lu Xiu came in with a cup of tea. She put down the cup of tea and said with a smile: "This Yinjiao Xue'er and Bing'er like it the most. Everyone collected a small bag and played with it all day long."

"Do the other servants in the mansion like this?" Chen Qingxiao asked.

"They seem to prefer silver money. They said that it is only worth three hundred Wen, but it is not worthwhile to use it as five hundred Wen."

Chen Qing said lightly: "I won't mint silver coins in the future. After casting for so long, I can't see a single coin on the market. They are all stored, which means that the silver coin has failed as a circulating coin. So I was thinking, can I find a coin?" Yinjiaozi may be the best way to make a coin that people will not store but can be accepted by everyone.”

Lu Xiu hesitated for a moment and said: "But... this is easy to be imitated by those who own silver, and then converted into money to make huge profits, isn't your husband worried?"

Chen Qing smiled and said: "How can there be such an easy exchange, the inner guard is not a vegetarian, if you dare to exchange on a large scale, the inner guard will find out immediately."

"But I still don't quite understand. Since my husband uses Yinjiaozi for ordinary people's consumption, how is it different from using copper coins?"

Chen Qing signaled his wife to sit down, sighed and said: "There are some things I can't say clearly, I can only tell you. It's not accidental that I promote Yinjiaozi at this time. In fact, I am launching a campaign against the imperial court." Currency war."

"Currency war?" Lu Xiu heard this word for the first time, and she really felt fresh.

"The imperial court is going to issue the membership and iron money. This is my chance."

Lu Xiu frowned, "Okay, what are the iron coins and huizi issued for? How many huizi and jiaozi were issued during the Xuanhe years, but all of them became waste paper. The eight thousand huizi in my family finally had to Burn it down, and they still haven't learned their lesson?"

"It's not that they didn't learn their lesson, it's that they can't do anything about it. The imperial court's largest copper producing area is on Jiangnan West Road, and now it's in our hands. Millions of catties of copper ingots were captured by Zhang Jun's army before they could be shipped out. In our hands, there are only less than one million catties of copper ingots in the imperial court, and three hundred thousand taels of silver. Half of the coins in circulation in the market are our Yong coins. They want to recruit troops, and the monthly military salary is hundreds of thousands. Where does the money come from? Come? We can only bite the bullet and issue club money and iron money.”

"But what does this Yinjiaozi have to do with it?"

"Of course it does matter. Once the imperial court issues huizi and iron coins, the people in the southeast are unwilling to use them, so what will they use? So I need to increase the supply of coins, so that all the south of the Yangtze River can use Yong coins, even Yinjiaozi, No one will use the clubs and iron coins, so the court can only use coercive means to promote clubs and iron coins, and the court will completely lose the hearts of the people, which is what I expect."

Lu Xiu pondered for a while and said, "My husband can explain clearly to the counselors so that they can understand."

Chen Qing shook his head, "It's useless for me to talk too much, the key is to let the facts prove it, so that they can fully understand."

In Lin'an, Zhang Jun's rebellion came fiercely, but was destroyed by the Western Army like the autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves. The danger was lifted, and Lin'an City returned to its former prosperity.

"Lin'an City is more prosperous than before!" In the reopened Changfeng Teahouse, an old man held a teacup and looked at the endless stream of pedestrians on the outer street and sighed.

"That's because it's not easy to make a living in other places, so everyone flocks to Lin'an." Dong An walked forward with a teapot and said with a smile.

The teahouse reopened, and Dong An brought his fellows back again. Hu Yun reached an agreement with the imperial court not to allow the imperial court to arrest the intelligence officials of the Western Army, but Hu Yun also promised the intelligence scouts the three-no rule and would not undermine military security. , Do not assassinate court officials, do not help businessmen flee Lin'an.

The so-called non-destructive military security means that there will be no more incidents like the Yangzhou warehouse fire, and there will be no more threats to the personal safety of court officials. Incidents such as the kidnapping of the uncle Wei Tong will never happen, and of course they will not help businessmen save their lives. The transfer of money to leave Lin'an is a temporary help, and the merchants have to rely on themselves if they want to leave Lin'an.

For example, businessmen can deposit money into the newly opened Wanbao Cabinet and Jiangnan Cabinet. Both of these cabinets have branches in Jingzhao. As long as they take a counter ticket and a cash withdrawal jade pen, they can withdraw money directly from Jingzhao. Money is also not under the supervision of the Tyumen Division.

In the final analysis, as long as no violent and bloody incidents occurred, the imperial court would not drive people away. If they wanted to find information, it was up to their own ability. Moreover, since everyone was playing on the bright side, the imperial court would also send people to secretly monitor every move of the intelligence station.

The shopkeeper Dong An's conclusion resonated with everyone, and everyone said in unison: "That's right, it's too difficult to earn some money in other places. All the money is concentrated in Lin'an. If you want to make a living, you can only live in Lin'an."

"The cheapest rent in Lin'an has risen, but when the house price has fallen, it has fallen by half compared to last year when it was the highest. Now there is a price but no market, and no one is willing to take over."

"Lin'an is still good, why is there no one to take over Fangzhai?"

"That depends on the price. Some people are willing to take over the price of a house like Suzhou. According to the current price, it will have to fall by half before it will be recognized."

When it comes to housing prices that everyone cares about, everyone is interested, and discussions are in full swing.

In the elegant room by the window on the second floor, you could faintly hear the conversations of the tea guests downstairs. Hu Yun drank a sip of tea and said with a smile: "Actually, apart from housing prices, the fluctuation of silver prices is also the best explanation. Brother Shaofu should Do you know what the current price of silver is on the black market?"

After experiencing the closure of the imperial court, Wang Mu has been officially appointed by Chen Qing as the owner of the "Beijing News", and he has been appointed as a five-rank Zhongsan doctor, which means that he has changed from a staff member to an official court official.

It also means a new starting point for Wang Mu's life. He can serve as the magistrate of Luoyang, Kaifeng, Taiyuan, Chengdu, and Xiangyang.

Of course, Wang Mu's fifth rank is a bit worse than Hu Yun's, and Hu Yun is fourth rank.

Wang Mu pondered for a while and said, "I didn't pay attention to the price of silver. It seems that one tael of silver is exchanged for seven pennies!"

"It has risen to one to nine this morning!"

Dong An came in and said with a smile: "One tael of silver is exchanged for nine guan coins. A tea customer told me that he only got ten taels of silver with ninety guan coins this morning."

Hu Yun asked Dong An to sit down, and then said: "Yesterday, I received His Highness's letter from Eagle. His Highness asked us to collect all the information about the imperial court's issuance of the meeting and iron money. The more the better."

Dong An frowned and said, "I heard that iron money has already appeared in the market. If His Highness wants to stop it now, it may be too late."

Wang Mu smiled from the side: "Old Dong, you must have misunderstood. Your Highness didn't want to stop Iron Money and Huizi. How could Your Highness stop such things that would ruin one's reputation?"

Hu Yun nodded, "The Shaofu is right. Your Highness is only concerned about the impact of this matter and the consequences of the forced implementation, and has no intention of asking us to stop it."

Dong An was a little embarrassed and said: "It seems that I misunderstood it, but no one wants iron money, and our teahouses don't accept it, and the teahouses I know don't accept it, let alone small vendors. Everyone only accepts it. Copper coins, and clubs, a pile of torn paper, who would want it?"

"It has nothing to do with us. Our task is to collect intelligence, not to interfere with it. I ask everyone to focus on this during this time. After the New Year, I will report to His Highness."

Hu Yun said to Wang Mu again: "The "Beijing News" is the same. Before His Highness orders, don't publish any articles to intervene, and completely avoid this matter."

Both Wang Mu and Dong An nodded, their faces were solemn, and Hu Yun specifically told them about this matter, indicating that it was of great importance.

(End of this chapter)

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