
Chapter 1272

Chapter 1272
In the meeting hall next to the imperial study room, five prime ministers and Zhang Jun, who had just been made a privy secretary, were sitting in the hall. Everyone was silent, and no one was willing to speak first.

Zhao Gou glanced at them dissatisfied, coughed, and said to Qin Hui: "You Xiangguo expresses his opinion first! You proposed the printing meeting, please explain it to everyone!"

Qin Hui had no choice but to bite the bullet and said: "The military salary has not been paid for three months, and the salary of the hundred officials has also been delayed for two months. The hundred officials can bear it, but the army's morale is about to betray. Although casting iron money can solve the problem, but It will take time, so the printing of the meeting is just an urgent need, and once the amount of iron money is minted enough, the meeting will be taken back one after another."

Xu Xiantu said indifferently: "Qin Xianggong can guarantee that the meeting will be printed smoothly, but he can't guarantee whether the army and the people will use it? Now many people still keep the meeting that was printed during the Xuanhe period. When the new meeting is printed, the old What about the meeting?"

Qin Hui suddenly dissatisfied: "I'm talking about the solution to the crisis, but Xu Xianggong only throws cold water on it. Then tell me, what good solution do you have?"

Everyone's eyes turned to Xu Xiantu again. The printing meeting has actually been discussed many times. Everyone knows that it is wrong, but there is no other way. Today is the final conclusion. Logically, there should be no more objections. Now that Xu Xiantu Once again speaking against the printing of the meeting, it shows that he has a solution to the crisis, and everyone can't help but prick up their ears.

Xu Xiantu said slowly: "Actually, we don't have nothing. We still have a lot of assets, such as land, houses, and other utensils. We just lack money. Lin'an is not without money. Lin'an has at least tens of millions of dollars. We You can mortgage the land and houses to the cabinet workshop and quality warehouse, and borrow a large sum of money to solve the urgent need."

Everyone cheered up, this is a good way, Qin Hui snorted coldly and said: "It is easy to borrow money and difficult to pay back, what should I do if I can't pay back the money at that time? Could it be that Mr. Xu wants to use the land and houses directly to pay off the debt?"

Xu Xiantu shook his head, "I didn't think so!"

Zhu Shengfei said: "Xu Xianggong means that the iron money will be minted at that time, and Xu Xianggong wants to use the iron money to pay off the debt!"

Everyone was in an uproar, borrowing copper money and paying back iron money, this is too bad!

Xu Xiantu suddenly said angrily: "I didn't think so. In a few months, the tax revenue will arrive, and the tax money can be used to pay off the debt."

"If all the tax money is used to repay the debt, the army and all the officials are drinking the northwest wind?" Qin Hui asked tit for tat.

Xu Xiantu countered: "At that time, wasn't all the iron coins minted?"

The final decision is made by the emperor Zhao Gou. In fact, he has money in his internal treasury, several million taels, two hundred thousand taels of gold and one million taels of silver, which are the wealth he has accumulated over the years. At this critical moment , he should take some out to solve the urgent need, but Zhao Gou has been reluctant to take it out, but wants the ministers to find a way to solve it.

Of course, it's not that he doesn't know the disadvantages of the issuance meeting, he has his own ideas, and when the financial crisis is encountered, he needs to choose the pig and kill it.

Zhao Gou said slowly: "Issuing the meeting has been discussed for a long time, and it is meaningless to continue the discussion. My opinion is obvious. The meeting can be issued, but it can be issued in a small amount, and iron coins must be minted. In addition, Xu Xianggong's plan It can also be adopted, and the three-pronged approach is the only way to raise enough military expenses and salaries, and the New Year is coming soon, and I don’t want everyone to go hungry for the New Year.”

Zhao Gou finally made a decision to issue iron money, print a meeting, and borrow money as a mortgage. As for how to do it, it is a matter for the prime ministers to decide.

Until the evening, Qin Hui dragged his exhausted body back home, he was really exhausted after a busy day with the issuance of iron money and meeting sons today.

As soon as I came to the study and sat down, my wife Wang rushed over after hearing the news and asked her husband, "I heard that the imperial court is going to issue a meeting again?"

Qin Hui said disapprovingly, "Where did you hear the news?"

"I went to chat with the queen mother today, she told me."

Qin Hui waved his hand and said, "So what about the release meeting? Why do you care about such things?"

"You are confused. My father still has [-] guan old huizi that have not been exchanged, and the court issued new huizi. What about the old huizi in my father's hands? Fifteen thousand guan!"

Qin Hui had a headache for a while, and when he returned home, he encountered such a terrible thing. He lowered his head and rubbed his temples, and said for a long time, "This is the old sesame seed and rotten millet! The previous court is long gone, and it has nothing to do with the current court. What are you talking about?"

Wang said with a sneer: "You claim to be the authentic emperor of the Song Dynasty every day, and you are in the same line. Now you are asked to pay back the money, and you say that you have nothing to do with the former court. Officials, this is not kind!"

Qin Hui sighed helplessly and said, "It's not that I want to print the huizi, it's the official's intention. It's not that he doesn't know the consequences of publishing the huizi, but he needs to use the huizi to kill pigs."

"What kills a pig?" Wang asked puzzled.

"Plum Blossom Guard drew up a list. There are more than a hundred rich people, and there are also many maritime merchants. They have accumulated wealth for decades. Isn't it too ugly to grab it? So... Let them buy clubs."

Wang's eyes widened, "Officer, can you do this kind of thing?"

"What can't be done? The government wants to expand the army to [-], and it needs a million guan a month to eat, wear and pay, and to build various weapons. A million guan is not enough, and the military expenditure alone costs [-] a year. Five million guan, but the sum of all taxes is only [-] million guan, and the gap in military expenditure alone is [-] million guan, not to mention other expenses. Where does the money come from? It's been three months, and Chinese New Year is about to come, but there are only a few hundred thousand coins left in the official treasury, what should I do?"

Qin Hui sighed, and said angrily: "On the one hand, the imperial court is empty, and on the other hand, rich businessmen and big households are desperately fleeing to Jingzhao. Do you know how many rich people have escaped this year alone? According to preliminary statistics, there are ninety-seven households. The wealth transferred away is more than six million guan, and these fat pigs are worse than killing Chen Qing for the New Year."

Wang frowned, and said disdainfully: "Can't we recruit a little less troops? If we have to recruit [-] people, [-] people will only be [-] million yuan, isn't it just enough?"

Qin Hui sneered and said, "You don't believe me if you say you women are ignorant. In the eyes of officials, what is the most important thing, common people? Rich merchants? Or civil and military officials? None of them. In his eyes, the throne is the most important, the community is the most important, ten It is wishful thinking that [-] people can keep his throne and the country! In fact, [-] people are not enough. If we really want to compete with the Western Army, we need at least [-] troops, but [-] troops cannot afford it. The next best thing is to raise [-] people, this is the bottom line of the government, do you understand? If you don’t kill those fattened pigs now, they will be left to Chen Qing.”

"What does it matter to me to say this?"

Wang turned around angrily and left, Qin Hui took out another list and read it carefully.

He took a pen and hooked ten people on the list, and started with these ten people first.

The one ranked first was none other than Zheng Tongquan.

(End of this chapter)

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