
Chapter 1273

Chapter 1273
Ever since the Zheng family was forced to donate millions in military expenditures, the Zheng family began to transfer wealth to Quanzhou, Bashu, and Jingzhao. Zheng Tongquan knew very well that there would be a second time if there was a first time, as long as the relationship between the Zheng family and Chen Qing was one day If you don't get rid of it, the officials will not let you go for a day.

Not only gold, silver and copper coins were transferred, but the Zheng family also transferred family members and sold real estate. His three sons, the eldest son Zheng Zhi went to Jingzhao, the second son Zheng Qu went to Bashu, and his brother Zheng Tongtai and his family went to Quanzhou.

The famous Zheng Building by the West Lake was renamed Wu Building, and was bought by Empress Wu's father for [-] guan. There were also other shops and houses. Except for the main house of the Zheng family, all other houses and land were sold. He used the money he got to invest in the establishment of Wanbao Cabinet Shop, and took [-]% of Jiangnan Cabinet Shop.

The transfer of the Zheng family's wealth was basically completed, and the servants were almost disbanded. The last tens of thousands of coins were also deposited in the Wanbao Cabinet. Personal collection.

This morning, Zheng Tongquan drank tea in the newspaper office and chatted with Wang Mu. He couldn't stay at home, so he either came to the newspaper office or went to Changfeng Teahouse every day.

He grabbed a handful of iron coins and put them on the table, and grabbed a small handful of silver coins and put them aside with a smile: "These two kinds of coins are the new coins issued by the imperial court and Yongwangfu respectively. The imperial court is iron coins, and Yongwang issued them. The most interesting thing is that the imperial court stipulates that iron coins and copper coins can be exchanged one to one, but the black market price is one to two. One copper coin is exchanged for two iron coins, and yesterday it fell to one to three. Copper coins for three iron coins."

Wang Mu smiled and said, "This is an opportunity to make money! One hundred copper coins, exchanged for three hundred iron coins on the black market, and then exchanged for three hundred copper coins at the imperial court, tripled in the blink of an eye."

Zheng Tongquan shook his head, "How can there be such a good thing? If there is such a good thing, who would go to the black market to exchange money? Speaking of which, Baoji Cabinet Workshop was miserably cheated this time."

Wang Mu smiled and said, "Let's hear it!"

Zheng Tongquan said with a chuckle: "This time, the imperial court entrusted Baoji Cabinet to exchange for consistent money. Baoji Cabinet could make a profit of [-] cash, so Baoji Cabinet accepted it with great joy. As a result, on the first day, how much People came to exchange money, all of them were family members of officials. I heard that [-] guan was exchanged in one day. Baoji cabinets were exchanged for circulation to the common people. Now Baoji cabinets were dumbfounded. They exchanged them at the official price. They thought that the imperial court would take them back at the official price, but the imperial court did not accept them at all. They asked them to exchange them for the common people. Who would want the common people? Iron money?"

Wang Mu laughed, "I have to write this down. Lao Hu wants to collect information on this. This is the best information."

"But this Yinjiaozi is different."

Zheng Tongquan played with a handful of silver jiaozi in his hand and said: "The Lin'an black market also accepts silver jiaozi, and the price is one coin for five hundred copper coins. They can resell six hundred coins, and they can earn one hundred coins."

"A pair of [-] Wen copper coins, the price is the same as the price of the Sichuan-Shaanxi cabinet shop!"

"totally different!"

Zheng Tongquan shook his head and said: "Sichuan-Shaanxi cabinets are issued at a premium. If you melt it into silver ingots, it is only worth three hundred Wen. You must keep the Yinjiaozi state to be worth five hundred Wen. There are two hundred here." Wen is the credit of Prince Yong's Mansion. Everyone believes that Prince Yong's Mansion will take it back with [-] Wen, but the Lin'an black market has confirmed the price and welded it. It is also worth [-] Wen. You can earn another hundred coins, which means that the price of silver in the Lin'an black market has risen to one to ten."

"Proprietor Zheng makes good use of it, and he can make a lot of money, double it!"

Zheng Tongquan said with a wry smile: "Some money cannot be earned, and if you are a little careless, you will lose your life. A few days ago, a cloth merchant exchanged [-] taels of silver for [-] guan, but the next day he was found in the river. The corpse and the nine thousand coins are gone, you are the head of the "Beijing News", you should know about it!"

"I heard about it, but it's not as detailed as what you said. It is said that it was done by black market dealers. Those guys are ruthless!"

Zheng Tongquan sneered and said, "You thought it was done by black market dealers? Although those guys are fierce, they won't ruin their jobs. According to the news I heard, it was Meihuawei who killed them."

"Is the news reliable?"

"It's the news from Plum Blossom Guard, do you think it's reliable?"

Just as he was talking, the porter of the newspaper office said at the door: "Master Zheng, the servant of your mansion has come and said there is something urgent!"

Zheng Tongquan was taken aback, and quickly asked, "Where is he?"

"In the living room downstairs!"

Zheng Tongquan hurriedly got up and went downstairs, and when he came to the living room, he saw his old groom hurriedly said: "The plum blossom guards are here to arrest people. A lot of soldiers have come and surrounded the house. The master is not here. They have taken accountant Li away. The butler told the master to hide quickly."

Zheng Tongquan was taken aback, what's going on?

At this time, Wang Mu walked in and asked, "What happened?"

"The Plum Blossom Guard surrounded my house, and when they saw that I wasn't there, they took my tent away."

Wang Mu frowned, Mei Huawei came to arrest people, it must be approved by the emperor, and the accountant was taken away, most likely it was for money.

"When did this happen?"

"Just a quarter of an hour ago, the butler told the master to hide quickly."

Wang Mu sent the groom away, and then said to Zheng Tongquan: "The newspaper will be under surveillance by them, which is not conducive to your leaving. The proprietor will immediately go to Qiyun Inn in the south of the city and leave by boat from the back door. I will arrange a carriage to leave from the front door." Go, confuse the watchers, we will find a way to rescue Li's tent."

Cowin Inn is also a branch of the intelligence station, located outside the south city, hiding there, the other party will not be able to find it.

Zheng Tongquan didn't have any worries in Lin'an, so he agreed immediately, and Wang Mu immediately arranged a boat, and Zheng Tongquan left by the small river at the back door.

Not long after Zheng Tongquan left, more than a dozen Plum Blossom Guard soldiers came and put the newspaper under surveillance. They obviously knew that Zheng Tongquan was in the newspaper.

At noon, Wang Mu got the news that a total of nine wealthy merchants from Lin'an had been invited by Meihuawei to be their guests. Wang Mu immediately realized that there should be ten people, except that one Zheng Tongquan was missing.

He immediately got into the carriage and went to Changfeng Teahouse. He wanted to discuss this matter with Hu Yun.

After listening to Wang Mu's narration, Hu Yun nodded and said: "This matter should be related to the issuance of the meeting and the iron money. The people don't recognize the iron money, and the iron money cannot be circulated. The court will force the rich merchants to exchange it forcibly. This is actually a disguised form of stealing money.”

"Since that's the case, it's enough to issue iron coins, so why issue clubs?"

Hu Yun sneered and said: "Casting iron money also takes time, and the time is too late. It is so convenient to print the meeting. You must use the meeting to exchange it with them first. If you are lucky, you can exchange iron money for the meeting in the future. The court loves it." If it is darker, the meeting will not be exchanged, I guess I will promise, but it may not be exchanged in the end."

Wang Mu sighed, "Proprietor Zheng is lucky, he emptied out all his property, leaving only one house, but a big house of ten acres is worth a lot of money!"

Hu Yun thought for a while, and said to Dong An beside him: "Saving his life is the most important thing. Let's send him away tonight. Send him to Dangtu County first, and then see where he wants to go?"

Dong An nodded, "I'll arrange it!"

(End of this chapter)

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