
Chapter 1274

Chapter 1274
In the imperial study, Qin Hui was reporting the subscription situation to Emperor Zhao Gou, "My Majesty, the first batch of nine wealthy merchants subscribed for a total of [-] million guilds, with an average of less than [-] guans per household."

Zhao Gou was also forced to have no choice but to play the idea of ​​these wealthy businessmen. Instead of letting these big households go to Jingzhao to spend a lot of money to buy land and donate the money to Chen Qing, it is better to let them donate the money to their own parents. army.

Of course, Zhao Gou still wants to save some face. It is obvious that robbing is something done by bandits. He can’t do it. It is because Qin Hui thought of the holy will and came up with the method of issuing clubs, so that these wealthy households can subscribe for clubs and exchange money for money. !
These huizi are also the currency recognized by the imperial court, and they can be used for circulation. As for whether others accept it or not, it is not a matter for Zhao Gou to consider. Redeem these meetings again.

In fact, it was a disguised form of borrowing money. Of course, it was another matter. For the sake of face, Zhao Gou still promised that in the future, the court would redeem all the clubs when it was rich in finances.

At least this is better than Ming Qiang, and it gives the wealthy businessmen a little hope. At least they dare not escape again. If they dare to flee to Jingzhao, it means treason, and the court in their hands will no longer recognize it.

At this time, Zhao Gou suddenly realized that something was wrong. Wasn't there the Zheng family in the first batch?The Zheng family has only [-] million coins?He quickly asked: "Isn't the Zheng family the first batch?"

"Report to Your Majesty, there is no Zheng family!"


Zhao Gou was immediately dissatisfied. The Zheng family is a big family. He can subscribe for several million yuan. Now there is no Zheng family. He asked angrily, "Why is there no Zheng family? Who is making a difference?"

"Your Majesty, no one is lenient. It is Zheng Tongquan who ran away. His family and property have already been transferred away, and the transfer was completed last year."

"What about his land, houses, houses and shops? Can these also be transferred?"

"It's all sold, and only a ten-acre main house and several warehouses on the wharf outside the city are left. It is estimated that the value is at most [-] yuan."


Zhao Gou slammed his fist on the table, gritted his teeth and said, "All property is confiscated. Go and check all the cabinets in the city. If there is any property of the Zheng family, it will be confiscated. In addition, if Zheng Tongquan and his nephews return to Lin'an, they will also be arrested." !"

"The minister obeys the order!"

Zhao Gou walked to the window with his hands behind his back, pondered for a moment and said: "Although Zheng Tongquan's family has escaped, there are also Wang Zhenbang's family and Yu Wanfeng's family. , order the Plum Blossom Guards to dispatch all of them, control all these sea merchants, prevent them from escaping, and then subscribe for clubs one by one, without tens of millions of income, I will not be satisfied."

Although the "Beijing News" did not report that the imperial court forcibly issued clubs to wealthy businessmen, this incident spread to the streets and alleys of Lin'an overnight. Almost everyone was talking about it, and almost all the people at the bottom were gloating. It has long been seen that this group of rich people is not pleasing to the eye, but people of insight are very worried that such a waste of money will make the rich people turn to support Jingzhao.

At noon, the Changfeng Teahouse was extremely lively, with dozens of tea drinkers talking about it.

"I support the imperial court's doing this. Taking money from wealthy businessmen without raising taxes, crying all the way is not as good as a family crying."

An old man gloated and said: "Those rich businessmen are all rich and heartless. They have long been disliked by them. They deserve what they are today."

"Yu Weng, you can't say that. Others have accumulated wealth for generations. The imperial court is shameless and tried different ways to steal money. How can you applaud it?"

"Yu Weng is right! Aren't the merchants of all dynasties fattening pigs? Isn't fattening them just to slaughter them when needed? Seeing that it's the Chinese New Year, it's time to slaughter pigs."

"Aren't you afraid that the rich will run away when the court does this? If the rich run away, who will hire us to do things?"

"If you have a lot of money, you have to go, and the court is not stupid. Those powerful officials, those noble families, and big landlords, the court doesn't move, and they just target businessmen. What's the impact?"

"The imperial court looks so ugly, it's no different from a bandit!"

In the private room, Wang Mu asked, "Is Master Zheng gone?"

Dong An nodded, "Wei Yanzong led his men to escort him away last night, and it went smoothly. He will arrive at Dangtu tomorrow. Zheng Dong is mainly going to Jingzhao. It seems that His Royal Highness King Yong has something to do with him."

Wang Mu turned to Hu Yun, Hu Yun nodded and said with a smile: "Yesterday, I received a letter from King Yongying asking Mr. Zheng to go to Jingzhao if he has time. Maybe there is something going on!"

"Did King Yong say anything else?"

"There is still iron money!"

Hu Yun pondered for a while and said: "King Yong is very concerned about iron money. He thinks that iron money will eventually be enforced. King Yong wants us to pay close attention to iron money, especially to understand the bad influence of iron money. Brother Shaofu, "Beijing The newspaper has an advantage in this regard, so we should make good use of it.”

Wang Mu nodded, and Hu Yun said to Dong An: "The intelligence station should focus on understanding the information on the imperial court's pig iron, which is related to the imperial court's military development and the issuance of iron coins."

Dong An immediately said: "I will arrange it!"

"Boss, someone is looking for it!" A guy outside shouted.

Dong An could only smile wryly and said, "I'll go and have a look, the person who brought the tea is probably here."

Dong An got up and went out, and Wang Mu said to Hu Yun again: "This time we underestimated the imperial court, this time the imperial court issued the meeting not for ordinary people, but for legally plundering rich businessmen, some reporters went to inquire about the news, saying that the Meihuawei Lock up rich businessmen in an empty house, torture their sons and grandchildren next door, cut off their ears, chop off their fingers, etc., tortured so badly, these rich businessmen had to spend their money and pay for their lives, and basically emptied their families for decades Yes, Baoji Cabinet said that Meihuawei took away the gold and silver stored by six families in the warehouse last night."

Hu Yun said lightly: "This is actually expected. Why did those hundreds of rich merchants run away last year? They all felt that the court was going to attack them. They are all prophets, so they all escaped. No one ran away. Wealthy businessmen feel that the imperial court is not so shameless, but it turns out that they made a wrong bet."

"You're right. What the court did this time was too bad and had a far-reaching impact. They thought they would only attack wealthy businessmen, but as long as this kind of thing is done once, there will be a second time. Who knows if it will be against big businessmen next time?" Landlords to attack? I estimate that many local landlords will plan ahead and transfer their property, and they don’t have to go to Jingzhao, transfer to Yangzhou Prefecture in Jiangbei, and transfer to Jiangnan West Road, the court will be out of reach.”

At this time, Dong An walked in and said in a low voice: "A few wealthy businessmen came to me just now, and wanted me to escort their family and wealth to Yangzhou."

Hu Yun frowned and said: "You can let them deposit their money in Wanbao Cabinet, and then open a counter ticket to Yangzhou to withdraw the money, so it doesn't have to be so troublesome!"

Dong An hesitated and said: "Copper coins can do this, but gold, silver, jewelry and jade can't be used, they must be given away, Lao Hu, five hundred coins per person, do you think I can take this business?"

Hu Yun thought for a while and smiled: "I have promised the court not to help wealthy businessmen transfer wealth, but I have not promised not to send people out, so how about it! You let them go through the Wanbao cabinet, and then let them take gold, silver and jewelry. If I carry it myself, I don’t think there will be many, just a few big boxes, and then send people to Yangzhou, so that I will not violate my promise to the court.”

"That's a good idea!"

Wang Mu smiled and said, "We are just giving gifts to people, but not property. Those are their carry-on luggage!"

Dong An breathed a sigh of relief, and asked with a smile: "I see, I will arrange it, or go to sea?"

Hu Yun nodded, "It's still the old way, go to Xiaoshan County to board a boat, and take the sea to Yangzhou."

(End of this chapter)

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