
Chapter 1275 Gifts

Chapter 1275 Gifts
Time flies, and it’s the New Year in a blink of an eye. This year’s New Year’s Day in Jingzhao is extremely lively, and the strategy of raising sheep on the riverbank has begun to enter the harvest period. This year’s New Year’s Day, there will be one million sheep for Jingzhao. The price is cheap, and you can buy it for two pennies When it comes to a sheep, almost every household has a sheep to celebrate the New Year. Of course, not only mutton, chicken, duck, goose and fish are also in sufficient supply, as well as bacon from Sichuan Road, as well as various candies and cakes, all kinds of cloth, the supply of materials is very sufficient .

On the morning of the New Year's Eve, Chen Qing and the five counselors went to the street separately to inspect the New Year's situation. This was a custom, and the holiday began at noon.

In fact, since the [-]th day of the twelfth lunar month, Chen Qing has been busy going around to condolences to the families of soldiers at the border, to visit the families of soldiers who died in battle, and to deliver rice noodles, oil and mutton. He was so busy that he visited more than [-] households a day.

Chen Qing took a carriage to South Street Wazi. This is the youngest Wazi in Jingzhao. It was officially formed last year. It is located in the southwest, not far from Qujiang Pond.

After several years of construction, Xinnan City has completely changed. It is divided into twelve workshops and one school. The school is Taixue. It occupies a large area and has [-] students.

Of course, the protagonist is Twelve Squares. The twelve neighborhoods are not surrounded by walls, but are separated by streets. Shops and houses are next to each other. There are many restaurants and teahouses. Wealthy households from other places not only moved to Jingzhao by themselves, but also brought a large number of domestic servants and maids, which caused the population of Jingzhao to increase rapidly.

Of course, not only rich households from other places, but also many common people who come to Jingzhao from all over the world to make a living. Since the middle of this year, Jingzhao’s population has exceeded one million. For this reason, Jingzhao has been divided into three counties, except for the previous Chang’an County. In addition to Wannian County, the Twelve Squares of Xinnan City became an independent county called Jingzhao County.

The carriage slowly drove into Wazi, South Street, and a sense of hustle and bustle rushed over.

Although New Year's Eve, Wazili is still lively. Many people buy some fresh New Year's goods on the morning of New Year's Eve, so vendors also seize the last wave of business opportunities to bring a year's business to a successful conclusion.

In the afternoon of New Year's Eve, no one came out, and all the shops basically closed their doors and went home to celebrate the New Year.

Chen Qing discovered an interesting phenomenon. Basically, stalls are set up on the roadside, even if there are shops, which makes the road extremely congested, and there are a lot of people buying goods, and the sound of bargaining and shouting keeps coming.

Chen Qing observed the transactions of the vendors through the car curtain. Most of them used copper coins, but to his relief, he saw that many people also used silver coins, mainly to buy some big-ticket items, such as buying a sheep. Two copper coins cost more than ten catties, but only four yinjiaozi are enough, which is very convenient, and if you have saved hundreds of yinjiaozi, it is easy to exchange them for copper coins at the cabinet shop, and no matter whether it is true or not, the cabinet shop will Accept the exchange, of course, if there is a fake, the cabinet will immediately notify the inner guard.

It is this kind of convenience and safety that made the people of Jingzhao accept Yinjiaozi very quickly, at least all the major shops accepted it. As for small merchants and hawkers, we still need to observe.

At this time, Chen Qing suddenly saw a small stall selling all kinds of small furniture, such as a small bed the size of a palm, a cabinet the size of a fist, and many tables and chairs the size of a thumb, all of which were carved from wood or woven from bamboo. They are all mortise and tenon structures, very delicately made, and very rustic children's toys.


Chen Qing yelled, the carriage stopped, just in front of the stall, Chen Qing opened the curtain and asked, "How do you sell the small furniture?"

The vendor is a simple and honest black and strong middle-aged man. It looks like he should have made it himself. When someone asked, the man quickly laughed and said: "Reporting to the official, this is a gadget for children."

"I know, how much is one?"

"Everything costs five cents, no matter how big or small it is. In fact, it's even harder for me to make small ones."

"How many are there in total, I want them all!"

The man did not expect to meet a big customer, and he was immediately elated, "There are more than one hundred and twenty in total, I can make it cheaper, five hundred Wen will do."

"Put it all together! I want it all."

The man quickly brought a big bamboo basket with a half frame of small furniture in it. At this moment, Chen Qing found that there were many dishes and cups made of bamboo tubes, which was very interesting.

"Those bamboo tableware are also yours?" Chen Qing asked, pointing to dozens of bamboo tableware and tea sets.

"It's all mine. If the officials want to buy it, I can make it cheaper. I'll buy it all. How much will it cost?"

The man scratched his head and said, "It costs three pennies to buy all of them, so I'll count them as high officials and two pennies for five hundred pennies!"

The soldiers came forward to pack the goods, and another soldier wanted to take copper coins. Chen Qing waved his hand and asked the middle-aged man, "I have a bank account, do you want to take it?"

"Accepted! Accepted! It's more convenient for me, Yinjiaozi."

Chen Qing took out seven silver jiaozi from the bag and asked the soldiers to hand them over to the man. The man took the silver jiaozi and counted them: "Master, you gave me one more, six are enough."

"Just seven! You don't need to look for it during the Chinese New Year."

The man was overjoyed and thanked repeatedly, Chen Qing asked again with a smile: "Can you tell the authenticity of Yinjiaozi?"

"This thing is not fake. You can't make a lot of money by making fakes. If you are caught, you will have to kill the whole family. It's not worthwhile."

The reasoning is so simple that even the peasants in the countryside understand it. Seeing that the man put Yinjiaozi in a small purse and put it in his arms, Chen Qing suddenly realized that he had succeeded in issuing Yinjiaozi.

When Chen Qing returned to the mansion, it happened that his wife was distributing annual rewards to his servants. After a year of hard work, everyone had a reward, and the rewards were distributed according to their respective ranks. A hundred guan, the minimum is the rough envoy maid, the caretaker of the farm, and the keeper of the house, each with eight guan.

The others are all ten guan to fifty guan. They used to issue silver coins, but this year they started to issue silver coins, and the minting of silver coins has stopped.

But it doesn't matter whether the money is silver or silver. What is important is that this year is [-]% more than last year.

Everyone gathered in the outer house, and it was very lively. When Chen Qing walked to the middle hall, he saw two young ladies playing around the old apricot tree. Xueer suddenly saw her father and ran over happily, and Binger followed suit. , like two little butterflies.

Chen Qing likes these two baby girls the most. He holds one in each hand and kisses them heavily on the cheeks.

"Did Daddy bring you a gift?"

"What gift?" The two little ladies asked with their fingers in their mouths.

Chen Qing put them down, took the big basket from the soldiers, and the two young ladies surrounded them, saying in great surprise, "What is this?"

"This is for you to run a house. There are small beds, small cabinets, small tables, small chairs, all kinds of things, do you like it?"

"Wow! So cute! I like it!" The two little ladies clapped their hands in joy.

"Take it back to the house and share it! Half for each person."

"Daddy, what is this?" Xue'er saw the bamboo tableware in another basket.

"This is a gift for your mother, not for you!"

"What will my husband give us?"

As soon as Chen Qing turned his head, several wives came, and the leader was Lu Xiu.

(End of this chapter)

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