
Chapter 1278

In the middle of the night, Chen Qing was woken up by his wife Lu Xiu. He opened his eyes and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Amei, what is it, tell me!"

Standing in front of the bed, Yao Mei hurriedly said: "It's the inner guard Wang Dutong, who said that there is an emergency and he needs to report it to the prince."

Chen Qing sat up and asked, "What time is it?"

"Reporting to the prince, the fourth watch has just passed."

Chen Qing nodded, and said to Lu Xiu: "It's still early, lady, please sleep a little longer! I'll be back soon."

Lu Xiu hurriedly handed out her husband's clothes, "Amei, hurry up and put on the clothes for the prince, it's cold outside!"

Yao Mei lit the lamp and waited for Chen Qing to put on her clothes. When she lowered her head to tie the belt, Chen Qing suddenly saw the scenery in her bellyband. It was as plump as a peach, and she was really mature.

Lu Xiu also saw it, she coughed quickly and said, "Amei, first go get the hat for the prince."

Yao Mei hurried over to fetch the gauze hat and put it on for Chen Qing. She was very skillful in helping Chen Qing dress, and in just a moment, she arranged Chen Qing's clothes neatly, without any mess, and even combed his hair neatly .

Lian Luxiu couldn't help praising secretly, this little lady is really a smart person.

Tonight is Yao Mei's first night duty, that is, she sleeps in the outside room. Chunxi, who was on duty before, was a bit rough, and she hurt Chen Qing when she served Chen Qing at night. Chen Qing didn't like it very much, so Lu Xiu let Yao Mei It's night watch.

It is necessary for a wealthy family to be on duty at night. When the master wakes up at night and wakes up in the morning, there must be a maid to serve him. However, intercourse between husband and wife is also difficult to avoid. If it is a modern person, it may be difficult to accept, but it has been like this since ancient times. The average wealthy wife They are also used to it.

Chen Qing put on his padded robe and went out. It was two o'clock in the morning on the fifth day of the first lunar month, and the weather was very cold. Five female guards guarded Chen Qing. Not long after, Chen Qing came to the central hall.

In the middle hall, Wang Hao was pacing back and forth anxiously. At this moment, footsteps came from outside. Chen Qing walked into the middle hall. Wang Hao hurriedly stepped forward to salute, "See Dutong!"

"What's the emergency?"

"Reporting to Your Highness, the late emperor has passed away."

Chen Qing was startled, Zhao Huan died?
"When did it happen?" Chen Qing asked anxiously.

"Just an hour ago, he took the elixir he had just refined, and soon he bled to death from his seven orifices. The inner guard who monitored him discovered the situation and immediately rushed to report to the humble officer."

Chen Qing was a little speechless. Although Zhao Huan had been living in a Taoist temple, he did not become a Taoist priest, but was obsessed with alchemy. He never thought that just after the new year, he would be poisoned to death by the elixir he refined.

"How many people know about this now?"

"Apart from the inner guard, only the former prince knew that he was the one who found out that his father was in a bad situation and ran to the inner guard for help. Now the inner guard has taken control of the yard and sealed the news tightly."

"Good job!" Chen Qing praised.

Chen Qing walked a few steps with his hands behind his back and said: "Transfer them from the Taoist temple to Qujiang Bieyuan immediately, and secretly bury Zhao Huan's body tonight, find a good coffin, and bury them in Qujiang Bieyuan. We must strictly seal the news, appease the former crown prince, allow him to marry his father's tomb, and then move to Bianliang for a proper burial."

"Your Highness, I suggest that you find someone with a similar appearance as soon as possible, in case you need one!"

Chen Qing nodded, "It can be done, but it's still the same sentence, keep it strictly confidential!"

"Humble job understands!"

Chen Qing explained a few more words, and Wang Hao left in a hurry.

Chen Qing was no longer sleepy at this time, he asked the female guard to inform the princess, and he went back to the study by himself.

Chen Qing sits at the table and meditates. He has his own plan to replace the Song Dynasty, which needs to be implemented step by step. It is like a noose that is slowly tightened, and it is like a little bit of boiling water. When everyone hates the Lin'an court, all that will happen. It was a matter of course.

In this matter, he can't act too hastily, he will take up his reputation and morality.

On the other hand, in the Kingdom of Jin, he had to use some refreshments. Seizing Hebei was the task of this year. After letting Wan Yanchang linger for so many years, it was time to deal with him.

At this time, a delicate snow-white hand put a cup of hot tea in front of his eyes. Chen Qing raised his head, and it turned out to be Yao Mei. Her black waterfall-like hair was scattered on her shoulders, giving her beautiful face a hint of womanliness. coquettish.

Chen Qing held her hand, hugged her in his arms, and asked, "It's still early, why don't you sleep a little longer?"

"It's Madam who asked me to serve the prince!"

She raised her head, staring at Chen Qing with a pair of bright beautiful eyes, her eyes fluttered, her red lips moved slightly, and she was so glamorous, Chen Qing couldn't bear it anymore, bowed his head and kissed her.

Yao Mei put her arms around Chen Qing's neck and kissed back passionately. Chen Qing's hand began to move around her body. Yao Mei gradually became short of breath and felt hot all over.

Chen Qing picked her up and walked to the second floor.

That night, Yao Mei catered to her master recklessly and dedicated herself physically and mentally.

At dawn, Chen Qing slowly woke up from a deep sleep, only to find that the beauty beside her was gone, and she had cleaned up the peach blossoms on the bed sheet.

Thinking of the scene last night, Chen Qing really felt a little absurd. He said that he would accept her again next year, but he still made a slip of the tongue. Although it was a bit absurd, after thinking about it, he still enjoyed it.

At this time, the voice of his wife Lu Xiu came from downstairs, "The prince hasn't woken up yet!"

"Before I get up, the servant will light the brazier first, and then make a pot of milk tea."

"Cook a little more, and give me a cup too."

"Slaves obey orders!"

"Amei, did you sleep with the prince last night?"

Yao Mei didn't say a word, and after a while, Lu Xiu sighed, "I knew it would happen, it was my fault, I asked you to serve the prince in the middle of the night, there must be something wrong, forget it, you must be restrained in the future, don't mess around during the day, you must cherish Prince's body, do you remember?"

"Slave remembers!"

"Go and wake up the prince! Today is the fifth day of the first lunar month. There will be a New Year's meeting and a New Year's banquet for hundreds of officials. Then I will make milk tea later. Let's talk together."

Yao Mei hurriedly turned around and went upstairs. Lu Xiu glanced at her back and saw that she was walking unnaturally, so she knew that she had been beaten up last night. It was the first time that she didn't know the heights of heaven and earth, hey!The prince doesn't know how to pity the fragrance and cherish the jade.

Lu Xiu shook her head and left. Yao Mei saw Chen Qing getting up. She stuck out her tongue and hugged Chen Qing's neck in joy, "My lord, my concubine agreed, and I will not be punished!"

Of course Chen Qing knew that it was deliberately arranged by his wife, she knew her physical habits in the middle of the night, otherwise she would have asked Yu Ying or Yu Lian to serve her, and by letting Yao Mei come in the middle of the night, she was actually tacitly acquiescing.

The two stayed together for a while, and then Chen Qing got up to wash up. He has a New Year's party today, and he has to entertain all the officials. He is really busy.

After a hasty breakfast, Chen Qing set off.

At noon, Lu Xiu was chatting with the Zhao sisters. When it came to jewellery, Lu Xiu smiled and said, "The officials gave me a night pearl. It is really magical. It will shine by itself at night. Let me show you."

Zhao Qiaoyun smiled and said: "There were a few night pearls in the imperial palace before, but they were snatched by Jin Guo. We haven't seen them yet! Eldest sister, show us quickly."

Lu Xiu turned her head and ordered: "Chun Xi, go to my bedroom and get the red sandalwood box by the bed."

Chunxi agreed and hurried to go.

Zhao Yingluo looked at Chunxi's back and said, "Sister, you didn't let Chunxi stay on duty?"

Lu Xiu shook her head, "The officials don't like her, saying that she has too many thoughts, nothing serious, and changed to Amei last night."

Zhao Yingluo smiled and said, "It seems that Amei is about to take over."

"Observing her for a year, this little lady is not bad, with a good nature, not the kind of scheming girl, I can accept her."

At this moment, Chunxi came running in a panic, "Ma'am, I've been looking for a long time, but I haven't seen that box!"

Lu Xiu was taken aback, "No way! I saw it this morning, right next to my pillow."

"I've looked for it, and there really isn't one next to the pillow!"


Lu Xiu thought for a while and said, "Go find the two little princesses!"

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