
Chapter 1279 Stealing Jade

Chapter 1279 Stealing Jade
Not long after, Chen Xueer and Chen Binger came running up and down, "Mother, what do you want me for?"

"What are you doing?"

"We're playing tricks with Amei's sister!"

Lu Xiu asked calmly, "Did you take anything from Mother today?"


The two little guys shook their heads like rattles, "We are very good, we won't take mother's baby."

"Mother has a mahogany box next to the pillow, you really didn't take it?"

"did not see it!"


Lu Xiu's face sank, and she said unhappily: "There is a bead in the wooden box, I know you like shiny beads, mother will give you a lot of beads, but you have to be honest, did you take it or not?"

Xue'er was beaten by her mother, she curled her mouth and began to cry, "Xue'er didn't take mother's beads, mother is a villain, I will ignore mother."

Xue'er turned around and ran away crying, Lu Xiu slapped the table and said angrily: "Come back, don't run!"

Xue'er was so frightened that she stopped and burst into tears.

Zhao Yingluo quickly persuaded: "Sister, it may not be the child who took it, don't scare her."

Lu Xiu knew that in recent years, except for her daughter who stole her own jade to play, no one dared to take it.

At this time, Zhao Qiaoyun pulled her daughter Binger over and asked in a low voice, "Did sister not take it?"

Binger shook her head, "No! Xueer will definitely tell me if she takes it."

Lu Xiu suddenly recalled that the red sandalwood box was so big and heavy that her daughter might not be able to lift it. If she did, she would only take beads. Now she didn't even have the wooden box. She really wronged her daughter.

She felt distressed for a while, and quickly hugged her daughter to coax her, "It's my mother's fault, Xue'er shouldn't be wronged."

Xue'er lay in her mother's arms and cried even more fiercely, "I didn't take it! I didn't take it!"

"I know! I know! I didn't take Xueer, Xueer is a good boy."

Zhao Yingluo thought for a while and said, "There are not many people who can enter the eldest sister's bedroom, so it should be easier to check."

At this time, Chunxi whispered: "Before I saw Amei come out of the wife's room, holding something in her hand, I don't know what it is?"

Lu Xiu and the Zhao sisters looked at each other, Zhao Qiaoyun got up and said, "I'll go and have a look."

"Don't ask directly!" Lu Xiu reminded.

"I know, I'll go and see her homework yesterday."

Zhao Qiaoyun left, Lu Xiu took a sip of tea and frowned, Yao Mei is not a greedy person, although she also saw Zhuzhu last night, she should know that it is not something she can have.

Not long after, Zhao Qiaoyun came back, holding a red box in her hand, "Sister, is this it?"

"that's it!"

Lu Xiu quickly took the box and opened it. Ye Mingzhu inside was safe and sound. She was relieved and asked quickly, "Found it in her room?"

Zhao Qiaoyun nodded, "I found it at the head of her bed and covered it with a quilt. She is not here, so I went to clean up the study for the officials."

Lu Xiu's face darkened, and a glint of anger flashed in her eyes. She was lucky to have given her a special favor and put her in the position. She actually did such a thing. I really didn't see that she was so scheming. She pretended not to want gold jewelry, like Ye Mingzhu. But she stared at the treasure.

"Sister, do you want to call her?"

Lu Xiu thought that she was already her husband's woman last night, she shook her head and said, "We'll talk about it when the officials come back, and let the officials deal with her."

Lu Xiu thought for a while and then ordered: "Chunxi, go and find Mrs. Wen and ask her to bring some healthy women over."

When Chunxi turned around, there was a glint of joy in her eyes, and she turned and ran away.

A quarter of an hour later, Mrs. Wen invited Yao Mei back to her room with a few healthy women, locked her room door, and imprisoned her in her own room. She was punished, and she was really terrified in her heart.

Soon, the news that Yao Mei was imprisoned by his wife spread throughout the whole house, there were those who gloated about her misfortune and those who sympathized with her.

Zhao Yingluo was worried about her youngest son, so she quickly returned to her yard. The personal maid Qiu Yue came in with tea. She put down the teacup and hesitated for a while.

Zhao Yingluo glanced at her and asked with a smile, "What do you want to tell me?"

Qiu Yue stammered: "Ma'am, Amei became the princess's night watchman last night, is it true that the princess is going to promote her?"

"What do you ask for this?"

Zhao Yingluo asked with a smile, "Don't tell me you also want to be the night watchman, don't you have a marriage contract with your cousin?"

"That's not what I mean. There are rumors outside that Amei was caught stealing from the princess, but I don't think Amei would steal from the princess. She is not this kind of person."

Because Qiuyue has a marriage contract with her cousin at home, she has no intention of wrongdoing, so she has the best relationship with Yao Mei. She wants to defend Yao Mei, but she dare not speak nonsense.

Zhao Yingluo shook her head, "I found everything in her room, what else is impossible, the prince will deal with this matter, don't worry about it!"

"Yes! Qiu Yue resigns."

Qiu Yue saluted and stepped back slowly. When she reached the door, she mustered up her courage and said, "What if someone framed Ah Mei?"

"What did you say?" Zhao Yingluo was taken aback.

"Madam, don't you know that there are people who hate Amei deeply? Especially when Amei entered the owner's pool when she took a bath on New Year's Eve, and she was a night watchman last night, how many people hate her, I told Madam before."

Zhao Yingluo was stunned, and Qiu Yue bowed and retreated.

Zhao Yingluo pondered for a moment, then got up and walked towards the princess courtyard.

"how is this possible?"

Lu Xiu shook her head, "Whoever the official wants to accept into the house, he must first take his fancy, and then I will come to investigate. It's not that I can just stuff a woman and the official will accept it. It's obvious that when Yao Mei comes, everyone knows that the official will like it." If she is gone, who will compete with her?"

"Sister, it's really possible. Qiuyue has a marriage contract at home, so she doesn't have this heart. She told me a lot of things, and the other first-class maids all joined forces to exclude Amei. No one paid attention to her. Looking at their faces, they gathered together all day long, cursing Amei behind their backs, Qiuyue saw that they cut out a villain out of paper and poked it with a needle, probably it was Amei's name, you don't know about these things!"

Lu Xiu was surprised, "I never knew, why didn't you tell me?"

"This kind of thing is normal in the palace. It happens every day. I've seen it for a long time. I thought you knew it."

Lu Xiu couldn't sit still anymore, if Ah Mei was really framed, she would have nothing to say when her husband came back!She also realized that she was a bit reckless and shouldn't lock Amei up.

At this time, Zhao Yingluo reminded her: "Sister, I just remembered that someone who enters your room to get something can actually see it."

"Ah!" Lu Xiu woke up like a dream, and there was a female bodyguard hidden on her roof!I forgot about them.

She quickly took her gold medal and handed it to Zhao Yingluo, "Go and bring Amei to me, I'll talk to her first."

There are a few healthy women guarding outside Yao Mei's room. They only obey the order of the princess, and other wives don't buy it, so only the princess' gold medal can be accepted.

Not long after, Zhao Yingluo took Yao Mei to the princess's room and closed the door to prevent others from entering.

Seeing the concubine, Yao Mei knelt down, wiped her tears and said: "This servant is guilty of failing to live up to the love of my wife, this servant is sorry for my wife!"

Lu Xiu was stunned, and asked for a while, "You admit your guilt?"

"Yes! The servant is guilty, she shouldn't have seduced the prince last night."


Lu Xiu was angry and funny and said: "I was helping you last night. Don't you know that the prince will toss people in the middle of the night? He is too energetic, so I let you go. How many times did he do it with you last night?"

"Three times!" Yao Mei whispered with her blushing face.

Lu Xiu asked with a smile: "Is it not convenient for you to walk?"

"It's all right now."

"Okay! The reason why I asked Mrs. Wen to lock you in the room is because someone took my Ye Mingzhu and found it in your room later."


Yao Mei turned pale with fright, and quickly said: "It's not me! I didn't take Madam's beads, I promise I didn't take them!"

Lu Xiu nodded, "I thought it was Xue'er who took it, and I yelled at her, but it turned out that it wasn't her, who wronged my daughter, so I was very irritable, you understand my mood!"

"I understand!"

Yao Mei's eyes turned red, she bit her lip and said, "I won't blame the princess, but who put the beads in my room? Framed me!"

At this time, Zhao Yingluo walked in with the female guard on duty, "You tell the princess!"

The female guard whispered something in Lu Xiu's ear, and Lu Xiu immediately became gloomy.

The two stepped back, Lu Xiu stood up, and saluted Yao Mei, "I wronged you, and I apologize to you!"

Yao Mei was so frightened that she quickly knelt down, "Ma'am, this servant can't take care of me."

Lu Xiu helped her up and said, "From today onwards, you are my younger sister, and your name is Amei. Don't call yourself a servant anymore."

Yao Mei was so moved that she wanted to cry, she lowered her head and said, "Amei remembered."

At this time, Xueer showed her small head from the door and whispered, "Sister Amei, I've been looking for you everywhere."

Lu Xiu smiled and said, "Go! I'll change the name slowly later, take them to feed the deer, and then call Aunt Wen."

Yao Mei suddenly hugged Lu Xiu tightly, turned around and left, Lu Xiu sat down slowly, shook her head for a while, and said with a smile to herself: "No wonder Madam is attracted to her, even me."

At this time, Mrs. Wen, the housekeeper, said at the door: "Madam, are you looking for me?"

Lu Xiu's pretty face turned cold, and she gritted her teeth and said, "Go and open the door of the Xuntang, I'm going to start a family law today!"

(End of this chapter)

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