
Chapter 1280 Appease

Chapter 1280 Appease
In the afternoon, the banquet for the officials was still held, Chen Qing was a little overwhelmed with alcohol, so he left the banquet and went home.

The carriage gradually approached the gate of the mansion, but unexpectedly saw a few bullock carts parked in front of the side gate, each of which was full of luggage, which made Chen Qing slightly different. At this time, a few young women came out of the mansion crying, holding Carrying baggage.

The person at the front, Chen Qing, knew that it was the concubine's personal maid, Chun Xi, and the others in the back were also personal maids, all carrying their bags and wiping away tears as they walked.

Chen Qing was a little surprised. At this moment, Manager Tian saw Chen Qing's carriage and ran over quickly.

"My lord is back!"

The carriage stopped, and Chen Qing pointed to the bullock cart next to the side door at the back and asked, "What's going on over there?"

Steward Tian sighed and said: "They committed a crime, the concubine opened an interrogation hall and ordered them to be sent home, and the contract was terminated in advance."

This made Chen Qing even more surprised. The interrogation hall in their mansion was also the interrogation hall. It had never been activated, but it was activated today. This was the first time!

"What did they do?"

"The villain is not too clear, it may be related to Miss Yao Mei, the prince should ask the princess!"

'Is it related to Yao Mei? '

Chen Qing was secretly taken aback, since his wife had already ordered the expulsion, of course he would not stop it casually, this bit of face should be given to his wife.

Chen Qing went into the mansion full of doubts, and happened to meet his second wife Zhao Qiaoyun in the middle hall, followed by Zhao Qiaoyun's other maid, Xiao Wu, and her personal maid Xia Huan seemed to have been kicked out of the mansion just now.

Seeing her husband come back, Zhao Qiaoyun hurried forward to salute. Chen Qing saw that she and the maid were both holding the letter, and took it with a smile, "Is there any letter during the New Year?"

During the holidays, some urgent notices were sent directly to the mansion, and Zhao Qiaoyun sorted them into key points for Chen Qing, and then handed them over to Chen Qing for approval. Normally, Zhao Qiaoyun didn't care about them, and Chao Qing and Wei Ji were responsible for sorting them out.

Zhao Qiaoyun smiled and said, "Not many, just a dozen."

The two got into the carriage, and the maid Xiaowu sat in front. Chen Qing asked, "What's the matter with Xia Huan?"

Zhao Qiaoyun's face was gloomy, and she sighed: "Don't mention it, she let me down too much."

"Tell me about it!"

Zhao Qiaoyun briefly described what happened today, and finally said: "The two of them are guarding, and the other is stealing and planting. They think they are invisible, but they don't know that the female guard hiding on the roof can see clearly. It really pissed off Ms.

"But those who were driven out of the mansion, I saw that there seemed to be five people, not just the two of them!"

Zhao Qiaoyun shook her head and said: "If it's just framed, with the tolerance of the eldest sister, it won't be so heartless. The key is that the five of them formed a small gang, cut five villains, wrote Yao Mei's name on them, and posted them on five Then, according to the body parts of gold, wood, water, fire and earth, they were pricked with needles and hidden in the box. As a result, the princess searched all five villains."

Chen Qing was furious immediately, "How could they be so vicious?"

"I'm jealous! Eldest sister is very kind to Amei, let her read and practice calligraphy with Xueer and Binger, and play with them. Other maids don't have this kind of treatment, especially the annual reward on New Year's Eve. The princess gave Amei a hundred guan The money is five times more than Chunxi and the others, and this incident became the reason for their frame-up, the five of them discussed together, and then Chunxi came up with a solution."

"Don't they know there are guards watching over their heads?"

"Of course they knew. It was just a mistake. Amei left the eldest sister's dormitory in the middle of the night and never went back. The female guard said that the only person who entered the dormitory was Chunxi."

Chen Qing immediately understood that it was really a mistake. If Wang Hao hadn't asked for an interview last night, he would not have gone to the study, and Yao Mei would not have come to the study to serve him in the middle of the night, and left the princess' bedroom early. Wrong, a few of them didn't expect it.

In the study, Lu Xiu told her husband the results of her interrogation in detail today. Chen Qing only heard Zhao Qiaoyun give a rough summary in the carriage, and now he knows many details.

The little paper figurines were not cut, but ghost amulets bought from Taoist Master Qingyun, a female Taoist priest of Shuiyue Temple, for five pennies each, and the priestess ran away within a month.

The little paper figurine not only has Yao Mei's name, but also her date of birth, cursing her to go to the [-]th hell and never turning over, it is very vicious.

On the first day Yao Mei came to the mansion, five maids formed a gang with a name that made people laugh and cry. The concubine party, Chunxi pretended to be friends with Yao Mei, looking for something to do with her, but couldn't find it, so she started to use witchcraft. On the second day after the operation, Yao Mei fell ill. They thought it was effective, and they continued to buy talismans. They bought [-] times, a total of [-] talismans.

Lu Xiu sighed: "If it wasn't for the theft incident, I would have been kept in the dark, thinking that the relationship between the family is harmonious and peaceful, and the result... the result is shocking."

"How will the lady deal with them?" Chen Qing asked.

"I saved face for them and didn't beat them with a cane. Then I paid them all their wages according to the remaining years of their respective contracts. For example, Chunxi expires at the end of the year, and there are still twelve months left. She earns five guan a month. I just gave her sixty pennies, and the others did the same. After the employment contract ended, I sent them home, and I believe their family members can't find anything wrong."

"It's a good job, it's really benevolent."

Chen Qing was very appreciative, he pondered for a moment and asked again: "A-Lian is not involved in this matter, is it?"

What Chen Qing was most worried about was that this matter involved Yu Lian. Yu Lian gave him pillow talk more than once, belittled Yao Mei, said that she was too young, ignorant, and couldn't serve men. Chen Qing only thought she was jealous , and didn't take it to heart.

When he heard about witchcraft today, he immediately thought of Yu Lian, don't do stupid things and get involved in it.

Lu Xiu shook her head and said, "A-Lian's personal maid, Dong Xin, is also one of the five, but A-Lian did not participate in it, A-Lian just complained a lot, you let her do witchcraft, she is not so vicious, the key is that A-Lian Mei didn't threaten her status, and she is Liangyuan, the fifth rank, she is jealous with a maid, isn't it shameful?"

"Where's Nine Treasures? Is she among the five?" Chen Qing asked again.

Jiu Bao is the great-granddaughter of Zhou Tong. After Zhou Tong became a monk in Guancen Mountain, the only thing he could not let go of was his great-granddaughter. This is the only surviving descendant of Zhou Tong. Qing then asked Yu Ying to take her in as a personal maid, and when she grew up, she would marry her favorite bodyguard, which relieved Zhou Tong of any worries.

"Nine Treasures not. Among the five of our personal maids, only she and Qiu Yue did not participate. I think Ah Ying is better educated. Ah Ying is generous and kind. Her maids are all good, and they don't fight for anything."

Chen Qing nodded and smiled, "Call Amei here! I'll comfort her."

Lu Xiu rolled her husband's eyes and said, "It's broad daylight, don't use your way to comfort her!"

Chen Qing was a little embarrassed, and quickly explained: "I will go to Qujiang to inspect in the afternoon, and I will come back at noon to drink a cup of tea and take a rest."

Lu Xiu snorted, "I believe you are the one to blame!"

She got up and left, not long after, Yao Meihong rushed into the room with eyesight, threw herself into Chen Qing's arms and began to cry.

She only found out today that someone cursed herself with a little paper doll. She was so angry that she trembled all over, feeling extremely wronged.

Chen Qing comforted her for a while, although he really wanted to comfort her in his own way, but his wife had already told her off, so he was a little embarrassed to do so.

After being gentle for a while, Yao Mei stood up and said, "I'll make tea for the prince!"

She walked two steps, then turned her head and gave Chen Qing a white look, her eyes were full of charm, Chen Qing couldn't hold back the fire in his chest anymore, and dragged her into the back room.
【Two updates today】

(End of this chapter)

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