
Chapter 1281

Chapter 1281
In the afternoon, Chen Qing came to Qujiang Bieyuan. Qujiang Bieyuan was also a temporary palace, but most of it was burned down by the Jin soldiers. It was only restored three years ago. It covers an area of ​​[-] mu. However, Chen Qing did not consider living in another courtyard, and has been locked up empty for three years.

It wasn't until last night, when the first emperor Zhao Huan died suddenly after taking the elixir, that Chen Qing transferred them to the other courtyard in Qujiang overnight, and sent [-] internal guards and [-] female guards to protect them. Of course, they were also monitoring.

At present, there are several wives and concubines of Zhao Huan living in the Qujiang Bieyuan, as well as his son, the former prince Zhao Chen's family, one wife, two concubines and three young children.

Chen Qingxian came to the back garden and burned three sticks of incense in front of a newly erected tomb. He turned his head and said to Jiang Yanxian who was accompanying him, "The cemetery is a bit shabby. It should be repaired, paved with stone slabs and surrounded by a fence, and plant some pine trees around it." , the tombstone will temporarily use a stele without words."

Jiang Yanxian nodded again and again, "The humble job will be arranged tomorrow!"

Chen Qing said to Zhao Chen next to him: "This is just a temporary move. In the future, the tomb of the late emperor will be moved to the Bianliang Royal Cemetery, and we will have a rich burial there!"

Zhao Chen is already [-] years old. He has lived in the extremely cold Wuguo City for more than ten years. He has injured his body. It is the former prince, but in fact it is just a tool of King Yong. After so many years of setbacks, he no longer has any thoughts of injustice. His only hope is that he can live the rest of his life safely and that his children can grow up safely.

He lowered his head and said, "Everything is arranged by His Highness!"

Chen Qing nodded, looked at the surrounding environment, and said with a smile: "It covers an area of ​​[-] acres, and the area is large enough, so you can live here with peace of mind. All the expenses will be borne by the Internal Affairs Hall. According to the allocation of a hundred people, to be honest, there are more servants and maids than mine. There are only more than [-] people in my family. Personal wealth, in short, I will not wrong you and my family."

Zhao Chen hesitated, but still mustered up the courage to ask: "Your Highness, I still don't quite understand, this is different from before."

"Before, it was because your father was here, and I couldn't arrange it, so I could only temporarily let you live in the Taoist temple. After living for so many years, although he passed away unfortunately, it was a relief for you. From today on, you and All Jingzhao people live a normal life, have their own houses, maids and servants, and own property. You have special status, so you still have a monthly salary. In autumn, you can take your family to the manor to relax Live for a few days."

"What does your Highness mean, we can still go out?"

Chen Qing glanced at him, and said calmly: "His Royal Highness, let's open the window and speak honestly! You and I have special identities, and I am also restricted. If you want to go to Wazili, you need the approval of the Internal Affairs Hall. Those of my personal soldiers, nominally protecting my safety, are actually watching me and not allowing me to run around. I have been assassinated six times in these years, and I almost died in Yuchi County, Kaifeng Prefecture. Do you understand? ?”


Chen Qing didn't correct him when he heard that he called himself a lowly post, but continued to laugh and said, "It's the same with you. The emperor Zhao Gou wanted to put your father and son to death in his dreams. I must ensure the safety of you and your family. Of course, it is impossible to go to teahouses and shop in tiles like ordinary people, but I will not imprison you like a prisoner. If you and your family want to go out for a walk and relax, it is absolutely fine. , Tell General Wu, General Wu will report to the higher authorities, and the inner guard will arrange your driving route. Your family is sitting in the carriage, just like me, and you cannot get out of the carriage. Let’s make a rule! Go out every two months, and then fall You can go to the manor to live for a few days, but not more than ten days, is that okay?"

"Humble job has no objection!"

"Well, it's settled like this. I will send the money. The manor is also in your name. It's all your personal property and can be left to your children and grandchildren."

Zhao Chen was moved, and quickly bowed and said, "Thank you, Your Highness, for your kindness!"

Chen Qing smiled and said: "Your family can live in peace of mind. Don't always think about how I will use you. Frankly speaking, I don't need to use you at all to save your father and son from Jin Kingdom. I have gained world fame, so you can live a normal life, let your children study, take care of your body, practice calligraphy, and find something to do."

Chen Qing is here to comfort Zhao Chen, speaking very sincerely, Jiang Yanxian next to him felt emotional, His Highness has also become black-bellied, and he was still telling himself years ago that the crown prince Zhao Chen is his secret weapon, and it can play a big role at critical times , and now he said it nicely to Zhao Chen, if it was really useless, they wouldn't have left their family in Jingzhao.

Looking at Zhao Chen's obedient look, Jiang Yanxian sighed in his heart, "There is really no hope for Da Song."

Coming out of the other courtyard, Chen Qing and Jiang Yan took the carriage back to the palace, Jiang Yan couldn't help asking: "How does Your Highness plan to deal with them in the end?"

Chen Qing pondered for a moment, then said with a faint smile: "You know how to hide a grain of sand so that people don't pay attention to it. What's the best way?"

"Humble job would like to hear about it!"

"The best way to hide a grain of sand is to throw it on the beach, and it will disappear completely. Zhao Chen and his son are the sand. If you kill them, they will be remembered by history instead, just like the Southern Tang Dynasty. Li Yu, the queen master, if Taizong didn't kill it and left him in a certain county to be an ordinary citizen, he would live and die in obscurity, and there would be no records in history.

They are the same, living in a remote, unknown small county, disappearing in the sea of ​​people, disappearing in mediocrity, and there is no record in history. "

Jiang Yan nodded first, "Your Highness sees it thoroughly!"

In the blink of an eye, it was February. In early spring and February, there was a bit of warmth in the city of Taiyuan. At noon, a caravan composed of [-] camels slowly lined up from outside the east city. The leader of the businessman was a Han. Now Camels have also become the mainstream of folk caravans in the north, gradually replacing mules. They carry a lot of weight, are not easy to get sick, are easy to feed, can eat leaves and hay, and are low in cost. They have become popular among merchants.

Xiazhou and Lingzhou have become the largest camel producing areas. Private camel farms can sell thousands of camels every year, and most of them are bought by businessmen.

It is also for this reason that more and more scenes of Han businessmen leading camel teams are seen on the streets of Jingzhao, but this camel was blocked by soldiers, "Camel teams are not allowed to enter the city!"

The leading businessman said in surprise: "We went to the city last year!"

"The new regulations starting from this year, camels entering the city are dirty and smelly, and the roads are too congested. Even army camels are not allowed to enter the city. Find an inn outside the city to stay!"

"But I have to go to the city to unload the goods!"

"You can hire a bullock cart to pull the goods into the city without affecting your sales."

The businessman took out two pieces of money and handed it to the escort, "Help us in!"

The escort shrank their hands back as if they were being burned, and hurriedly took a few steps back, angrily said: "You want to kill me! This is the order of King Yong, turn around quickly, and you are not allowed to enter the city!"

The escort team is not stupid, three hundred camels appeared on the street, so eye-catching, they will be strictly investigated immediately, he can't afford to go around, especially if he has collected money, once it is found out, he will be dismissed from the army, not to mention five The [-] mu of land accumulated over the years has also come to naught. It is really a big loss to lose the [-] mu of land accumulated for just two pennies.

The camel team consisted of [-] people. They lived in a big inn outside the city. They moved all the goods into the room. The leader of the businessman was called Pi Xiangyang. The leader of the intelligence point in Taiyuan was specially ordered to come to Jingzhao to buy medicinal materials this time.

Just a month ago, one of Pi Xiangyang's subordinates got a piece of important information in Taiyuan, the Western Army's wound medicine formula.

There are two types of wound medicine used by the Western Army, one is called Jinchuang Hemostatic Ointment, and the other is called Feilong Baoming Pill.

These two wound medicines were originally secrets of the Western Army, but they were inadvertently leaked by a military doctor when he was treating the common people. Many medicine shops in Jingzhao have prepared them. Chang's intelligence spies in Taiyuan found out and immediately sent this important information to Daming Mansion.

Wan Yanchang found a treasure, and after the experiment, he found that it was really effective. It was more effective than their current military medicine in both hemostasis and life preservation. Wan Yanchang immediately ordered a copy.

But they don't have enough medicinal materials, especially the three most important medicinal materials. One is Panax notoginseng, which is the main ingredient of Jinchuang Hemostatic Ointment, and the other is Radix Isatidis and Phellodendron Phellodendri, which are important ingredients of Feilong Baoming Pill. .

Wan Yanchang knew that war was likely to break out this year, so he immediately sent Pi Xiangyang to come to Jingzhao to make purchases, pretending to be a businessman.

Why come to Jingzhao to purchase, because the world's largest medicinal material trading market is in Jingzhao.

Pi Xiangyang said to everyone: "Our task this time is very simple, that is to purchase medicinal materials. The goods and silver we carry total [-] taels, which can be converted into [-] guan. eye on.

So we in Jingzhao are mainly looking for sources of goods, and then we go to the place of origin to purchase in large quantities. Remember, Sanqi, Banlangen and Cortex Phellodendri, especially Panax notoginseng, I will distribute the money to everyone, and then we will separately go to the drug market to inquire. I heard that there are hundreds of shops there, everyone should ask more, and report to me in time if there is any situation. "

(End of this chapter)

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