
Chapter 1282 Prohibited Drugs

Chapter 1282 Prohibited Drugs
Jingzhao Medicinal Materials Market is located in the west of the city and has existed for more than [-] years, but it has always been a small regional market, only supplying medicinal materials from the Jingzhao Prefecture area.

But after Zhao Kai was in charge of the Finance and Taxation Transshipment Department, he copied his best experience in the market in the medicinal material market. First, he expanded the venue and persuaded Chen Qing to turn the next-door Xidaying into a medicinal material market, so that Jingzhao medicinal materials The market suddenly expanded more than ten times, and he put all the official and military procurement of medicinal materials in this market, and the huge purchase volume immediately attracted medicinal material vendors from all over the world.

In just three years, the Jingzhao Medicinal Material Market, which covers an area of ​​more than [-] mu, has gathered large medicinal material dealers from all over the world, opened more than [-] stores, and become the largest medicinal material market in the world.

Pi Xiangyang and his subordinates pretended to be medicine merchants this time. They hired more than a dozen bullock carts to transport various medicines to the tax office for tax payment, and then transported them to the medicine market. Sold.

Pi Xiangyang didn't care about how much money he made, what he wanted was the identity of a medicine supplier, and then he wanted to buy the medicine he needed from the buyer.

The buyer's surname is Wu, and he is also a well-known medicinal material dealer. He thought for a moment that he had earned at least two thousand guan from Pi Xiangyang's shipment. For the sake of the two thousand guan, he also told Pi Xiangyang .

"Isatidis and Huangbai are not a big problem. I can adjust the goods for you. You can have as much as you want? But Panax notoginseng is a bit troublesome."

Pi Xiangyang was startled, Sanqi was the most important thing in their trip, and he was determined to win, so he quickly asked: "What trouble will it be?"

"Notoginseng is a military medicinal material, which has been strictly controlled. You can buy one or two loads without any problem, but now you want a thousand loads. Don't say I don't have that many goods in my hand. Even if I have them, I dare not sell them. Heads off."

Pi Xiangyang sighed and said, "Money is not a problem, please Master Wu think of a way!"

Wu Dongzhu's eyes rolled quickly, and he found that this was a good opportunity to make a lot of money. The government stipulated that private pharmacies should not buy more than ten loads of panax notoginseng at one time, but he could use his contacts to collect, and he could get it together in a few days.

He also knows why the other party wants this kind of military banned drug, but this is a profit of tens of thousands of pennies, and he has long forgotten his national integrity.

"Actually, the key is money. If the leather owner can buy it at three times the price, I can find a way for you."

Sun-dried Panax notoginseng is very expensive. The current market price is [-] Wen a catty, [-] Guan a load, and a thousand loads will cost [-] Guan. If the price is tripled, it will be [-] Guan. Six thousand taels of silver, even if Pi Xiangyang bought it officially, it would be too much.

He pondered for a moment and said, "Can it be a little cheaper, how about twice the price?"

Dongzhu Wu saw that the other party was eager to buy, and also understood that the other party could afford it. Since he wanted to buy and could afford it, why did he give in?

Dongzhu Wu shook his head, "This is me helping you at the risk of killing my whole family. In fact, I bought it from others at a high price. I can't make a penny at twice the price. Everyone wants to make money, right? The proprietor can also sell it for five times the price! It is a magic medicine to stop bleeding and save lives, who cares about such a small amount of money?"

"All right!"

Pi Xiangyang made up his mind, and he said to Wu Dong: "I don't bring much money, you have to sell Banlangen and Huangbai to me cheaply, and keep it absolutely secret!"

Dongzhu Wu narrowed his eyes with a smile, "I won't make money selling Banlangen and Phellodendron to you. As for the secrecy, don't worry, we are now grasshoppers on the same rope. If you are found out, I won't survive, so don't worry, I will be absolutely careful to keep it a secret."

Pi Xiangyang negotiated the price with Dongzhu Wu, and the medicinal materials he brought were deducted from the Radix Isatidis and Cortex Phellodendri, so there was no need to pay any more, but he still had to pay [-] taels of silver for Sanqi. According to the usual practice, Pi Xiangyang Mr. He paid [-] taels of silver as a deposit, and the rest of the silver was handed over and delivered. The two parties agreed to deliver the goods at the Weihe Wharf at noon three days later.

Pi Xiangyang paid in cash, and the five thousand taels of silver weighed more than three hundred catties. Pi Xiangyang's subordinates brought three large boxes, each of which weighed more than one hundred catties. Pi Xiangyang took his receipt and left immediately.

Looking at the three big boxes in the store, shopkeeper Wu was a little worried. How could he move such a big box?The two fellas happened to be out too.

At this moment, a tall and strong young man walked into the store with a cynical expression on his face. He knocked on the counter and said, "Uncle, give me two money for fun!"

The young man is Zhou Mi, the nephew of Dongzhu Wu. He is tall and strong.

But now he came at the right time, Dongzhu Wu quickly waved his hand and said: "You came at the right time, I want to transport these three boxes to the cabinet shop, you help me, and I will give you a few hundred coins later."


Zhou Mi happily said: "I'll call a taxi!"

He ran out, and after a while, he called a bullock cart and carried the boxes onto the bullock cart with all his strength. Although he was idle, he had a lot of strength, and he loaded three large boxes onto the bullock cart one after another.

At this time, a clerk came back, and Zhou Mi asked the clerk to look after the store. He took his nephew to the cabinet shop, and he needed the nephew to move the box down later.

"Uncle, these are all silver!"

From the gap, Zhou Mi saw the white silver, his eyes were straightened, how much silver does this have?The three big boxes are at least five or six thousand taels!

Dongzhu Wu snorted, and taught his nephew a lesson: "You look so strong, but you don't do business all day long. Let you work with your uncle for a few years. Once you have mastered the skills, you can also open a store and sell medicinal materials yourself. It is not easy to make thousands of dollars a year. You earn money, but you just do nothing, and you are twenty-five or six years old and want my eldest sister to support you, aren't you embarrassed?"

Zhou Mi was completely seduced by the white money, he salivated and said: "Uncle, it is better to hit the sun than to choose a day, I will do it with you today! As long as there is money to make, I promise to be obedient, and I also want to make money to let my mother live." Good day!"

Zhou Mi is very good at talking, but Dongzhu Wu is tempted. It just so happens that this business is not easy for outsiders to participate in. His nephew is strong and strong, and he will carry the goods for himself. He changed his mind and did things with himself.

"It's fine. I have a big deal these two days. You can be my helper. It's a test for you. After it's done, I'll give you twenty taels of silver."

Zhou Mi was so happy that he was about to jump up, twenty taels of silver!One hundred and twenty pennies can be exchanged in the black market. I have never gotten so much money when I grow up.

With twenty taels of silver as a base, Zhou Mi worked extraordinarily hard, moving three large boxes of silver into the cabinet workshop by himself.

In the afternoon, Dongzhu Wu took his nephew Zhou Mi to run a business, found the first drug dealer with a good relationship, bought [-] loads of notoginseng at a price [-]% higher than the market price, and asked Zhou Mi to arrange a carriage and send it to his warehouse at the Weihe Wharf .

"Boy, listen, when you go out of the city, if a soldier asks you what kind of medicine it is, you tell him it's Gastrodia elata, and then show him the manifest."

"Uncle, is it true that the tax on Panax notoginseng is relatively high, so you should pay the tax on a cheaper drug?"

Dongzhu Wu chuckled, "You're really smart, that's why, remember, this is Gastrodia elata, don't open the box, otherwise you will be fined a lot for paying taxes."

"Don't worry! I'm doing things very well."

"Fuck you, if you were safe, you would have been a father by now!"

Dongzhu Wu cursed, and handed him the key, "The warehouse you have been to is the warehouse where you wrestled last time."

"As far as I remember, the roof was repaired like shit."

"Go away!"

Zhou Mi took the keys and left with a few ox carts. Dongzhu Wu wanted to find another drug dealer, but if he got there late, he couldn't find anyone, so he hurried to another drug store.

Dongzhu Wu is not very worried. Generally, he does not pay taxes when he goes out of the city, and the soldiers will not ask. When he enters the city, the tax officer will intervene to pay the tax. He is just afraid that in case this kid doesn't understand anything, he will take the initiative to say [-] stupidly. It will be bad.

(End of this chapter)

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