
Chapter 1283 Revenge

Chapter 1283 Revenge
On the morning of the day of delivery, Dongzhu Wu got the last one hundred loads of notoginseng. The thousand loads of notoginseng was finally collected. The cost was [-] guan. He sold [-] guan and made a net profit of [-] guan. The biggest deal he did was also the one he made the most money.

It was almost noon, but he didn't see his nephew Zhou Mi coming. He stomped his feet anxiously. This guy must have gone to fool around last night. It's really mud that can't support the wall. Something went wrong at a critical moment.

Helpless, he had to ask two men to find two bullock carts, and he personally escorted three thousand to the pier outside the city.

When they came to the warehouse at the dock, they saw Pi Xiangyang leading a group of his subordinates to greet him with anger on their faces, "Master Wu, the agreed time has long passed."

Dongzhu Wu hurriedly cupped his fists and apologized, "I'm working on the last batch of goods, there's nothing I can do, or I won't be able to get them all together."

Only then did Pi Xiangyang's expression soften, he looked at the goods on the cart, and frowned, "Why is it so small?"

"This is the last batch. The rest are in the warehouse. It's all a thousand dan. It's not easy to deal with!"

Pi Xiangyang ordered his men to unload the goods and send the ox cart away. Dongzhu Wu brought a group of people to the warehouse and said angrily, "The key to the warehouse is with my nephew. I don't know where he died. Please pry open the warehouse door!"

Pi Xiangyang winked at his subordinates, who spat at his subordinates, picked up the big ax and slammed it hard at the lock, "Dang!when!when! After smashing it three times in one breath, the big lock was smashed open, and everyone entered the warehouse.

Pointing to the baskets full of storage, Dongzhu Wu said: "This is [-] baskets, nine hundred dans, plus the [-] tans just now, it's exactly [-] tans, each [-] jins, a total of [-] jins and [-], a total of [-] jins. Eighteen thousand taels of silver, after deducting the five thousand taels you paid me before, you still have to pay me thirteen thousand taels of silver."

Pi Xiangyang led his men to examine the medicine carefully, and it turned out that they were all good Sanqi, dried in the sun, and the weight was correct. Pi Xiangyang was overjoyed, and ordered his men to bring the camels, unloaded thirteen large boxes of silver, and put the lid on the box. Pry it open, and it's full of white silver.

"One thousand taels of silver per box, the proprietor will count it himself, or I will ask my subordinates to help count it!"

The white money dazzled Dongzhu Wu's eyes, he couldn't close his mouth from laughing, and said repeatedly: "No need! No need! I know it, I can see it at a glance."

"Well, I will come back and continue to work with you!"

Pi Xiangyang ordered his men to carry [-] loads of Panax notoginseng onto the camels. They had already returned from the inn, rented more than [-] large carts, loaded them with Banlangen and cork, and the team headed eastward.

Dongzhu Wu roughly counted the money, and then covered the money with an oilcloth. At this time, his nephew Zhou Mi hurried over and said with a smile on his face: "Uncle, I drank a few more glasses last night, I overslept a little, I came late ,I'm sorry!"

Wu Dongzhu's face sank and he said: "Because you came late, the guests all left, this business was ruined, and I lost tens of thousands of taels of silver."

Zhou Mi lowered his head in fright, and said for a while: "Or, you can give me less."

"You still have the nerve to ask for money, who will pay for my loss?"

Zhou Mi immediately jumped up and yelled, "I'll work for you like a mule for the past three days, and I'll be as tired as a dog. Even a dog should give me a bone!"

Dongzhu Wu took out a small ingot of silver, about five taels, and threw it to him, "That's all, get out!"

Zhou Mi picked up the silver, threw away the key, and left resentfully.

It's not that Dongzhu Wu doesn't want to give money to his nephew, it's just that this bastard made a mistake at a critical moment, which made Dongzhu Wu very annoyed, so he wanted to teach this naive nephew a lesson.

It's just that how to transport the [-] taels of silver away, he is a bit overwhelmed, and the lock is also broken, so he has to buy a new lock.

In the morning of the next day, a tall and strong young man came from the Jingzhao Taxation Office. It was Zhou Mi.

He exchanged five taels of silver for thirty pennies in the black market, and after paying off his gambling debts, he had nothing left. All the promises he had made to cronies had to fall through, and he was severely ridiculed.

Zhou Mi couldn't sleep all night, the more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and the more he thought about it, the more ruthless he was. At dawn, he went out to the tax office.Since the uncle is unkind, don't blame the nephew for being unrighteous.

"What's the matter with you?" a tax official asked impatiently.

Zhou Mi hesitated and asked, "I want to ask, is there any reward for reporting tax evasion?"

"If the amount is large, there will be rewards!"

"What if the value of the goods is [-] guan? How many rewards can there be?"

"Ninety thousand guan?" The tax official was taken aback. He looked at Zhou Mi, but he really didn't believe it. Does this guy understand how much [-] guan is?

"What tax evasion?"

"It's a businessman who sells medicine. He obviously sells Panax notoginseng, but the gastrodia elata listed on the bill of sale is not the same tax!"

The tax official smiled and said: "Medicine is a kind of tax, no matter whether it is notoginseng or Gastrodia elata, they all pay the same tax, and it is not the seller who collects the tax, but the county where the buyer is located. Like you said, the merchant who sells the medicine should not have to pay the tax." Taxes, not to mention tax evasion.”

Disappointed, Zhou Mi muttered, "Then why did he lie to me?"

The tax official said again: "Just now you said that selling thirty-seven would cost [-] guan, you were wrong! It should be [-] guan."

"That's right! It's [-] taels. He got a deposit of [-] taels of silver, and I helped him move the silver into the cabinet shop."

The tax official was startled, and asked again: "Then how much Sanqi did he sell?"

"It seems to be a thousand tans, that's right, it's a thousand tans. I moved [-] tans for him, and he moved another [-] tans himself!"

"A thousand loads of thirty-seven?" The tax official's eyes widened.

Zhou Mi nodded, "Is there a problem with a thousand loads of notoginseng?"

A quarter of an hour later, Wang Hao and Zhong Huan rushed to Yongwang's mansion like a gust of wind. The two got off their horses and hurried to Yongwang's official room.

Chao Qing came up to meet him and asked, "Is there something urgent to find King Yong?"

"Please join the army and report to King Yong, there is an emergency!"

"You come with me!"

Chao Qing brought the two of them to the door of the official room, motioned them to wait a moment, he went in to report, after a while, Chao Qing came out and said, "Go in!"

Wang Hao and Zhong Huan walked into the imperial study, Chen Qing was reviewing the document, he put down his pen and asked with a smile, "What's the rush?"

Wang Hao stepped forward to salute and said: "His Royal Highness, someone is secretly smuggling a thousand tons of sanqi!"

"A thousand loads of thirty-seven!"

Chen Qing was so sensitive, he immediately realized, "Is it the Kingdom of Jin?"

"should be!"

"What is the specific situation, tell me in detail."

Wang Hao said to Zhong Huan, "Say it!"

Chong Huan saluted and said: "Today, the internal guard is on duty in a humble position. Just now, a tax official rushed to say that there was a drug dealer who sold a thousand tons of notoginseng privately. It was the drug dealer's nephew who came to report and expose them. It said Tianma on the form, but it was actually Panax notoginseng, his nephew thought it was for tax evasion, the tax officer knew about the ban, and he knew the problem was serious, so he came to the inner guard to report."

Chen Qing frowned, "There will be a thousand loads of notoginseng in the market?"

"A businessman doesn't have one, but if we piece it together, we might be able to figure it out. After all, Jingzhao has the largest market for medicinal materials."

Chen Qing immediately said: "If it is indeed a thousand loads of notoginseng, it will be classified as a Class A case, and the medicinal materials must be recovered, and it must not fall into the hands of Jin Guo people."

"Follow the order!"

The two saluted and hurried away.

(End of this chapter)

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