
Chapter 1286 Explained

Chapter 1286 Explained
Chen Qing said again: "Actually, even if I knew that they were going up the Yellow River by water, I wouldn't set up checkpoints everywhere. This is a system issue. Now that the checkpoints have been cancelled, and the commercial roads have been cleared, they can't be blocked easily. They should be blocked." Solve the problem at the source, for example, they can't purchase Sanqi, or they simply don't know the formula of military medicine. The root cause is that we have a problem at the source, let them know the hemostatic effect of Sanqi, and then purchase it in just three days One thousand loads of thirty-seven, this is the lesson that should be learned."

Chen Qing took a few steps with his hands behind his back and said, "The medicinal material Panax notoginseng is not ginseng, and only Liaodong can grow it. In fact, Hebei can also plant a large number of Panax notoginseng. The key is that our wound medicine formula leaked out, but this year we are likely to have it." Attack Hebei, so the opponent will be in urgent need.

Otherwise, Wanyanchang can be planted in large quantities in Hebei, and there is no need to spend [-] guan to Jingzhao to purchase in large quantities, so this is a special situation, and the other party succeeds. "

"What does His Highness plan to do with those merchants who sell medicinal materials?" Zhong Huan asked again.

Chen Qing said slowly: "I ordered the confiscation of their proceeds from selling Panax notoginseng, and then released them all, including the businessman surnamed Wu."

"Let it go!"

Wang Hao and Zhong Huan looked at each other, Wang Hao said anxiously: "Your Highness, if you let them go, more businessmen will follow suit!"

"If you follow suit, someone must be willing to be taken advantage of!"

Chen Qing smiled slightly: "Panax notoginseng has never been a forbidden product. Last year, I ordered each pharmacy to purchase no more than ten loads of notoginseng at a time. This is not because we are afraid that it will go out, but because our military also needs to use it in large quantities. Now the military The reserves are sufficient, so the pharmacist can gather [-] dan in a short period of time. As for the pharmacist selling [-] tan to the other party, he did not violate the ban. The ban is limited to pharmacies, and the other party is a businessman. Selling medicinal materials to Hebei merchants will kill the whole family."

"But the other party is a businessman disguised as a spy from Hebei"

"This has nothing to do with drug dealers!"

Chen Qing interrupted Wang Hao, "It's impossible for him to know the other party's identity. You are the leaders of the internal guards and have rich experience. Do you think this Hebei businessman will tell the other party with a pat on the chest that we are Jin Guo's intelligence spies. Please take care of us in the future. Would Hebei businessmen say that?"

Wang Hao shook his head, "No!"

"That's right. You are internal guards. It is your experience and expertise to realize that the other party is an intelligence agent of the Kingdom of Jin. But drug dealers don't have this ability. We can't demand too much from drug dealers, but this person with the surname Wu The drug dealer also has a major responsibility. He knew the hemostatic effect of Panax notoginseng, and he could roughly guess the purpose of the other party, but he did not report it to the inner guard in time, but only for profit. The sudden profit from selling Panax notoginseng this time is a punishment for him."

Both Wang Hao and Zhong Huan lowered their heads, and had nothing to say. Chen Qing could feel the dissatisfaction in their hearts, but he didn't want to explain further, so he said to them: "You have captured four men this time, and you can extract more from them. A lot of information, I am very concerned about this Pi Xiangyang, he is a powerful person, he can calmly retreat from under your noses, Wan Yanchang will definitely continue to reuse him, you need to get more information about this Pi Xiangyang, so as not to be defeated by him again !"

"Follow the order!"

The two bowed and retreated.

Chen Qing asked again: "What time is it?"

Chao Qing bowed and said, "Report to Your Highness, it's almost noon."

"Go and inform Counselor Zhou, I'll treat him to tea at noon."

At noon, the business in Qingfeng Teahouse was pretty good. The business was full, but it was very quiet. This was something other teahouses couldn’t do. Let Fengcha appear in the teahouse, and the Fengcha is paired with famous porcelain from the official kiln. Of course, the price is expensive. As long as you can afford it, even if you are a businessman, you can still enjoy Fengcha from the official kiln.

They also invited two highly skilled tea princesses, who can make tea in various ways.

These few fine-tuning effects are very good. In just one month, the ranking of Qingfeng teahouse has dropped from about a dozen to the top five. For customers, it is Lu Jin's courage that made Qingfeng Teahouse famous, and many high-end customers who were lost due to luxury restrictions before came back.

However, the tearooms of senior officials are located in the elegant room at the back, which is separate from the teahouse lobby in front, and they will not enter and exit from the lobby.

Chen Qing ordered two barbecued meat rice, Zhou Mi shook his head and said, "Every time His Highness invites me to drink tea, it is always a barbecued meat rice, can you change it to something else?"

Chen Qing said with a smile: "There is a lot of barbecue in the store. I can eat enough, but I can't eat anything else."

"Can't you ask them to increase the amount? Do you have to let them dictate?"

Chen Qing couldn't help laughing, and said to the maid next to him, "Give him a grilled fish rice with sour plum juice. I still want to add a piece of fish to the grilled meat rice."

"I want to add a roast too!"

Not to be outdone, Zhou Kuan said: "Anyway, he is the one who treats guests, even if it is the best."

The maid covered her mouth and smiled, nodded, "I see, please wait a moment, tea is still the old rule?"

"the same!"

After the maid left, Zhou Kuan curled his lips and said, "There is an official tea kiln here, can't you afford it?"

Chen Qing shook his head, "A pot of tea costs a hundred bucks. I use the official kiln every day, so I don't want to be taken advantage of."

"That's you, I don't have many chances to use official kilns!"

"Don't call yourself poor. I remember at least giving you two sets of Ru kiln tea sets and one set of official kiln tea sets. I understand. Have you kept them all and are reluctant to use them?"

Zhou Kuan blushed, "Of course, if you accidentally drop something so valuable, there's no place to cry."

At this time, their lunch was delivered, and the two began to eat.

After lunch, Cha Ji brought over sencha again. Chen Qing picked up the teacup and said, "I invite you to drink tea today. I mainly want to hear your opinion. I am considering imposing a blockade on Hebei, cutting off trade and personnel exchanges. feasible?"

"Is it because the March [-] incident made you unhappy?" Zhou Kuan asked with a smile.

"The root cause of the Panax notoginseng incident was the leakage of the army's prescription. I also knew at the time that banned drugs were useless, and Wan Yanchang could grow them by himself, so I didn't list it as a banned product. Buying materials, but we buy very little from Hebei, and the Kingdom of Jin casts a large number of coins, but they use them in exchange for our materials."

Zhou Kuan shook his head, "Your Highness also said before that it is a good thing for the other party to use silver for shopping, but now he thinks it is inappropriate. If His Highness wants me to support you, you'd better tell the truth."

Chen Qing waved his hand to let Cha Ji back down, and then said to Zhou Kuan: "The main reason is that I found that the intelligence spies of the other party are getting stronger and stronger. I am really worried that Tie Huolei's secret will be leaked. At this critical moment, I am afraid of accidents." !"

Zhou Kuan thought for a while and said: "Your Highness can suspend trade and personnel exchanges, I have no objection, but I still want to remind His Highness that if the other party really gets the information from Tiehuolei, even if you block all the channels, they can still use Eagle Letter Send it out, so the key is not the circulation, but the root, as you said, the root of Panax notoginseng is the leakage of the military drug formula, I suggest that His Highness sort it out from the beginning to the end to see if there is any leak."

Chen Qing nodded, "You are right, we still need to take precautions from the root."

(End of this chapter)

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