
Chapter 1287 Interrogation

Chapter 1287 Interrogation
At dusk, in an elegant room in Taibai Building, Chong Huan invited his old friend Chao Qing to drink.

"Still worried about the Sanqi case?" Chao Qing asked with a smile.

"Hey! Being toyed with by that Pi Xiangyang, I left a day later than him, and he left calmly."

"What's this!"

Chao Qing drank the wine in his glass and said disapprovingly: "Who will win forever? Even Yang Zaixing was demoted when he attacked Luoyang. Besides, you are not considered a failure. Didn't His Highness blame you all?" ?”

"Your Highness does not blame, but it does not mean that I have not failed."

"Okay! Okay! After drinking this jug of wine, go back and have a good sleep, and you will calm down in a few days."

Chong Huan pondered for a while and said: "Both Wang Dutong and I can't figure it out. Your Highness actually spared that businessman surnamed Wu. He sold [-] loads of Sanqi to the Jurchen military. How much hemostatic medicine can be produced? We all think that we should make an example and warn other businessmen, but His Highness raised it high, but put it down lightly, we can't understand it!"

Chao Qing said indifferently: "That's because you are the inner guards. The inner guards think so, and wish to arrest all the suspicious people in the world. You would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let a hundred go. But His Royal Highness King Yong is a king. His Highness told us However, a country will be strong only if it treats its subjects well, but it cannot be unprincipled tolerance, too much tolerance, the country will be out of order, the balance between the two lies in the law, formulate reasonable laws, treat law-abiding people well of subjects.

It is unreasonable to define Panax notoginseng as a contraband. You are not allowed to sell it casually, and others can grow it by themselves. Instead, because of various restrictions, the interests of the drug farmers are damaged. In the end, the drug farmers will stop growing. What about the needs of the military?Therefore, all kinds of medicinal materials are not contraband.

The businessman surnamed Wu should indeed be scolded and beaten, but he did not violate the law, he did not sell contraband, and he was able to sell goods from [-] yuan per catty to [-] yuan per catty, which is also his ability. At first, he planned to confiscate all his income, but later returned the capital to him.

If according to the inner guard's idea, the businessman surnamed Wu was beheaded in public, then all the medicine merchants would be in danger. If they were killed for selling Panax notoginseng today, would they also be killed for selling honeysuckle tomorrow?Think about it, isn't that reasonable? "

Zhong Huan pondered for a while and said: "In this case, why do we have to chase this batch of medicinal materials back?"

"I don't punish the seller, but it doesn't mean handing over these batches of Panax notoginseng to the Jurchens. In fact, His Highness values ​​this Pi Xiangyang even more, saying that he is very courageous and capable, and he was able to buy it under his nose in Jingzhao. Take a thousand loads of hemostatic medicine, and then calmly escape the pursuit of the inner guards, he is worried that this Pi Xiangyang will reveal the secrets of Tie Huolei next, which will make it hard for us to guard against, and finally leak the secrets, do you understand?"

Zhong Huan nodded silently, "I understand!"

Chao Qing smiled and said, "Let me tell you about Su Ce's situation again! He has done well, and he will be transferred back to Jingzhao Mansion soon to become the county magistrate of Jingzhao County."

"I've also heard that he has indeed done a good job and has a good reputation. I heard that he is going to be transferred away. The people there will not let him go, and tens of thousands of people will keep him. But why is he the county magistrate, isn't he the county magistrate?"

"It's the county magistrate, and the local officials will be restructured soon, starting at the county level."

Chong Huan curiously wanted to ask more questions, but Chao Qing didn't say anything. Zhong Huan also knew that this was a secret, so he didn't ask any more questions.

Early the next morning, Zhong Huan came to the government office and went directly to the temporary prison behind. This is the place where the internal guards temporarily detain and detain prisoners. The interrogation center is also here. If you are caught here, the best way to survive is to be honest. Tell me the truth, otherwise, the various tortures by the internal guards will make people unable to survive or die.

He came to one of the interrogation rooms and said to the sergeant, "Bring the third prisoner captured at Pujin Pass."

They arrested four businessmen at Pujin Pass. They all admitted that they were intelligence spies. Although they confessed Zheng County's secrets, they concealed Pi Xiangyang's whereabouts. Zhong Huan later realized that they had colluded with each other.

After several rounds of torture and interrogation, the tone of the four gradually became different. Numbers [-], [-] and [-] were still more stubborn, but number [-] began to confess. One is three years old and the other is five years old. He is afraid that he will die and the child will have no father.

Zhong Huan seized his weakness, locked him in solitary confinement, and promised not to kill him, gradually broke his bottom line, and began to confess honestly.

Not long after, Prisoner No. [-] was brought up. His name was Wang Jinniu, he was under [-] years old, and he was from Yanshan Mansion. He had a low status in the Jin Kingdom Intelligence Station and could only be regarded as an errand. He was not under much pressure and was willing to confess honestly Of course, although he doesn't know much, he still has his value. If you ask him about the military situation in Hebei, he definitely doesn't know it, but if it's the situation inside the intelligence point, he can also know something.

"Sit down!" Zhong Huan pointed to the opposite chair.

"Thank you General!"

Wang Jinniu hasn't been beaten much, and he can eat enough for the past two days, and looks pretty good.

"I don't want to ask you about medicinal materials today. I want to know about Pi Xiangyang's situation. Tell me how much you know!"

What Chao Qing said last night finally made Chong Huan realize that His Royal Highness King Yong is not concerned about Sanqi, but Pi Xiangyang. With his ability and courage, he is likely to get the secret of Tie Huolei.

"Pi Xiangyang is the second-level intelligence leader. He used to be in Lin'an. He was transferred from Lin'an to Taiyuan three years ago. He is still the head of Taiyuan's intelligence. The villain has always been his subordinate."

"Where is he from, and how is his family?"

"The villain only knows that he is from the Hejian Mansion. His family's situation is a secret. He never tells it, and we are not allowed to inquire about it. But I know that his father died of illness last year, and he has been sad for several days."

"Does he have someone's life in his hands?" Zhong Huan asked again.

"Yes! How could it not be? The villain has seen him kill children more than once. His catchphrase is that he would rather kill a thousand people by mistake than let one go. That's why he is highly appreciated by Wan Yanchang."

Zhong Huan nodded, and asked again: "Is there a woman by his side?"

"There should be. He raised a prostitute in Lin'an, and he killed the prostitute before he left. There should be one in Taiyuan, but I don't know where?"

"Does anyone else know? I mean the other three."

Wang Jinniu thought for a while and said, "Lu Wenda should know that it is the man with the scar on his forehead. He is the third-level commander and our leader. He is Pi Xiangyang's confidant."

"Let me ask you another question, how did you get the formula for the military medicine?"

"This question still has to be asked to Lu Wenda, this matter seems to have something to do with him."

"But this Lu Wenda is very stubborn, how can I make him speak up?"

Wang Jinniu hesitated for a moment and said, "Are you really not going to kill me?"

Zhong Huan said calmly: "Let me tell you this! First of all, you are a Han Chinese; secondly, you have no blood debts for killing innocent people or raping women; thirdly, you are not an important person and have not caused us great losses; fourthly, you are You honestly confess, cooperate with our investigation, and have meritorious deeds at the same time, so you will definitely not be killed, and if you are lucky, you will become my subordinate, and I will send someone to bring your wife and children from Hebei to Hedong."

"Okay! Let me tell you, this Lu Wenda has a weakness. It is said that he was often locked in a goose cage by his father when he was a child, so he is most afraid of being locked up in a very dark and small place."

"Not bad!"

Zhong Huan praised: "You have performed very well, I will recommend you!"

Zhong Huan asked the sergeant to take Wang Jinniu down, and he immediately ordered: "Prepare a thick wooden coffin for me!"

(End of this chapter)

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