
Chapter 1288 Mission

Chapter 1288 Mission
When the thick wooden coffin was just put into the pit, and a thin layer of soil was sprinkled on it, there was a banging sound inside the coffin. Voice.

Zhong Huan waved his hand, and the soldier opened the coffin lid again. Inside the coffin, Lu Mengda's hands and feet were bound, his mouth was gagged, his face was full of tears, his forehead was full of blood, but his eyes were full of endless fear.

In today's terms, Lu Mengda suffers from severe claustrophobia, which is his greatest weakness. No matter how severe the internal guards were torturing him, he could bear it. , Lu Mengda completely collapsed.

This time, there was no need for torture, Lu Mengda answered every question, and explained everything he knew.

After getting the confession, Zhong Huan immediately reported to Wang Hao, and Wang Hao immediately sent someone to watch the Xianquan Teahouse, and he took Zhong Huan to report to Yong Wang Chen Qing.

In the official room, after listening to their report, Chen Qing nodded approvingly, "Very good, you finally got the hang of it, no longer focus on Sanqi, but turned to search for Jin Guo intelligence points, looking for clues about the leaked military medicine formula, That’s the way to get to the root of the problem.”

Wang Hao and Zhong Huan were greatly excited by King Yong's affirmation, and Wang Hao quickly said: "It's just that I feel that there is something strange about it."

"What's weird?"

"Pi Xiangyang clearly knew that this Lu Mengda knew the Jingzhao intelligence point, and he even sent this Lu Mengda to Pujin Pass to transport medicine. Isn't he afraid that the information point will be leaked?"

Chen Qing smiled lightly and said: "This is also understandable. When four people go together, there must always be a leader. Although the information will be leaked, but which is more important, Pi Xiangyang will weigh it. Maybe he thinks that Lu Mengda can pass Pujin smoothly. It is more likely that the important personnel of the intelligence point have been evacuated, and it will not have any impact if the intelligence point is taken away."

Zhong Huan's lips moved, but he didn't speak. Chen Qing saw it and said with a smile: "If Xiao Zhong has any thoughts, just say it."

"Humble job has some ideas, but I haven't had time to report it to Dutong."

Chen Qing said with a smile: "Then communicate now, I didn't blame your family, and he won't think that you exceeded your authority to report."

Wang Hao also smiled wryly: "If you have anything to say, just say it, and report to me now, and you can also report to His Highness together."

"Humble post obeys orders!"

Zhong Huan said: "I have a feeling of humbleness for a long time, but I don't know how to express it. Just now, His Highness's last words reminded me that it will not have any effect if this information point is taken away. I suddenly realized that the other party is not worried about the information point. Firstly, the important intelligence personnel evacuated, and secondly, the other party’s intelligence point changed the way. They no longer bribed officials to seek confidential information, but searched for gold from various public information. For example, this time the military drug formula was leaked, the other party was A secret found in a pharmacy.

This requires the other party's intelligence spies to have very strong capabilities. They know where to find gold. The key person here is Pi Xiangyang. Lu Mengda explained that Jingzhao's intelligence personnel went to the pharmacy to find hemostasis and treat injuries according to his instructions. Good medicine, and thus obtained a military medicine prescription. "

"and then?"

Wang Hao asked: "You haven't got to the point yet, why does the removal of the Xianquan Teahouse have no effect?"

"In the past, all the intelligence spies lived together at the intelligence point, and all the intelligence spies could be taken care of at once by finding the intelligence point, but that is no longer the case. Now each intelligence spies work independently, and the Xianquan Teahouse is just a place for sending and receiving information. The distribution center, even the Xianquan Teahouse itself is a normal teahouse, just tea customers, or the buddies use it to send orders and gather information, so Lu Mengda said that he only knew it was the Xianquan Teahouse, but he didn’t know who to look for, just go to Xianquan Teahouse at noon. If you sit in seat No. [-] in Quan Teahouse, someone will naturally look for him, and you will know it at a glance."

"You know everything just by looking at it?" Chen Qing asked.

"He said not necessarily, as long as it is something to prove their identity, a special mark on the back of the hand, a waist card, a military charm, or even a special dagger, etc., Pi Xiangyang asked every intelligence agent under his hand to have words embroidered on the back of the hand. Words related to rivers, such as river, lake, moor, sea, river, ocean, etc., can be known at a glance. If important information is involved, the identity needs to be further confirmed. They will judge whether the other party is a spy or Pi Xiangyang is in charge of sending and receiving the information, and Lu Mengda is the person sending the mission, sending the mission in Xianquan Teahouse, but the information is collected in other places, and other people are in charge, Lu Mengda doesn't know."

"That's a good idea!"

Chen Qing praised: "We can learn, one-line contact, we don't know each other, we can learn to improve."

Wang Hao thought for a while and said, "Is it possible to use Lu Mengda to capture Jingzhao's intelligence agent and let him pretend to be on a mission?"

Zhong Huan shook his head, "It is estimated that they have already warned, and it will not have any effect."

Chen Qing waved his hand and said, "Jingzhao's intelligence spies are not important, what is important is Pi Xiangyang. If the inner guard finds a way to catch him, other problems will be solved."

Chong Huan bit his lip and said, "The humble official is willing to accept this task, lead people to Taiyuan to investigate the case, and arrest Pi Xiangyang!"

"You think he's in Taiyuan?" Chen Qing asked.

"Since the Western Army is going to attack Hebei, Taiyuan is the top priority for dispatching troops, and he will definitely return to Taiyuan in time."

Chen Qing glanced at Wang Hao, Wang Hao nodded in agreement, Chen Qing said with a smile: "Go! Grab this Pi Xiangyang, and I will give you a promotion no matter if you live or die."

"The humble job will not disappoint His Highness!"

In Daming Mansion, Pi Xiangyang escorted [-] catties of notoginseng, isatid root, cork and other medicinal materials to the official warehouse, and Wan Yanchang came to the official warehouse to pick up the goods in person. This was the most successful operation of Jin Guo's intelligence agencies in recent years.

Not only did he buy a large amount of medicinal materials from under Chen Qing's nose, but he was able to retreat calmly and preserve most of the medicinal materials when he was discovered by the inner guards. This kind of courage and ability made Wan Yanchang greatly appreciate it.

Of course, Wan Yanchang had other ideas. Ever since Yang Jingong, the deputy manager of the Firearms Workshop, was unfortunately buried in a sea of ​​fire while experimenting with firearms, Wanyanchang had completely given up on Tie Huolei.

But Wanyan Wushu fled back to Shangjing, and put most of the responsibility for his failure on the powerful Tiehuolei owned by the Western Army. The Jin Emperor Wanyan Quan also began to be interested in Tiehuolei, and ordered Wanyan Chang To get information in this area, it is best to get real things.

Wan Yanchang was under a lot of pressure these two days, and it happened that Pi Xiangyang transported [-] catties of sanqi back to the Daming Mansion, which gave Wan Yanchang the idea of ​​letting Pi Xiangyang try it.

In the official room, Wan Yanchang explained the importance of Tie Huolei to Pi Xiangyang, explained that this was the request of the emperor, and entrusted this task to him, and promised that if he could get the formula of Tie Huolei and get For Tie Huolei's real object, he will be made the Duke of the state, and rewarded with [-] guan and ten thousand hectares of fertile land.

Pi Xiangyang restrained the excitement in his heart, bowed and said: "The humble job must complete the task assigned by Marshal Du!"

Wan Yanchang took a file bag and handed it to him, "This is all the information we have collected about Tiehuolei, you should study it yourself, and we also have firearms smiths, you can ask them anytime you want, but I hope you Get out as soon as possible!"

"Follow the order!"

(End of this chapter)

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